Well, things come to and end. I suppose my long invested relationship to the Danish political system is momentarily, or perhaps finally coming to an end.
It started as an attempt to fight back the Islamists, it evolved into a backing of the conservative camp. But right now it has ended in a mess that is impossible to get out of, or rather the system will fight to the bitter end to hold me back, or whatever.
Torturing little Jewish girls is a means to an end, but not in my life. I step back, you are hereby commissioned to corrupt the government as much as you want, to infiltrate the media, to sell off the last remaining threads of power of the people. You are hereby commissioned to do whatever you want.
It does not make sense anymore, my role as an international peace broker and ideologist behind the conservative rise, is much more fulfilling than hunting corrupt officials of the stupid Danish state.
But, perhaps there will be a change of minds sometime in the future, I do not know, but now I wish to thank all those who assisted me in the fight for Rakel.
Thank you Israel for standing up for Rakel, there is still a fight for the Jews of Europe, but Rakel is, for the time being, free to roam, without any threats.
Thank Americans for your support, I will continue to support you, as you support me, as brothers in arms.
Thank you all. And some might have supported me, that I do not know about. This is not to diminish your support, but to relay my dearest thanks.
When we win some, we lose some. That is the way of life.
I won the support of my friends, and the Danish system was given a severe blow to its corrupt ways. The entire secret service is under reconstruction, and the officials in the state are all now under very serious scrutiny.
All in all, a good day for the good guys.
G-d bless you my friends, may your life prosper and your path be enlightened.