Things are charging forward in the international community. I however believe, that it is essentially the same players doing the different works of construction and destruction.
I have wrought my head around the late twin fires of the cathedral of Notre Dame at the same time as the mosque on the top of the Temple Mount.
These two things seems intermingled, and somehow represents the potential for a Christian/Muslim conflict.
There is no doubt, that that is what players as the Islamic State really wants, and what everybody else tries to run away from.
So far, the dictum of Democracy against the Islamic State has held quite firm, and has created the workings of peace.
Throw into the mix the victory of Mr. Netanyahu and the promise of annexing the West Bank for Israel, we have a bit of a dangerous situation.
First of all, what we need to remember, is the great ally Israel has in mr. Trump. There has been no greater ally to Israel since, well, never.
This allegation is a thing I truly believe we should appreciate, even though I was against him in the American election, and probably will be in the next.
His needs should be prioritized, so his peace plan should be on the top of the list when it comes to what we need to take into account.
Peace is made through understanding of alliances.
We have worked quite hard to make peace with the Arabs and the Shia.
The peace with the Arabs is still holding, and should not be tampered with. It is vital.
The peace with the Shia is worse, so I do hope that mr. Trump can make his plan come through even though things have gone awry a bit lately.
But this amazing love from the US, should be really credited and held up as a great thing.
This ties into the political space of maneuverability in and around Israel.
My take was to repatriate a great many of the Gazans, since there will be no peace unless these people are unable to dig tunnels, send rockets and death kites in over Israel.
So a repatriation of Gazans could make a lasting peace.
On the other hand, the West Bank Arabs have not been so agressive towards Israel, and to take all their land would be a mistake I believe.
To counter them on a moral basis, we should be clear about our motives, and they should be sound.
Therein lies the balance, and hopefully mr. Netanyahu and mr. Trump can find the right balance.
Any kind of peace treaty is welcomed wholeheartedly by all who love the Middle East.
G-d bless Israel.