The enlightentment

I think we are approaching either the demise of mankind, or a new spiritual awakening. It is quite simple; the ability to destroy ourselves has never been greater in the history of mankind. We are able to destroy ourselves numorous times with the weapons we have got. The naivety of the west has put the world in an extremely dangerous situation. Atomic weaponry should never have been allowed to states that are very willing to use them. But yet they are, and this puts the world on path to destruction. The west created the weapons of mass destruction, but someone else might use them for real.

We cannot continue finding the destroyers, there will be a time where a roguestate will fire off an atomic bomb. It could very well happen here in Copenhagen with all the fuss an all the conflicts between the east and the west centered in Denmark.

Man was given a responsability to nature. We say that man was made in the image of God. Why? Because man is the only living entity on earth who is given the gift and the curse of intelligence. With intelligence man can rise above nature, and carry out decisions based on thought. Since, according to the classical egyptians, God is nothing but thought, man is an intermediary between God and nature. We are the daimons, the mix of God and nature. We are the guardians of nature. The sheperds of the flowers and the forest, the dolphins and the ants. Because if we do not take the responsability of the intelligence we are given, we will destroy nature, and ourselves. This was the core of the climate meeting, we have to embrace the responsibilty we carry as daimons. But it is not about the Co2 really, it is about not killing each other.

We have, potentially, the gift of God. The gift that could make a universal society based on truth and responsability to things around us. If we abstain from killing and raping each other, we could, with the development within the realms of natural science create a world of abundance and joy. Nature could serve us, in a good way, but on its own conditions. We should carry the task of natural preservation and care, with all the burden of the will of the intelligence of God.

Now how do we reach this target? First of all, someone has to do something about the danish media. Denmark is the hub of the new spiritual enlightentment of the world. But the danish media is doing all it can to stop it. It even goes to the extent as to try to kill whoever opposes its hegemony, as it has tried with me twice. It is really the greatest problem of the world right now, and anyone who have the slightest responsability to the future of mankind should work out a solution to this problem. The whole world should really focus on the wrath of the danish media, fight it, enlighten it, whenever it tries to kill someone, blow the act out into all corners off the world media. Everbody should know about the hatred and the evil materialistic spirit of the danish media. It was shown amply in the last conflict I and Lars Hedegaard just had with the danish media, most of it tried to kill our message. This will not do if we are to reach a solution to the threat of mankind. Forget about Afghanistan, forget about climate change, forget about the conflict between Iran and Israel. The problem is here in Denmark, the danish media is trying to kill the solution to the problem of mankind, with all its might. Christians, muslims, jews, buddhist, agnostics, communists, anarchists, hindus, zoroastrians, bahai, all that cares for the world and the future of mankind, focus on the danish media, put pressure on it, buy it up, force it to stop trying to kill the philosophers of Denmark. It is a system of extreme corruption, of idiocy and no knowledge. It will do almost anything to try to stop any spiritual awakening, any attempt to stop mankind on its path to destruction.  It is the future of all living things that is at stake, and the first barricade to scale is the danish media.

And remember, we do this to carry the torch of light and truth, that torch that is corrupted and put out by the evil materialistic nature of the danish media.

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:
  1. Rene’ Descartes
    January 14th, 2010 at 20:02 | #1

    The truth, trust me.

    If you “sense” that big changes are coming, you’re right. And consider this: You can physically prepare until you think you are nearly invincible, but you can lose it all in an instant. Social, political, or natural forces could disrupt or wipe out your preparations. Even the most powerful governments can’t withstand the forces of nature or acts of God. We aren’t saying to ignore physical preparedness by any means. But everything can be taken from you, or destroyed, EXCEPT your consciousness, what you have made of yourself within, and what might be called your soul. So THAT should be our first priority when it comes to preparedness.
    Consider this: We will all die someday anyway, disasters or not, and again, spiritual (not religious) preparations will be all that matters then. Furthermore, we’re also not just talking about preparing yourself for some kind of possible “doomsday scenario” – we have our day to day lives to deal with right now. What kind of world do you want to live in now, in the future, or an “afterlife”? If you want to live in a kind, caring, loving, creative world, then you must have made yourself into that kind of person in order to belong in it.
    We aren’t talking about religion; we’re talking about true spirituality. Things like – what kind of person you are – what you think you are – what you are aware of – what your personal “reality” is. True preparedness should cover all possibilities and improve our life even if nothing ever happens. Realizing the “real” you is not just a body, personality, or accumulation of memories and programming, is the first step. Becoming a true spiritual being (who just happens to be inhabiting a physical body right now), is the next step.

    Just follow the Golden Rule of unselfishly loving others, and become an unselfishly loving, fearless, harmless person – that is the purchase price of your ticket to a better world. It’s a “win/win” situation, regardless of what happens in the future, or when your “time is up”. If that all sounds like what you want in life, “The Golden Rule” can help you reach that goal, regardless of your faith, or religious philosophy or lack thereof. It’s a non-denominational guide of simple techniques for using “Pure love” to improve your life, and the world.
    Imagine a world where you and everyone else, “does as you would have done unto you”. Wow. But you can’t change others directly. You can only change yourself, and then “affect” others. So it starts with you. And you can only change yourself. But just by doing that, you’ll find that your whole life will change around you. You can have and be, a truly “good neighbor”, a good friend, and have great relationships with everyone who wants to join you in your quest. You have heard people say, “You must love yourself first, before you can love others”. Well, we have observed many selfish jerks doing that, who do nothing to help anyone but themselves, and they’re still miserable themselves. But if you love others first, you become a good person. If you help others, how can you not feel good about yourself also? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF ALSO when you love others first.
    Isn’t anything that “brings out” the best in us, like compassion and kindness, good? Whether it’s a philosophy, religion, a method, a mother or father, or whatever? If it works for you, and makes you a better person (rather than a self-righteous egotistical and selfish person), we think that’s great. For you, our dear readers, you still have a change to pass the grade, before your body dies (and it will) if you focus on the real issues, because the time is really short. Stop your selfishness and narcissism and truly become kind, loving, caring, compassionate, helpful, selfless and harmless toward all the people around you, but above all, love God, the creator of all, (or whatever the name you use for him) with all your humility and appreciation from the bottom of your hart and soul, now that you know this.
    Forget all the useless religious rituals and traditions, they have long since lost their capability to enlighten and uplift mankind, so just be kind and loving, and be genuine towards everybody. You se, if you haven’t made the grade, when you leave the body you are now using, then you will have a real and very unpleasant problem to deal with, when you do leave your body in the very near future. Humanity will, very soon, experience the “day of reckoning.” Now, at the present time, we are all being helped individually with insight, wisdom and knowledge from the Universal Consciousness and the knowledge are being distributed according to the quality and the level of the Consciousness of the individual. This is also how some of this information came about.
    The teachings the perfect ones gives give us, is always about the future, and what we will have to do to reach this perfection and Enlightenment. About our individual higher Consciousness, those who have a lot now, to them more will be given, and to those who has little now, to them, what little they have, will be taken away. Do you now begin understand? New knowledge and enlightenment will never come to vicious people with petty vices—thieves, bandits, alcoholics, selfish people, greedy and power hungry people, people seeking fame and positions—and those who aren’t willing to change themselves for the better. They will all soon be leaving this planet for a long time to come. The insight and the information you have with whatever Universal Conscious awareness you have, will play the most important role to help you make the right decisions and preparations in the coming earth changes that are expected to slowly begin in the later part of 2009 and 2010. Then, after some years, when it all calms down, a time of perfect unity and cooperation will begin on Earth. It is also important to distinguish the Logos (Universal Consciousness) from the soul named Jesus. Any person in the world has the potential of becoming a Logos (Fully Conscious) but it was the soul known as Jesus who actually incarnated as a Logos and therefore became a Christ on Earth. And all of mankind has the very same potential. As he said “What I do, even greater things you can do” NOW- REALICE IT.
    Plan your life in this world as if you expect to live forever; but plan for the hereafter as if you expect to die tomorrow.

    The following are the sayings of wise men, their teachings and utterances. Each one is for your upliftment, and it will do just that. (Trust me). However think, ponder and wonder on each quote and try to grasp the real meaning of it. Most of the quotes are short and to the point to allow for the short attention span some people have due to the chemical saturation of their bodies and brains.
    If all would realize, that what we are, in any given experience or time….is the combined results of what we have done about the ideals that we have set!
    The soul of each individual is a portion of the whole, with the birthright of creative forces to become co-creator with the Father, a co-labourer with him. As the birth right is manifested, soul growth comes. If it is selfish, retardments are the result.
    Go and put that principle into your daily practice.
    Knowledge without humility and self-sacrifice is harmful.
    Knowledge, not lived, is sin.

    Know that there is only one Spirit, and that you possess a certain measure or part of that. Your free will is given to you so that you can use or abuse that spirit. For the spirit is of the creator, and your primate body is the temple of that spirit manifested in the earth so you can defend or to use it for your own ego, your own self-indulgence, or to your own glory, or unto the glory of him who gave you life and immortality- if you preserve that life, that spirit in HIM.
    Each and every soul being a creation of, and loving co-creator with God, how we treat our fellow man is exactly how we treat God.
    Will is that which makes for the dividing line between the finite and the infinite, the divine and the wholly human, the physical and spiritual. For the will may be made one with HIM, (The universal consciousness) or for the separate self alone. With the Will, then, does man create his future in the activities of the physical experience?
    Think for yourself, love what is good, and flee from evil.
    What then is the purpose or reason for you being here in the physical world? That the individual entity, may know itself to be itself and part of the One, the Whole: not the Whole, but One with the Whole: and thus retaining its individuality, knowing itself to be itself, yet One with the purpose of the First Cause that called the entity into being, into the awareness, into consciousness of itself. That is the purpose that is the cause of being. It is also to bring the awareness of the Universal Consciousness into the minds and hearts of others that too is your purpose in this experience.
    Know you not that it was selfishness that separated the souls from the spirit of life and light?

    Know the first rule, a law that is eternal: The seed sown must one day be reaped. Be mindful of the manner of the seed you sow.
    By fulfilling the law of cause and effect, when you have reaped all that you have sowed, you have then established the law of Grace in your life, and not before.
    Remember, evaluate every phase of every experience and always stress the beautiful in it and minimize the faults. This is the lesson you should learn: there is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it doesn’t behove any of us to speak evil of the rest. This is a universal law, and until one begins to live by this, one may not go very far in spiritual or soul development.
    You should try to comprehend and know, and never forget, that life and its experiences are only what one puts into it! And unless the activities and the thoughts are continuously constructive, and the experience well balanced, the entity cannot, and will not fulfil the purpose for which it came into the present physical experience.
    For all that you may ever keep is just what you give away and that you give away is advice, counsel, the manners of your life you live yourself. The manner in which you treat your fellow man, your patience, your brotherly love, your kindness, your gentleness. That you give away, that is all that you may possess in those other realms of consciousness.
    All illness is sin: not necessarily of the moment, as man counts time, but as part of the whole experience.
    Whatever you are today, are because of what you have done about your ideals and how you used the creative force or God in your experience, in whatever environs or consciousness the soul-may manifest. If you would just realize, and let it come into your consciousness that, we are, in any given experience, or time, the combined results of what we have done about the ideals that we have set.
    Man’s answer to everything has been power – Power of money, Power of position, Power of wealth, Power of this that or the other. This has never been Gods way, will never be Gods way.
    We are our brother’s keeper, and we will have to answer for our brothers, and for our neighbours, and who is our neighbour? Is it He that lives next door? Or is it he that lives on the other side of the world? No, it is He, rather, that is in need of understanding! It is He who has faltered: It is He who has fallen even by “the way”. It is He that is your neighbour, and we must answer for him!
    ___ “Universal Consciousness is attained when a person has a lasting experience in which they see through their illusion of separateness, and lose their separate self consciousness. Their consciousness then ‘merges’ with the Universe – thus they experience being One with the Universe. This is often the result of going through a conscious psychological ‘death experience’, brought on by meditation and other aspects of a spiritual path. The illusion of separateness dissolves in the awareness of Oneness. And with the dissolution of the illusion of separateness, the separate self ‘seems’ to die, and a ‘rebirth’ occurs. Separate self consciousness is transcended and transformed. The dominant consciousness becomes that of the Inner Self, the part of us that is the Universal Spirit – thus, we have ‘Universal Consciousness’. When experienced properly, a person is never the same, and never ‘sees things’ the same way again. From then on, all things are understood in the light of the ‘biggest picture’, in the light of being One with the Universal Spirit (God). Selfishness thus becomes a thing of the past. This is also called achieving ‘enlightenment’, and a few other names. The difference between having separate self consciousness, or having Universal Consciousness, is, like night and day. A person, who has attained Universal Consciousness, has transcended separate self consciousness, and thus sees infinitely more, understands infinitely more. Imagine being able to ‘see’ the outcome of many of your actions in advance – or whether or not you ‘see’ the outcome, being able to know if what you are doing is really going to ultimately help, or ultimately harm. What if you really had an awareness of being One with everything – even God, even all other separate selves? How would you see things then? And how would you treat everyone and everything? If you absolutely KNOW that every person you are dealing with is you, just in a different form, how will you treat yourself (others)? Is there any point in stealing from yourself? Hurting yourself? Is there any point in being tyrannical with yourself?” “It would make no sense; there would be no point if you really believed that to be true.”
    Man’s evolution, has only been that of the gradual growth upward towards the Consciousness of the Maker.
    If a soul fails to improve it self, what become of it? That is why it reincarnates, so it may have the opportunity. Can the will of man defy its Maker for ever?
    What is righteousness? It is just being kind, just being noble, and just being self-sacrificing.
    All that was ever made, the whole of Creation, was made to show to the sons, the souls, that God is mindful of His children.
    You must know that there is only ONE Spirit, and that you possess a certain measure of that. Your free will is given to you so you can use, or abuse that Spirit. For the spirit (the life force) is of the Creator, and your body is the Temple of that Spirit manifested on earth to defend or to use for your own Ego, or for your self-indulgence, or for your own Glory, or to the glory to Him who gave you life and immortality – if you preserve that life, that Spirit in Him.
    ___ For the Soul is eternal. It always has been, and always will be. The soul is both a piece of God, right out of Gods mind, and at the same time an image of God. We (our souls) are like models, or like replicas, or carbon copies of God. We are a smaller version of the creator. Free willed loving co-creators. In modern terms, we might say our souls are clones of God. In simple terms, we are children of God. If God had kids, Wouldn’t they be Godlike themselves? But Gods kids are souls, not primate bodies as Da Vinci painted them. Our bodies are tools to help us realize who we are. We became hardened by our concrete, physical existence, and forget that we are souls.
    How can you be sure that, when you make a decision that it is in accordance with the will of God? Well let me tell you. Ask your self within your own consciousness, “Shall I do this or not?” and the voice within will answer. Then meditate, and ask the same, Yes or No. You may be very sure if your conscious self and your divine self are in harmony.
    The spirit, (the Life force) is an aspect of the universal consciousness, or God; that which is the First Cause; that which is manifested in all the varied forms and manners that are experienced in the activities of the individual in this particular sphere of activity or phase of consciousness in the present. And the true law of the spirit is, like begets like.
    This is the first thing to learn; there is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it doesn’t warrant any of us to speak evil of the rest of us.
    All illness is sin; not necessarily as man counts time, but as part of the Souls whole experience.

    That idea which is termed genealogy of individuals, of nations, goes to define why individuals are born in this time and environment. That is true genealogy
    “The soul has neither beginning nor end… [They] come into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of their previous lives” – Origen 250 AD.
    The Christian Gnostics believed in reincarnation and the preexistence of the soul. They refused to believe in a resurrection of dead corpses at the end of time. They emphasized meeting Jesus on a spiritual Soul level and to become liberated from the need for a flesh body and attain permanent citizenship in “heaven”.
    It is important to distinguish the Logos (fully Conscious) from the soul named Jesus. Any person has the potential of becoming a Logos (fully Conscious) but it was the soul known as Jesus who actually incarnated as a Logos (fully Conscious) and therefore became a Christ (a fully Conscious person) on Earth.
    The life that the Christ soul wanted humans to lead was a life of simplicity, mercy and service, which was probably why it was so difficult. Selfishness and ego expect this conduct of others but are reluctant to give it themselves. Christ is the pattern we should achieve.
    Your Soul, that Consciousness which you are, is that which have a temporary physical experience for its own development. The primate body you now use have a Conscious experience. But you are that Consciousness.
    Individual Soul Consciousness goes from very low vibrational frequency (hate, fear, anger, greed, power etc.) to very high vibrational frequency (love, compassion, humility etc.) depending on how conscious you are.

    Aren’t kindness, harmlessness and compassion the ultimate currency? When the time comes for you to die you surely will think they are – count on it. (Read this again.) Keep in mind that, it is totally un-natural for a soul to be encased in the primate bodies made of flesh, when you se it from a universal point of view.
    This we can promise you, that you will never fail as long as you keep on trying to become a kind and loving person. You only fail if you quit trying. Trying is counted as righteousness.
    You don’t go to heaven; you grow to heaven with the usual growing pains. Your blessing is that, like the prodigal son, God will meet you more than half way.
    This world is a corpse eater, a gene and brain eater, but it doesn’t eat Souls; it can’t. It will eat all finite parts of your body, but the infinite part of you, your soul, is untouchable in this world.
    Most churches became like water troughs with thirsty people all around, but they were empty of water.
    How we treat our fellow man is exactly how we treat God. Think about it. There is part of the God Consciousness, the Universal Consciousness in everybody.
    You see, you are your own judge, jury and executioner. God can neither denounce, sit in judgment, condemn, mete out punishment, be flattered by lip service (praising, adoration and worshipping is actually idolising) or award a special dispensations to His favoured brats (like the Talmudic rabbis have indoctrinated their flock to think). God relinquished all these privileges when He gave every soul freedom of action, of choice and of decisions. Now, He can only wait in patience and genuine compassion for the souls to decide how soon they will use their free will to return to Him, once they have conceded that He makes a better creator than they do.

    This of course leaves the intellect in the uncomfortable position of having nowhere to pass the buck; selfishness depends, for its self-preservation, on the illusion that it is more sinned against than sinning.
    Now, at the present, we are being helped individually with insight, wisdom and knowledge from the Universal (Christ) Consciousness and the knowledge are being distributed according to the quality and the level of the Consciousness of the individual. This is also how some of this information came about.
    All human nature has one thing in common; they only operate at full potential when their concerns are directed away from self-preoccupation and towards the assistance of their less fortunate brothers.
    So we cannot be truly separate from the rest of the universe; we can only be a part of it all (apart). But we can think we are separate. We can believe we are separate. And then we can act like we are separate. Having separate self-consciousness doesn’t mean you are really separate, but that you have a total illusion of separateness from everyone and everything else in the universe. And when a person truly believes they are separate, they naturally focus on themselves, which naturally leads to selfishness.
    This is very important, so pay close attention. This is the big issue. The biggest problem of all problems. The only real problem. As silly and simple as it sounds, it is serious – simple selfishness is the root of all problems and evils that exist on Earth. This is one of the greatest, most important teachings to understand. Where there is such separate consciousness as humans have, everyone perceives everyone else in an us-and-them way, and a me-against-the-world fashion. When this occurs, which it naturally must with separateness, there will be attempts to get, or take, from others, and keep others from getting what you have. It is perfectly natural, and in its own warped way, logical. And where does this all leave us?
    Where there is separateness and selfishness there will be strife, discord, injustice, taking from others, and harm to other beings, creatures, the environment etc. So, when someone says something about the problems of the world being due to political parties, greed, money, power, war, lust, vanity, carelessness or whatever, what do you say? That they are only branches of selfishness. The root of all problems, all evil, all suffering, is selfishness. And why is there selfishness and thus all these evils? Because it is the natural outcome of separate self-consciousness, of thinking you are separate from the Universe, and therefore all things in existence. And so what is the only cure for evil, suffering and all problems? We have to lose the separate consciousness and selfishness by regaining Consciousness of our oneness with everything. The Universal Consciousness. And how can one regain Universal Consciousness? Through unselfish love, self-sacrifice, caring, giving, seeing the illusions of self-consciousness that we carry with us in our mind and breaking them. Don’t let the teachings that promote oneness be misunderstood as promoting a one-world religion or government where oneness and peace are enforced by human rule or dogma. Nothing could be further from what we mean to convey.
    A person with separate self-consciousness is inwardly focused, and is like an energy vacuum, a black hole, like Cancer, always trying to get energy. But someone with Universal Consciousness is outwardly focused, and is like an energy beacon, a sun, always giving energy.
    There are planes of existence other than the physical plane on Earth, into which only Universally Conscious beings can enter.
    Paradise does already exist.

    How can a football game be very interesting when competition is senseless to you because you know we are all one, you know we are God; and worse, you know the game are actually reinforcing separateness and hostility? All you see from your universal viewpoint is a bunch of “we” who don’t understand who we are, attacking themselves so some “we” can win and feel superior, and some “we” can lose and feel terrible. When you have universal consciousness, you take everything much more seriously, and not seriously at all.
    Universal Consciousness is not something to be acquired; we have it already, but most are unaware of it. They also don’t know how to attune their physical consciousness/intellect to the Universal Consciousness they have within themselves. Compassion, kindness and love are some of the more visible attributes of Universal Consciousness manifested in individuals. How to regain your Universal Consciousness is what we will attempt to make clear and understandable to those of you who seek it.
    Spirit is the life force, mind is the power to use it, and soul is the being that develops.
    ___ Thoughts are things. Thoughts are real.
    Q: What is the soul of a body? A: That which the Maker gave to every entity or individual in the beginning and which is seeking the home again or place of the Maker. All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came.
    The most difficult thing for the conscious mind and intellect to understand and experience is that the activities of the soul are for self-development, yet must be selfless and humble for the soul to develop.

    All selfishness is a type of sin. All evil is a type of selfishness. All selfishness is sinful and evil.
    Your level of selfishness and unselfishness makes up the substance of your individuality; everyone becomes more one or the other. Which are you gradually becoming?
    If man really knew better, he would do better. So be kind to others and know that selfishness and ignorance are the real devils. We are our brother’s keeper. If those intelligent people who are in a position to give of their means, wealth, education and positions do not take this truth into consideration, then there must be that levelling which is to come. To our intellectual friends, know that every other individual has as much right on Earth as we ourselves have, even though in some respect they may not be as far advanced in their learning.
    All sins and evil are forms of selfishness.
    All those who do not work for the light (toward Universal Consciousness) are, to varying degrees, pawns of darkness.
    You can meditate, you can pray, you can worship, you can do yoga, and you can go to church or the gym and look at the primate/ape in the mirror all day long. You can snort coke or smoke weeds or whatever. It is all a waste of time, unless you are a kind, loving, caring and a harmless person.
    Well, what we are trying to say is, do what is relevant and do it now before the plunge, because afterwards it will be too late. Don’t waste your time with interesting trivialities and entertainment. Do what must be done as if you were going to die in half an hour’s time? This is reality, trust me.

    There are many animals which are in human form, but not all animals are beasts, nor are all beasts animals.
    The universal laws and principles are those which an all-wise creator has set, not only on Earth but throughout the whole universe. These are the laws and principles of the way it is in all of creation. This is how everything works in the entire universe, and in all dimensions. They can also be called natural laws.
    Most are looking for love, looking to replace love, and doing everything but what they really need to do to find it – give it.
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, if you were in their situation. Just do it, and see what happens.
    The greatest service we can do for the universal spirit is to serve others. The greatest services to others is awakening them to the universal consciousness that lies within them, and helping them free themselves from their selfishness and their separate self.
    ___ Each entity finds itself in a three-dimensional phase of existence or experience: the world without, the world within, and the mind that may span or bridge the two. Mind is the light, the builder, and the bridge between spirit and body.
    Do you think that people would be the way they are, say the things they say, think what they think, and do what they do, if the truth was known and real to them? Of course not.
    What you have to learn is what the truth is – not wishful thinking, not superstitious misconceptions and not other people’s lies – and then use the truth to live by. To know better so that you can do better, forces you to do something, and there are two ways to learn. You can learn through wisdom and be smart about it, or you can learn through pain and suffering. The choice is yours. You then have to figure out what it is you have to learn. You have to be specific. You don’t need to know everything, only what is helpful at this time in your development, constructive for what you want to achieve at present, and what is practical. If you are happy with the way your car drives, then you don’t need to know how your carburettor works. What matters is where you are going.
    As long as you are willing to pay for being manipulated, there will be plenty of so-called gurus, priests, popes, kings, evangelists, politicians, professionals and many others, who will be happy to serve you.
    In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life (Spirit). Spirit is the essence of life. And life is that you worship as God. God is Life, (spirit) love and truth. Each individual have Spirit (Life). Spirit is the essence of life. Thus, spirit is the life force, mind is the power to use it, and soul is the being that develops. In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. How? The Mind of God moved, then matter and form, came into being. Spirit is life. Mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.
    Man, may separate himself from God (The Spirit, the Life), but the Spirit (life), does not separate from man, ever.
    Many people place too much importance on spiritual knowledge itself, and don’t concentrate first on the basics of simple goodness, such as the virtues of Unselfish Love. Knowledge is meaningless without this.
    Locked within good spiritual knowledge is the potential for real spiritual change, but just ‘knowing’ is merely being a human library. Even the greatest information is meaningless, unless it has gone from knowledge to positive realization – to being acted upon inside you, and outside you, in a way that makes for a real and beneficial change in your life and the lives of others.

    At least we have the privilege of understanding the forces which have taken hold of mankind. May God have mercy on them?
    In short, just about EVERYBODY has been looking down the wrong end of the telescope. 99% of everything you think you know isn’t actually so. What are you gonna do now that you know this much – that you know NOTHING at all?
    I bid you adieu.
    Cogito ergo sum (I am consciously aware, therefore I am)
    I am
    Rene’ Descartes

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