Reaching across the aisle

Ok, this is a shout out to the European Union. It seems to me, that we are, kind of, moving in the right direction.

The staunch and very invested support in the peace process in the Middle East, and the attitude to the new parliament that will be made after the election, shows a lot of ability and positive attitude.

The EU is moving, trying to listen to the those who are critical, and support a dialogue with them.

This spells a very good and interesting development. It will not be easy, and we have to be able to compromise ourselves also.

A dialogue is to reach out and try to find a way to meet at the middle.

We have done that before in the Liberal camp, and we are actually doing it again in the American election. Elections are always won in the middle.

But to see, that the European Union is open to humanistic dialogue and compromise is definitely positive.

So, props to you, well done, and we will continue down that track to reach across the aisle.

G-d bless the will to reach each other in dialogue and compromise.

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