

To really change things, we need to understand how change works. I have studied it for some time, to really get a deeper understanding of the issue. Here are some of my conclusions.

According to Aristotle, there are in fact three modes of change: Alteration, change and growth.

Alteration is when everything changes at the same time, what you would also call a revolution. As when Cuba changed from some kind of democracy to communism. The entire system changed. Also in nature we have these sudden changes as in spring where a barren place suddenly becomes full of life. Alteration is the fast change.

Change is when some kind of theme or thing changes its principles. Aristotle gives an example. He tells about a bronze shield that changes from being round to being square. The thing itself; the shield is still bronze, and it might even work as a shield to some extent, but the principle of roundness has disappeared and become square. The amount of bronze is still the same, so no growth has happened.

The last principle of change is growth. Growth is what happens, when the mass or quantity of a thing increases. The opposite movement; corruption or decrease, is what happens when the quantity decreases. Growth does not move a thing, but the thing stays at one point, and expands its boundaries relative to its growth.

Now, these are all good principles, and being Aristotelian, they carry some weight. But how may we use these principles to really create prosperity in our nations?

We can use it if we understand what creates growth. That is the central point of the Aristotelian essay, because he says that most of the philosophers agree that likeness will create growth. That is, if things are alike, they will couple and make more of themselves. Take nature, if there are many parrots in a given habitat, and they are alike, they will grow as a flock, given that the habitat is friendly and abundant off cause.

The same with people, if they are alike, they will feel secure and will grow as a civilization and a nation in terms of material wealth and number of people.

This is the basic problem with multiculturalism. In applauds the diversity, and not the unity. Unity is what will create growth, not diversity.

The keen politician or community organizer will off cause use this bit of knowledge to steer the nation to redemption in the basic work it is to create unity. How do you do that? You do it by pointing to some basic values or virtues of that specific nation. In Denmark it is folkenlightenment, in Israel it is love and justice, in America it is enlightenment and love. By strengthening the basic virtues, the alikeness, or the common platform will emerge, and the country can develop and prosper.

G-d bless the nation.

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