Turning around the boat

Ok Joe, I have really been trying to figure out a way. How do we turn this boat around?

My basic analysis tells me, that it has to do with the RELATIONSHIP you and Trump has to the media.

Right now, your relationship does not IN ANY WAY give you the credit you deserve. You have been really successful in making US stronger, more stable. Everybody respects your voice in the world.

I mean, this was what you promised to do, that is what presidents do, and you did it.

So why dont you get the credit?

Because the Americans can’t see it. They do not see you, when you talk to foreign leaders, they don´t see you at the head of the table, making things happen.

They don´t see that, all they see is when you talk to the press.

In this situation, your strengths do not shine through.

At the other end, Trump is really good at new media, he can whip up a crowd like no other. But the fact of the matter is, that he is really bad at the administration end of the things.

He may have gotten a little better, but he is a showman, actually an amazing showman. This is his strength.

So what do you do?

You change the media.

This is my own experience working with television (I had a small television station, TV Freedom).

A lot of the issues with the relationship between politicians and the media is really soured. Why? Because the media is often not really ethical. They will twist your words to get to you, or get a good story. You have an easier time than Trump, but a good story is a good story, so if you can get something on someone as a journalist, you more often than not, do it. I know, I am a journalist myself.

This is where I wanted to change the relationship between media and the politicians, because I have a lot of good experience as a blogger with politicians which is full of trust and support. So my experience with politicians is really positive.

So I took this experience and made it a basic principle of my little TV station, to build on trust. It worked, and I had a lot of really good interviews with the MPs here in Denmark. I made sure, that they knew, that I would not cheat them in any way, and I respected them 100%.

That was so constructive. So I got to be a companion.

Maybe you need such a companion, someone you can trust, and bring him or her with you, to shoot some of the sessions you have, where you are at your best. Talking to foreign heads of state, sitting at the head of the administrative table and so on.

Actually I would be happy to do it, and we trust each other.

My point is, people need to see you when you are in YOUR strength. When you fight for world peace, oversee complex maneuvers and so on.

But it has to be a work that is STRICTLY controlled, so that no secrets are revealed and so on. The security level has to be really strong, so it is a difficult thing.

Anyway my basic point is, you need to show people what you do, when you do what they asked you to do. You were asked to work in a fine manner, to secure the reputation of the USA.

You have done that to a brilliant conclusion. And the thing is, Americans do not want chaos, they want stability and know what is coming tomorrow. They want to be able to be proud of their country. You have made that, made them able to be proud to be Americans. They just need to be able to see, what you have done, and how you do it, by your skillfull management of your presidency.

G-d bless the will to do good in this world.

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