
Snofru_Eg_Mus_Kairo_2002_bThere are many great pharaohs. Horemheb, Sneferu, Ayo. All great men in their own rights, some blazing heroes, some just kings, some benevolent humanists. But they all had one thing in common; they loved Egypt.

How the new president, Mr. Al-Sisi will conduct his presidentship will be up to him, there are truly a vast array of ideal to put forth.

There is however one thing that is vital to modernize the enormous country; faith. Faith in Egypt, faith in the beautiful Twolands, and a slow rebuilding of the fort of faith.

Both the Copts and well as Al-Azhar have fortuitously supported a strong and just state. The experimentation of The Muslim Brotherhood would have ruined the country and destroyed all the beautiful mansions of the ancients. This has been avoided.

Monotheism was born in Egypt, Moses was an Egyptian prince, let it be, that his spirit will support and strengthen his children.

Abraham was a son of Mesopotamia, but also he should support and strengthen Egypt. Because he was a mathematician, a philosopher and a astrologer. Just as a vast part of Egyptian pharaohs have been.

It is about combining new with old, supporting a vibrant and industrial progress with a deep reverence for the past.

This done, Egypt will hopefully rise again. It will be tremendously difficult, the challenges are immense, but if Egyptians remember who they are, and what they were, one day they can overcome the all the setbacks she has seen for two thousand years.

Isis went plucking flowers on the greenery of earth, she plucked too many, and was swallowed up by earth. This is the problem, too much flower plucking, and too little solidarity. The flowers are the needs.

I urge the West to support Mr. Al-Sisi. I know that he has been smithing the Muslim Brotherhood, but he truly wants a good and positive future for his people, and he needs help. Where democracy can blossom, he should have the help he needs.

Let friendship be strengthened, and justice come to Egypt again.

G-d bless the future of the Two lands.

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