
It is a bit difficult to be a rebel in ones own country, and then a middle leaning intellectual in international politics.

It gets a little schizophrenic from time to time.

In Denmark I am waiting for a book by the late spy chief Scharff, who did persecute me, and tortured my little daughter. Perhaps his new book will shed some light on the controversies we have had, but I really doubt it.

Internationally I helping ms. Hillary Clinton, and I am working for peace in the Middle East. That is not exactly a rebel standpoint.

But in a sense, I believe that some of the purity of rebelliousness gets to be a part of the mainstream. That is actually good, because all leaders used to be rebels at a given point. That is, we did start out ,to try and change the world to a better place.

But in practise this arrangement is very difficult.

Ok, stop the whining. I am just trying to explain why I have not been more focused on the American election. It just so happened, that my good friend Uwe got attacked by a museum employee, making a work of art.

This was pretty big in the news, and Uwe have a lot of trouble. So I do, as I always try, supported him in his troubled times.

It may seem like a small thing in politics, but he is my friend, and I should be there for him in his trouble.

But, I WILL stay on course internationally. Barack is right in his point, that we need to win with Hillary to continue our work.

G-d bless the United States of America.

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