Rue Voltaire

11218051_10153049260791741_3058193495285531805_nYou know, I almost cried when i painted this picture. Because, as we speak, and the world turns around, people die, fathers, sisters and brothers mourn, and seen in the perspective of the holy warriors, I may be cool for them to meet their deity. But those who were spilled, did not chose that path themselves, will be missed.

Voltaire is one of my own heroes, and WHY? was is exactly rue Voltaire that should be the focus of the greatest and most devastating attack. Because it is the symbol of freedom and democracy. Let us remember this when we mourn, it is not only people who are attacked, it is our way of life, our values and what we believe in.

So I call my painting Rue Voltaire, in honour of one of my heroes that was attacked, and therefor cry.

May spirit bless the peace we strive for.

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