
I believe that the future is pregnant with alterations of immense proportion. We will change the face of the earth, for better or worse. The sprout of redemption is planted in the fertile soil of the current world events. The decks are prepared, the bets are placed, and the winner will be the ruler of mankind.

In this game of immense powermongering titans, the life of a normal citizens of faraway countries is blown out in a blink of eye, not herded but forgotten as of now.

This Armageddon, this ragnararok that has been prophesized so many years ago, is about to start.

All the premises of war are there. The generals are sitting in a powderkeg smoking cigars, and the world will soon erupt in an all engaging war with the Russians and the Iranians on one side, the Anglo-saxons, hopefully the Danes, and the Jews on the other side. This will be concluded in the swampy powder-constructs called atomic bombs. The bombs are all there, the Iranians have them almost, so do the Jews, the Anglo-Saxon and the Russians.

Within this power play, the street thug is a weapon of bloody mass destruction as well. Terrorising at the corner of the house, beating up, raping, stealing as will happen, when eventually the secret armies of Islam will be released on the hapless people of Europe. People so filled with nonsense, that they will even applaud their own destruction. It is a crying shame, it is a stupefying moment of world development. The hubris of the North will plunge us deep into the abyss. Here in the streets of Copenhagen, Malmø and Rotterdam, the blood will flow in rivers of pain and destruction.

But there will be one light in the chaos of modern times. It will be Israel. Because, as Jews have given both good and evil to the earth, this time good will sprout from the very limbs of that golden nation. It will be a nation of fiery justice, of well functioning freedom, of solidarity. A system based on the lore of Egypt, on the wisdom of the Mesopotamians, on the knowledge of the Phoenicians and the Etruscans. The shining beacon of humanity will eventually combine the forces of the good and the compassionate into a model other will follow.

Once again the Jews will give, out of their soft hearts, to other who will, eventually accept that love and not hate is the goal of mankind.

The humanistic equilibrium that will emerge after the war will be held together by that beacon of wisdom and hope that will be Israel.

Categories: Israel Tags:
  1. Rene’ Descartes
    September 3rd, 2010 at 09:23 | #1

    At present, the year 2012 is only of interest to those of us who believe in the wisdom of ancient cultures. But soon, very soon, everyone is going to be looking for more information about this prophesied year of destiny 2012, which many believe to be the end of the Mayan calendar and thus the end of time as we have known it. As we can see, the end of the Mayan Calendar is simply the end of the present World Age. And, important to us, it simply marks the beginning of the next cycle of rebirth, and renewal. December 21, 2012, signals the end of this 5,125-year age that we’ve been living in and the commencement of a new Earth Age which, surely, will come with the usual drawn out contractions and birth pains.
    After this birth, we (Mankind), will again, to a degree, become fully conscious of our ability to communicate with, and fully understand our relationships to, the Creative forces (The Universal Spirit), as well as how to use the Creative force constructively in the physical world. We had this awareness previously, during the time from Mu or Lemuria through Atlantis, and it brought us what? Destruction. (Atlantis and Lemuria were inundated). Since then, mankind needed the journey up through that of separateness and selfishness to experience and learn to understand its destructiveness and overcome it. Well, some did, but sadly, some didn’t. Hence, the wheat and the chaff are being separated shortly. Two evolutions will soon emerge. The First one is one for Souls that chose to learn through Love and Wisdom, who will go ‘on’. And the second one is One for Souls that didn’t, who will then have to learn through pain and suffering by having the lessons coming again and again, until they learn it. Nobody will be left behind; everybody will, from a loving Father, get all the opportunities it takes, to make it.
    In a previous time cycle, humanity had a higher level of Consciousness and relationship with the Creative Forces that allowed us to live at higher levels of material, mental, and spiritual activity in the Earth and beyond. Unfortunately, we misused this Consciousness and the power that came with the close relationship to the Creative Forces. This misuse brought on the destruction of our great cultures and a long, karmic Soul journey through the pain and confusion that resulted from our selfishness and self-centred focus on our own will, without regard for the will of the Creator and others. Now, as the cycles come around again, we are nearing a time when the level of Consciousness and relationship with the Creative Forces will allow us once again to regain these powers. How will we use them this time? Before we despair that humankind is going to misuse these again, let’s remember that many, many enlighten Souls and even the Logos, (The Fully Conscious Soul) have come and continue to come into materiality to help prepare the way for this rebirth.
    Most overestimate the power of the world and its leaders. The unseen, heavenly forces have much greater power and will overcome the world’s darkness and selfishness, breaking through with an enlightenment that will transform this realm for a thousand years, when all evil and temptation will be bound and a golden age will reign. The biblical book of the Revelation conveys this prophecy: “I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole inhabited earth, and bound him for a thousand years.” (Rev. 20:2)
    Is December 21, 2012 the beginning of the fulfilment of these wonderful prophecies and the Revelations, or just another step on the long journey toward such fulfilment? Just weight and se.
    The so-called “Battle of Armageddon” as described symbolically in the Bible, begun in 1999. This “battle” of Armageddon is not a war fought on earth. Rather, it is a spiritual struggle between the so-called “forces of light” and “forces of darkness” that will, from now on, continue for about 1000 years of earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent Souls from the lower afterlife realms (Souls that are selfish and evil) from reincarnating back to earth. And by preventing Souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating back to earth, only enlightened Souls are permitted to incarnate. (Unselfish Souls that live by the laws of Creation and have love and compassion in their hearts) The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. After 1000 years, Souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to earth. By this time, the so-called “kingdom of heaven” will have been established on earth…
    As we all know, the physical world is mostly controlled by selfish intellectuals or darkness, they are truly in control, simply by fooling and using the less intelligent. Why they want to be in control is another sad matter. On the other hand, the so-called Pearly gates to the spiritual world is totally controlled by the Gate keepers of the higher Consciousness and love, and by stopping the ‘lowers’ from coming back to the physical world, they are saving physical world as well as the spiritual world. The gate keepers are truly the Creators great Archangels, and for the first time, they are now differentiating between Souls that have made the grade, and those who haven’t, and therefore have to be forced to loose their selfishness and narcissism in rather unpleasant ways, before they start from scratch again. You se, what they didn’t chose to learn through wisdom they will, sadly, now, have to learn through pain and suffering.
    The higher conscious forces of light are the Souls with love, kindness, friendliness, unselfishness and compassion which is what is called, and defines the higher Consciousness. The lower conscious forces of darkness, are the Souls that are selfish, hateful, vengeful, narcissistic, greedy, and jealous, that love Power over others, who lags all kind of remorse, who therefore have very little conscious awareness and compassion.
    In other words, when all the selfish Souls leave their mortal bodies this time, and they all will for sure, their Souls will not have an opportunity to incarnate for the next 1000 years or so. They will be in a stage of hot volcanic slosh in total frustration with plenty of time to reflect and remember all the things they have done in this world. They will have to re-experience all the feelings they created in other people when they had a body, and to re-experience their self made lower dark and selfish thoughts, their hateful spoken words and their evil actions, but worse of all, they will be together with likeminded Souls, and that, we can assure you, our dear readers, are pure hell, in fact, that is all they can do for the next 1000 years or so. We feel petty on them. The selfish jerks who run the world now, know some of this, and they don’t like it one bit, hence, their attempt to start the third world war for total destruction so not even the righteous Souls can incarnate, but luckily, it is totally out of their hands by now.
    In this transition period before the so-called “kingdom of God” will rule the world, and before the last of the selfish Souls that are still living in a body leaves it, there will be world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving many natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the earth, there will be wars, economic collapse and socio-political unrest. If the selfish Souls cannot incarnate, then they think that nobody should have the possibility, and the few who survives, will not do so in any kind of comfort.
    Every Soul, who has been incarnating since the year 1999 are as a group more spiritually advanced, and at a higher conscious level, than those borne before the year 1999. There are simply not any really selfish or evil Souls amongst them when they are borne, like there use to be previously. The young ones may however, still be sucked into some minor selfishness from the remnant “lesser conscious Souls” before they leave their mortal bodies.
    Before the year 1999, all Souls allotted to the earth had equal opportunities but diverse accountability (having to reap different things they each sowed in previous lives), some gravitate toward more and more selfishness and less compassion which lowered their Consciousness, and some gravitate toward higher Consciousness by being more kind, loving, friendly and compassionate, which truly is what raised their consciousness. And this is where we are now, the world is basically inhabited by two groups, the ones who want to serve and please others, who are selfless, righteous and humble which sadly, is the smallest group, and those who want to be served and take control of others, and who are selfish and self-righteous.
    The line has now been drawn. This life is your very last change to make it. The wheat and the chaff are being separated for sure, and in no uncertain terms.
    The lower ‘powers that be’, insist on forced inoculations, vaccinations, fluoride, MSG, Aspartame, dope, both legal and illegal. They are attempting to somehow insure that the brain of other people don’t function as it should. In addition the information that is put into the malfunctioned brain (Media, education, books, movies etc) is highly erroneous and mostly outright lies. It is specifically made to waste your time and retard your changes for you turning into a higher Conscious being. Now imagine that you have a brain where the mechanical (physical grey matter) part doesn’t function as it should due to the many forced chemicals or alcohol in it. And on top of that, the “intellectual knowledge” which is accumulated in the flawed brain since your body was borne, is not your choice and is mostly errors and lies, then you clearly become less conscious and somewhat stupid, and you surely can’t figure much out. That being the case, what righteous, good, kind, loving and creative things can you do while your Soul is in such a flawed body? Not alone are people being physical handicapped, (their brain is not working as it should) they are also intellectually impaired, ignorant and dumb-ed down so as not to become a tread to “the powers that be”.
    I hope that you now understand why the evil and dark powers outlawed the knowledge of the pre-existence of the Soul in the sixth century, (Second council of Constantinople 553CE) by the religion that dragged the Logos name through the mud, instead of living as he did, and teaching his teachings.
    The paradox is that the religionists are basically correct; we do possess a Soul that separate from the dead physical body, even though they don’t believe that the Soul can come back for a second, third and more times as it did the first time.
    It’s the materialists who are desperately wrong. Orthodox scientific teachings start from the false base that the mind and brain are the same – that consciousness and intellectual thinking is the same – and that dead therefore is the end of everything. They think that matter created consciousness instead of the opposite. What a sad state of affairs, what an unthinking arrogant and selfish intellectual herd mentality.
    This information is also about the very near future, when humans will evolve into beings with supernatural and psychic powers. The curtain into the holiest of holy, is not torn in twain any longer, it has now been totally removed. All Souls incarnating now will have the Laws Gods in their hearts as explained in the book of Jeremiah, and they need no middlemen such as priests, teachers, (rabbis) and evangelists. Their spiritual intuition will be unshakable. It will be a new era, or 1000 years of enlightenment and peace when the “One” divinity within all humans will be manifested fully on earth.
    As the war of Armageddon started in 1999, the Logos Soul reincarnated and is now back again. And just like 2000 years ago, “they” are trying to find him and kill him, before he ‘grows in wisdom and stature’. It is also important to distinguish the Logos (Universal Consciousness) from the Soul named Jesus. Any person in the world has the potential of becoming a Logos (Fully Conscious) but it was the Soul known as Jesus who actually incarnated as a Logos and therefore became a Christ on Earth. And all of mankind has the very same potential. As he said “What I do, even greater things you can do” NOW- REALICE IT. Christ is not a man; Christ is the Universal Consciousness (Logos) available to all, buried deep in our own mind as Universal Consciousness, but for most, not yet realized.
    For you, our dear readers, you still have a change to make it, if you focus on the real issues, because the time is really short. Stop your selfishness and narcissism and truly become kind, loving, caring, compassionate, helpful, selfless and harmless toward all the people, and above all, love God, the creator of all, with all your humility and appreciation from the bottom of your heart and Soul. Forget all the useless religions, their rituals and silly traditions. Religions without values, as useful as it is to a few, appear to make man a more clever devil. Just be kind, compassionate and loving. And be genuine. You se, if you haven’t made the grade when you leave the body you are now using, then you will have a real and very unpleasant problem to deal with when you do, in the near future. Humanity will, very soon experience the “day of reckoning.”

    Please understand that the teachings the Perfect and truly Enlightened ones gives us, is always about the future, and what we will have to do in the future to reach the same perfection, enlightenment and understanding as they, and becoming One.

    The function of man is to live, not to exist. We shall not waste our days trying to prolong them. We shall use our time wisely. Occasionally it pays to think outside of the box and consider matters from a different viewpoint. We hope you are all willing to know the whole truth; to know it all, and to deal with it. So be it.
    Humbly compiled
    I am, Rene Descartes Cogito ergo sum. (I am Conscious, therefore I am).

  2. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 4th, 2010 at 10:58 | #2

    Dear Rene 🙂

    The conflict will be both spiritual and physical, and the paradox of it all will be that both sides basically will fight for the same cause; Messiah.

    In this there is both the core of the conflict, and the redemption, because only when the true spirit of Christ and all the other amazing spirits of the past will truly emerge, conflict will stop.

    But stupidity and ignorance is prevalent and dominant all over the world. And many of those who do not know will perish. There is already a process of recognition going on. Mankind will be parted into those who will grasp for eternity, and those who will die in stupidity, ignorance and hybris.

    2012 is very probable, and it will be either the rebirth of true knowledge, or the end of mankind. I think that there is a true chance for all of mankind to vaporize, and if we are not wise enough, we do not deserve to be responsible for nature. Then we deserve to die. The problem is, that the level of insight we have to reach is so difficult for the average stupified individual to understand, that the leap they have to take to reach wisdom is too great. They prefer Simpsons, another beer in the garden and so on.

    This is where Israel enters the game. Because the jews do have the energy, ressources and insight, to be the shepherds of wisdom.

    Yours 🙂

  3. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 4th, 2010 at 13:31 | #3

    Or rather. Off cause, there will be plenty all over the world who will understand the true knowledge of mankind created in Egypt and the other classical civilisations. The point about Israel is, that it can work as a vehicle of development, to the benefit of the rest of mankind.

  4. Rene’ Descartes
    September 4th, 2010 at 16:50 | #4

    Thank you for your reply and comments Asger.
    We know that this short script may be distasteful to some individuals, but in all humility, that is not our objective, but the truth must be known. Since 1997, All the real and relevant old secrets and truths have been revealed. “For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light”. Now only the lies and deceptions are hidden, for it is they who boast of deception as a virtue who shall die by deception as a vice. Stuff Da Vinci and his phoney code which is just a silly novel anyway created to keep you focused elsewhere, and start searching for the real truth about what you truly are, why you are here, and how to really achieve what you have to achieve in this world. Now, all truths are available and you can find it, but because of the conspiracy against exposure of the Truth, the general reaction of the majority of people has been non-belief and ridicule.
    The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatsoever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a wide-spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible, hence….
    If you are aware of, perceive, or merely suspect that there is more to life than gross bio-chemical and physical interactions, if you have a true sense of what deeper forces motivate human life and relationships, you are in danger of being destroyed by psychiatry. The lesser of evils is still evil, after all. Many messengers of truth, throughout history have been hung, drawn and quartered, even crucified or burned at the stake because their messages were upsetting. Sadly, many so-called “seekers” suffer from cognitive dissonance (a refusal to accept the facts in spite of overwhelming evidence).

    You wrote:
    “But stupidity and ignorance is prevalent and dominant all over the world. And many of those who do not know will perish. There is already a process of recognition going on. Mankind will be parted into those who will grasp for eternity, and those who will die in stupidity, ignorance and hybris”.

    Personally, our concern is not stupid and ignorant people, for them we feel sorry and have compassion, they simply just need to be made aware and get some enlightenment. Our concerns are the smart and intelligent ones, the ones that create atomic weapons, hydrogen bombs, stock market crisis, un-ethical politic, the Law makers of unethical laws, unenlightened priests and rabbis etc. They are the problems, and the common denominator for them is they are smart and SELFISH and mostly arrogant egomaniacs, be their problem greed, power, control or whatever.

    On the other hand, Gnosticism asserts that “direct, personal and absolute knowledge of the authentic truths of existence is accessible to human beings,” and that the attainment of such knowledge is the supreme achievement of human life. Gnosis is not a rational, propositional, logical understanding, but an inner knowing acquired by experience. The Gnostics were not much interested in dogma or coherent, rational theology — a fact that makes the study of Gnosticism particularly difficult for individuals with “bookkeeper mentalities. One simply cannot cipher up Gnosticism into syllogistic dogmatic affirmations. The Gnostics cherished the ongoing force of divine revelation–Gnosis was the creative experience of revelation, a rushing progression of understanding, and not a static creed.

    The word “agnostic” means “one who does not know,” and it is a very vague term that conveys little more than non-committal. The fact is that we can know many things, including the value of any given religious idea. In this regard, there are those of us who know what function religion serves, its history, its flaws and its beauty. We are therefore not “agnostics” but Gnostics or “ones who know,” although we do not necessarily subscribe totally to the ancient ideology called “Gnosticism.”

    For Gnostics, spiritual breakthrough is about the Universal Consciousness. The goal is to reach a level of Consciousness that allows us to be as aware of God as of ourselves. Imagine being as aware of God as we are of ourselves. This is the breakthrough we seek. But it is a difficult goal to realize. One of the greatest teaches said: “Remember there is no shortcut to a Conscious awareness of the God-force. It is part of your own Consciousness, but it cannot be realized by the simple desire to do so. Too often there is the tendency to want it and expect it without applying spiritual truth through the medium of mental processes. This is the only way to reach the gate. There are no shortcuts in metaphysics. Life is learned within self. You don’t profess it, you don’t have faith in it, you plain and simply have to learn it”. You don’t go to heaven, you grow to heaven.
    Seekers of God-Consciousness may include many more people than we imagine. We considered people from many different backgrounds and understandings as true seekers of God-Consciousness. We and God are one. Again, we are not all of God’s being, but we compose a portion of God and are ourselves composed of God. Some modern religious people do not like this concept and criticize as a chief characteristic of the New Age movement, which it is not. The same criticism was levelled at Melchizedek the King/teacher of righteousness, during one of his following re-incarnations. The religious authorities could not accept that any man was so closely connected with God. It gives everyone their own direct line to God, requiring little of the so-called authorities, priests, rabbis, or other middlemen. As the Lord said in the book of Jeremiah, He does not want anyone between Him and His created, no priest, and no teachers (rabbi). He said “I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people”. The Creator wants to teach each one of us directly. Obviously, we are not yet fully conscious of this, and through this study we will discover why. God, therefore, is collective, containing all and within all. It is unconscious and conscious. It is spirit and, as such, gives life and wisdom (Conscious insight).
    There is a subtle but significant distinction between spirit and Soul. Spirit is associated metaphorically with the wind, while soul corresponds to the breath. The spirit, like the wind, is universal free and everywhere; whereas the Soul, like the breath, is more individual and contained. They are similar, both being air. As the wind moves by one’s nostrils, it can be inhaled and become personal breath the spirit is the life force, while the Soul is that unique portion of each entity that is the sum total of all the entity has done with its gift of life. Soul is our unique story, our individualness. Additionally, Spirit is considered unchanging, whereas Soul is developmental. The Soul grows, learns, and becomes the companion to God. The spirit is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is life — eternal, unchanging life. Spirit is also considered the source of wisdom. To be alive is to be consciously aware, and to be consciously aware is to be alive.
    As we enter the earth realm, another quality is added to our composition – primate flesh. This adds blood to the metaphor of wind and breath. Now blood must permeate the lungs to get life from the breath, Soul, which, in turn, gets its life from the wind, spirit. Flesh (or our identification with it) is that portion of our being that separates us most from God. At one point during the great fall in Genesis, God says, “My spirit will not always be with man, for he is flesh” (Gen. 6:3). God is not flesh. God is spirit. The serpent in the Garden represents SELF. It is self without regard for the Whole or for other beings. It is the self that seeks self-gratification, self-glorification, self-aggrandizement, self-centeredness. But in order for the potential companions of God to be true companions, they had to have a strong sense of self. Therefore, despite the dangers inherent in the development of self-consciousness, it was allowed because it was, and remains the way to full realization of our role as divine companions. This will happen when we come to realize that God is a much better creator than we are. Yet, it often becomes a stumbling block. Thus as we take hold of the thought of God Consciousness, it may be just as pregnant a concept in our minds as a baby in our body. We died to the spirit and gave birth to the self. The Spirit and the Universal Consciousness of God is the true source and nature of Life, so when we consciously died to it, we lost immortality and wisdom (Consciousness). And, since God is spirit, we also lost our awareness of God. This is symbolized by the name changes for God, (God, Lord God and Lord, in Genesis 1, 2, and 3) and by us being denied access to the Tree of Life (Gen. 3:22-24). We became mortals. We also began to develop an even stronger sense of self, to the point that we lost awareness of self’s connectedness to the Whole — God and other Souls. This mounting sense of self separated us from direct contact with God, and is symbolized by our emergence into a single physical body, with singular gender. What was collective and united is now singular and separated. In order to regain God-Consciousness, this movement from the spirit to the self and selfishness must be turned around.
    We must yield to the will of the spirit (The life force) within us, allowing it to have expression in our lives. If we will seek its way more than our own, eventually it will be fully manifest. We will be, once again, spiritual beings, even while in the physical world. When we have raised our earthly selves to the level of Consciousness of our heavenly selves, then we will know what it’s all about and who we really are. If we wish to ascend to heaven and regain our heritage as children of God, then we must raise the life-force (raise the serpent) and raise the Consciousness of our physical selves (raise the son of man) so that we may once again have the glory that was ours before the world was, and live eternally with God. But we are a witness against ourselves. Our conscience knows what we have done. The resulting guilt, self-condemnation, and self-doubt bar us from fully entering into God’s all-knowing presence. Satan, our self-centred selves, is a witness against us. When we come before the Lord, the all-knowing Universal Consciousness, we bring this accuser with us.
    The life of the true Master connects deeply with these stages in the regaining of God-consciousness, and it wouldn’t be going too far to say that he initiated them. Perhaps the main contribution of his life was to serve as the pattern for being connected with God-consciousness. Having lost that connection ourselves, we were very weak in the area of spirit, but growing strong in the areas of the physical and the mental. We needed help regaining the spiritual influences and Conscious awareness.
    We find ourselves in a body, a mind, a soul; each with its own attributes and its activity in the earth. An entity, then, is a pattern of that which is also a spiritual fact; Body, Soul, and Spirit. There are, as we also find, only three creations; Matter, Force, and Mind. These are one, just as an individual entity is one. An entity, then, is the pattern of divinity in materiality, or in the earth. As man found himself out of touch with that complete Consciousness of the oneness of God, it became necessary that the will of God, the Father, be made manifest, that a pattern be introduced into man’s Consciousness. Thus the son of man came into the earth.
    All initiates of the ancient mystery schools were taught there is no death. That is, there is no death when the spirit is present and predominant. Then, by the unseen powers of the Spirit, we rise again, reborn. Only now we are predominantly spiritual beings manifesting physically, rather than physical beings with spiritual attributes. Your Soul is having a physical experience, and your body is having a spiritual experience, but you are that individual Soul and Spirit.
    Us who are seeking our own personal spirituality are especially aware of the influence of karma and grace. So, let’s explore these two forces, together. In conceiving us, The Creator gave us the gifts of individual Consciousness and Free Will. With these we were to come to know ourselves to be ourselves, and yet choose to be one with the Whole (God, others, ourselves and everything). Only with independent Consciousness and free will could we choose to be The Creators loving companions and co-creators. Yet, these powers are often compared to a two-edged sword, because they can lead us towards heavenly oneness or towards hellish selfishness. Each of us has to learn how to bring our mind and will in closer harmony with the Creators Universal Consciousness. But learning implies mistakes, and mistakes with the mind and the will, can be very harmful.
    Therefore, before the two great gifts (Consciousness and free will), were given, God established a simple but universal law: whatever we do with our mind and will, will come back to us, not as punishment or retribution but as education and enlightenment. The law is intended to help us appreciate the effects of our individual thoughts, words, and actions upon the Universal Consciousness, others, and even ourselves. We recognize this law when we say, “What goes around, comes around.” In the scriptures it is written: “As you sow, so shall you reap”; “With what measure you measure, so shall it be measured to you.” Even proof-oriented scientists observe that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is the law of action and reaction, cause and effect, the law of karma.
    The law is unavoidable and immutable. Not one jot will be erased from it. How then can any of us recover from mistakes? How are we to learn, if every misuse or abuse brings reactions? Are we now trapped in a tangled web of karmic backlash to our past actions, words, and thoughts? But “God has not left us without a way.” That way is grace.
    Grace is that wonderful spirit that imbues every fibre of our being when we practice the fruits of the spirit: kindness, patience, understanding, forgiveness, love, gentleness, fellowship, and long-suffering. Against these there is no law. But “doubt, fear, avarice, greed, selfishness, self-will; these are the fruits of the evil forces. Against such there is a law.” Obviously we want to choose grace over karma.
    Please learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” The meaning is that a built-in grace already exists in this exacting law of karma. Here’s how it works: The law is absolute, right? Yes. Therefore, what we do or think comes back to us. Then, if we begin to understand mistakes by others, the law — always at work and never compromising — reacts with understanding toward our mistakes! If we begin to forgive others, the law reacts with forgiveness for us. And, best of all, if we forget the misuse or abuse by others, then ours is forgotten, too.
    This is the deeper meaning behind words “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Few of us could sacrifice enough to make up for all our mistakes, but having mercy toward others who have misused their gifts brings mercy to us. The law is absolute. Therefore, jots of understanding, forgiveness, and forgetting come back upon us as we give them out to others. It is perfect. It is simple. What we give, we receive. The law is filled with latent grace waiting to be released.
    Do we seek forgiveness? Then, we must give forgiveness. Seek understanding? Then, give understanding to another. If we want our sins forgotten in the Mind of the All-Knowing, then we need to forget what others have done to us. Let it go; release it. Stop holding onto little spites, hurts, and bitterness. They weigh us down, limiting our ability to grow closer to heavenly Consciousness. Ancient Egyptians weighed the heart to see if it was light or heavy. A heavy heart caused the Soul to sink into the underworld, but a light one allowed the Soul to rise through the heavens. The High Priest Raa Ta rejuvenated his body by “casting aside the years of toil and strife through which the body had passed,” In other words, he let go of the things that had aged him. By letting go, we too may release ourselves and others from the heavy burdens of regret, disappointment, self-doubt, and guilt. Just let them go! Shake them off, get up, and get going again. But for this to work, we must also do it for all those we meet — allowing them to be freed of their burdens and our judgments.
    Most of our opportunities to grow in grace will not be with strangers, for the hardest to forgive are those closest to us: parents, siblings, spouses, children, co-workers, and friends? These relationships bring the greatest challenges and opportunities each day. And, we may also think that the greater opportunities for Soul growth concern life and death issues, but they more often concern little everyday situations. The very next person that walks up to us brings potential grace. To release this grace, we simply have to use our God-given mind and will to choose to interact positively.
    However, we can take this too far, allowing others to do whatever they wish despite their influence on themselves, others, and God. Tough love is as much as part of the journey as understanding. Sometimes, we help our loved ones, friends, and co-workers more with loving truth.
    Karma and grace go hand-in-hand, because the law is so perfectly crafted. Grace is the rosebud on the thorny stem of karma. The blooming of this bud is dependent on our present use of free will and mind. “God is Law, and the Law is Love.” A wise man once said, “Love covers a multitude of sins.” Another said “God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” We ask you: “How can it be then that you do not understand God loves you?” Sensing our questioning reply, given that our lives are not always happy, “Why do you suffer? It is mercy; it is justice to your Soul! For those things that are cares of the mortal flesh and of the Earth cannot inherit eternal life. Hence life alters, life changes in the experiences of individuals through their life journey in the Earth, and thus you learn your lessons, even as He; for you are His sons and daughters, yet must you learn obedience through the things that you suffer.” Karma is a teacher. Freedom comes with responsibility. And oneness is not achieved without cooperation.
    There is no power in symbols, be it the cross, the Star of David, the swastika, the crescent etc. There is no power in rituals, there is no power in costumes, or hand signs, or religions, or bizarre religious hats, or traditions, or tribal unity, or racial equality, or theological mumblings and rabbinical babbles, or nationality, or what many people think has power, it is all lies, superstitions and showmanship, all of it, separate one man from another instead of Unifying. In fact, if you want power, or want to use power, you will never become enlightened or reach spiritual perfection. The truth always makes you humble. And only the truths matters. Hence, if you live the truth you are a part of the Oneness. You are part of the God Consciousness.
    Individual Souls of all religions, nationalities, races, tribes etc. is the ones who can do what needs to be done to uplift others, not the “Groups” structures or countries.
    Freedom has a price, it require real responsibility toward others and God. The real power is when each individual live by the universal Laws and truths, not the flawed man-made ones.
    Obeying the law of love is required. Let’s live in grace by applying the fruits of the spirit each day.

    Humbly compiled
    I am
    Rene Descartes.
    Cogito ergo sum. (I am conscious therefore I am)

  5. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 6th, 2010 at 08:44 | #5

    Dear Rene 🙂

    As always your insight is mindbaffling. But, with deep respect for your insight into Egyptian lore and knowledge. I propose the idea, that it also, somehow is a limit to your insight. Because, I think that all the other items of wisdom from the Phoenicians, the Assyrians and so on should be used. I do not think that spirituality is everything. The lore of the polis, the lore of law, the lore of heaven and hell are all equal items of wisdom. Actually the lore of the jews is a treasure I have not entirely understood.

    The world should be, as I see it, be made in a combination of the best of these ideas and knowledge.

    You know, when I discuss political philosphy with the politicians and other people who are interested in that field, they respect my knowledge, but when I discuss physics and metaphysics they find me weird. Because the ideas are not combined.

    It is in the combination we will find true excellence, and this is one of my projects, somehow to combine the things.

  6. Rene’ Descartes
    September 7th, 2010 at 11:49 | #6

    Hallo Asger.
     Of cause there are limit to everybody’s insight in this virtual reality world, if it was not so we would not be incarnate. In this world we are experiencing limits whatever way we turn and in the end our body surely dies, but we don’t.
    All cultures, all races, all groups, and specially religions, that used an insidious logic which certainly out- dwarfs the darkest period of the Spanish inquisition… all throughout the world and through all times had some excellent aspects, otherwise they would not have become what they became, but they also had some idiotic flaws, and that is why they vanished or were minimised. The structures today are equally flawed and will all vanish as well. Trust me. You cannot combine water and fire; you cannot combine physics and metaphysics other than by REASON, and to do that, people has to be reasonable, but sadly most are not. Hence the resistance you have. The physical world is virtual reality, the spiritual is reality.
    What we have been writing about so far is reality, but we also know that it does not appear to be so for people who are deeply involved in the materialist world, (Like the Danes). We also know that the subject of metaphysics is somewhat distasteful for most people in Denmark due to their erroneous upbringing, (I know, I grew up there), that made most people self-righteous. Religion made most into Atheists and obedient, all were towing the official lines, not questioning what is right or wrong. The questions; is it good and loving, is it kind, helpful, and compassionate, is it truthful? etc. never entered the equation. The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less. Folks, ugly is getting uglier by the day. Let me highlight some of the joviality.
    As a young man in the sixties, before I left Denmark, they had to legalize pornography to convince people that they lived in the freest country in the world, but it wasn’t free by any stretch.
    They had Democracy. And the media was simply a dog that couldn’t bark – or hunt. Attempts to raise humanity above the level of fruit fly was considered old fashioned and prudish.
    But never let the facts get in the way of a good story. It’s not what people don’t know that hurts them; it’s what they know that isn’t true, that is what hurt. Spiritually and morally, the human race was being cryogenically frozen in a state of perpetual mediocrity and dysfunction. Thus evil fills the ranks with people who prefer a comfortable lie to a bitter truth. They make the Roman Empire at its most decadent look like Shangri-La. The barbarians are at the gates, but no one notices or cares. It is nothing short of surreal.
    Let me gear down to a more common level of communicating and explain Democracy in a philosophical fashion, and please, keep on smiling.
    Because of willingness to profit from the lessons of history it is the opinion of many that Democracy Sucks. Democracy by definition is Mob rule, the majority Mob. The vote of the majority, right or not so right, is not necessarily the best kind of governance. What is good, helpful, right and fair in our society is not the issue. Who the best and most capable person are, is clearly irrelevant. Whatever talents the political candidates have, or doesn’t have, is of no importens. God forbid if they speak the Truth. So, democracy sucks. Originally Democracy was supposed to be 100 sheep deciding where the best grazing was, or anything else they had in common. Now it has become 30 wolfs (politicians) and 70 sheep (voters) deciding what’s for dinner. So Democracy Sucks. Our election system is supposed to be representative and democratic, but is it? Well not anymore. Democracy is just weak people hiring strong people to boss them around and steal their money and make all their decisions for them. Fifty-one percent can establish a totalitarian rule in government, if they chose, and sadly do so in many places. They can totally suppress minorities and still remain so-called democratic. How are you supposed to stop this kind of power euphoria and misuse by some individuals who apparently can’t handle their authority. And trust me; it is not going to stop there. Human beings clearly appear to get crazy drunk on power. Democracy on the other hand, is like Capitalism or poker “The winner takes all”.

    In a Republic for an example, who is “the country?” Is it the Government which is for the moment in the saddle? No it isn’t. The Government is merely a servant- merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its or his prerogative to determine what is right and what isn’t, and decide who is, and who isn’t (whatever). Its function is to obey the orders, (The will of the people), not originate the orders. (Please read this again). In a Constitutional Republic with proportional representation, where only the voting system is democratic, all people have guarantied and recognized rights. In a simple democracy like in Denmark you only have privileges your elected leaders can remove at their whim. Our elections has gone the way of the dodo, the pearls was clearly thrown before swine. Just look around and see how unsuspecting people get sucked into all kind of things, and they don’t even know that they have been had. The political, administrative and financial mess countries is in at present, is so gigantic, that the problems do not stand a change to be solved with the kind of thinking that created those problems. What the people are missing from their representatives are Humility, sacrifice, service, selflessness, clear thinking, ethics, humbleness, social ethics and morals, a proven track records, and already successful private affairs. (In other words, have proven that they are capable of doing the job they hope to do for the public). Even a simple I.Q. test would be revealing, wouldn’t it. We need capable people, we simply don’t want any more ambitious un-employed, un-successful, greed motivated, incapable and power hungry people. Elections are supposed to be an honest attempt for good service-minded people to cooperate with humility amongst the socially un-equal. Democracy really sucks, doesn’t it?
    A sarcastic person once said “who-ever vote for the winning candidate can be blamed for everything”. The “stats ministers” office, has now become the only offices to take responsibility for our country and for its up-liftment, it was not meant to become some kind of ceremonial office for a local executive Cheerleader whose sole purpose seems to be the private gain of his friends at the public’s expense – nor was the office mend to be a place to be protected from criminal charges by a bunch of underlings. Many politicians have truly fouled their own nests, drunk in their own Power. We the people are not mushrooms; and we are not all in the dark, and we don’t accept the yak dung.
    Democracy is dieing, and here is why:
    Please wrap your mind around this for a moment.
    We can not search for truth, fight for a fair society, protect minority interests, shed light on injustice, without having open and robust debate, without having a free press, and without having free expression tucked into our back pockets, in case we need it. Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game, Free speech is life itself. The oxygen of free societies is freedom of speech. Everything short of incitement has to be tolerated, even when it is wrong. The Government…both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the government may provisionally grant him. But actually, we have plenty of rights in your country, provided you don’t get caught exercising them. We have similar examples in ancient Greece and Rome: Instances of the people losing their liberty by their own carelessness and the greed and power ambition of a few.

    I look upon Democracy as the most fatal plan that could be possibly be conceived to enslave free people.
    Instead of being a protector of man’s rights, the government is becoming their most dangerous violator; instead of guarding freedom the government is establishing indirect slavery; instead of protecting men from the initiators of physical force, the government is initiating physical force and coercion in any manner and issue it pleases; instead of serving as the instrument of objectivity in human relationships, the government is creating a deadly subterranean reign of uncertainty and fear…in most countries, instead of protecting men from injury by whim, the government is arrogating to itself the power of unlimited whim – so that we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. The clearest picture of most democratic governments is a cop, clad in black, with a baton raised over the head of some objector. Just look in politiken a few months ago. Criminals are a small minority in any age or community. And the harm they have done to mankind is infinitesimal when compared to the horrors – the bloodshed, the wars, the persecution, the famines, the enslavements, the wholesale destruction – perpetrated by mankind’s different democratic governments. Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights – When unlimited and unrestricted by individual rights, a government is mankind’s deadliest enemy.
    To be Governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. Weak people accept others do not. To be Governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown it all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonoured. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality. Folks, some of these leaders are as ignorant as a cubic yard of dirt.
    What, then, do they (Us Humans) want a government for? Not to regulate commerce; not to educate the people; not to teach religion; not to administer charity; not to make roads and railways; but simply to defend the natural rights of man – to protect person and property – to prevent the aggressions of the powerful upon the weak – in a word, to administer justice. This is the natural, the original, office of a government. It was not intended to do less: it ought not to be allowed to do more.
    The great political superstition of the past was the divine right of kings. The great political superstition of the present is the divine right of Governments. People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should much rather be afraid of the people! The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and under-nourishment. Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while, the grand thieves are running the countries. That’s our problem. Democracy is supposed to be all about free speech and free thought. Freedom is freedom and there is no such thing as just a little bit of freedom. Just as with pregnancy, you can’t be a little bit. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought are the very essence of liberty, freedom and a free society. It should be the fundamental backbone of democracy…where open debate is not only encouraged, it is essential. Where respect is not earned, do not respect it. The demand for respect in the absence of a reason to warrant respect is plain tyranny. Freedom is not the jurisdiction of the Government to give or take as they see fit. Freedom is a gift from God, as are the rights to liberty, freedom of thought and freedom of speech and inquiry. No nation has the right to take away what was not theirs to give in the first place.
    In Denmark dissent is clearly stamped upon – not least because, when deviant behavior becomes viewed as normal, normal behavior inevitably becomes treated as deviant.
    When those who prove constantly that they have no morals, no ethics, no competence, no honour, no honesty, no character tell me how to think, live, speak, I think I will stick with God. I think I know what side He is on.
    The unfathomable chaos, injustice and the rapid retreat from reason we see everywhere, and which has resulted in the bewilderment and demoralization of most democratic nations has had to be planned and orchestrated. We can extrapolate creatively from data, but cannot prophesize wild cards, such as acts of God, acts of nature, or acts of man that can only be described as ‘schemes undreamed of.’ Forgive me if I get a bit indelicate here, but to that I simply say: Get over it! This sense of entitlement the government officials have, with their precious “identities” entwined with their big spending habits is a sham. It’s disgusting.
    In this arena, the majority does not see intelligence, courage, honour, decency, skill, as great things. They speak of these in glowing terms, yes, but the reality is just the opposite. Your worth is decided strictly, by the resources you have at your beck and call, and how many worshippers, clones and mindless thralls you have sloshing saliva in your path at the moment. The naive neophytes are fed upon by hungrier, slicker fish who lie, and think of nothing other of their own self-aggrandizement, no matter what the cost to anyone else. Who will take them for everything they are worth and go home and eat fabulous dinners and sleep quite well?
    Independently creative thought is generally at a minimum. Raw recruits sit back, read their prepared daily briefs, and follow the included orders from the bigger fish. The reptilian brain by and large, runs the show here. I’m talking about the malevolent, cutthroat world of top politicians and their old boy’s network?
    I see this grotesque attitude permeating in what should be the nexus point for the kindest, the wisest, and the toughest. What really should be a gathering place for the best of the best. But instead I see constant desperate struggles, by the so-called awakened just as in the world of so-called sheep, to try to grab power over others and see themselves as better than everyone else around them.
    I see instead of dynamic individual minds who are so in speech and in deed joining ideas, instead of easily infiltratable groups, just innocent lambs waiting to be eaten by the next Government agent with a fancy, cleverly worked out website and a loud enough voice booming with fake intensity. I finally came to the conclusion that to wake up many politicians, they would need to be locked up in prison to get them to sit down, shut up, listen and think. Focus on the reality rather than the inane and asinine, or run off at the mouth without putting the brain in gear. God never holds up high the despicable among us. On the contrary, God seems to make sure that such people are crushed one way or another. They self-destruct and I am seeing plenty of that going on right now in politic here locally, as well as all over the world. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our earth. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands that never earned it, and the democratic country is destroyed.
    I perceive my civic challenge as some vast, insoluble Rubik’s Cube. Behind each problem lies yet another, and another, ad infinitum. To fix crime we have to fix the family, but before we do that we have to fix welfare, and that means fixing our budget, and that means fixing our civic spirit, but we can’t do that without fixing moral standards, and that means fixing schools and churches, and that means fixing the slums, and that’s impossible unless we fix crime. There’s no fulcrum on which to rest a policy lever. People of all age’s sense that something huge will have to sweep across the world before the gloom can be lifted – but that’s an awareness we suppress. As a nation, we’re in deep denial. – The party’s over, it’s time to de-frock all the participants and discover what they have really been doing. Anecdotal evidence is mounting that democracy is something of a façade as it is. I hope that these facts are disturbing to all of you, to say the least. As a practical thinker, one not overly prone to emotional decisions, I have a choice: I can either believe what the objective pieces of evidence tell me (even if they make me cringe with disgust); I can believe what history is shouting to me from across the chasm of six and a half decades; or I can hope I am wrong by closing my eyes, having another Cognac, and ignoring what is transpiring around me.. I choose to believe the evidence (And have a Cognac). No doubt some people will scoff at me; others laugh, or think I am foolish, naive, or both. To some degree, perhaps I am. But I have never been afraid to look people in the eye and tell them exactly what I believe-and why I believe it. Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. Then again, I could be wrong about that. I pray I am wrong, but I do not think I am. Only in Politic do people think freedom is freedom to lie, steal, connive, cheat, plunder and wreck the lives of others just to be successful in terms of money and power. Only in Politic is freedom so taken for granted that freedom to be a criminal is now passé. Only in Politic do self-professed Christians worship money and materialism before God and, sadly, do not know the difference. What fell in through the roof due to fraud and what comes as manna from Heaven is not the same thing. So now I see far more of the circumstance of ‘an accident looking for a place to happen’.
    In Dante’s writings he cited the seven deadly sins as being: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Those seven words alone sum up the demise of what was could have been a great nation. We as a nation of people and the corrupt leadership we put into office have violated those seven deadly sins so many times it is incredible to me that most individuals can and will sit still for it, just like a herd of cowardly sheep busily munching the grass and not paying attention to the realities going on. The opposite of lust is chastity. The antonym of gluttony is temperance. The opposite of greed is charity. The antonym of sloth is diligence. The opposite of wrath is patience. The antonym of envy is kindness. The opposite of pride is humility.
    No leaders, no solutions, no answers can arise from the cacophony of babbling fools, many of whom have not a single damned clue what they are talking about. Silence is the virtue of a fool but in politic the opinions and lack of cohesion to a purpose are also signs of a nation that has no plan to fix what is wrong. It seems to me that you have to be honest to see the truth. If you are not honest then your perspective is skewered by your dishonesty and denial. This is why they can’t tell the truth and why a certain portion of the public can’t believe the truth. Every day the magnitude of the lies and the dreadful behavior of the few are being seen more widely and more deeply. The public should demand the frequent use of the hangman’s noose (Ha) that ought to be used on those that have so abused the public’s trust over the decades. Now, when politicians or government agency heads fail, they just collect their booty and leave office to write their books and plan their next parasitic adventure. The people pay the bill, suck-it-up and move on with only the slimmest of hope that the next creature will not just be a repetition of what had gone before. In almost every case what the public ‘got’ was an even greater set of criminals at a huge increase in the costs for their crimes, in which the offenders have never been forced to face any real consequences, because as long as they are not charged or convicted they are free to re-invent themselves again and return to the public troughs for an ever- increasing share of the public’s hard-earned money.
    Most people lack the capacity to search for truth and cope rationally with our mounting social and economic ills. They seek clarity, entertainment and order. They are willing to use force to impose this clarity on others, especially those who do not speak as they speak and think as they think. All the traditional tools of democracies, including dispassionate scientific and historical truth, facts, news and rational debate, are useless instruments in a world that lacks the capacity to use them. So Democracy will fail, I think. The question you should ask is, what will be the next evolution in politic? What comes after Democracy? And now that the testosterone has relaxed its grip, I am left scratching my bald-ness wondering why? I just had to get it of my chest!!!!

    I do not try to create antagonism, but I do try to jerk some chains to motivate people to stop learning so much and instead start thinking independently and ask themselves real questions like…. What am I, and What is my purpose for living, (why am I here).
    As you can se in this simple argument, the physical dimension is VIRTUAL REALITY, and the answers for mankind simply, cannot be found there. Trust me.
    So be it
    I am humbly
    Rene Descartes
    cogito ergo sum (I am conscious, therefore I am)

  7. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 8th, 2010 at 12:24 | #7

    Dear Rene 🙂

    Sorry to fire off your testetorone, it was off cause partly the motivation of my, i dare say, very respectful, critisism of your angle on metaphysics. But it is only because I know that this discussion is fruitful in a rational consequent discussion. I really enjoy your insight, and I do learn a lot from crossing knifes with you. So please forgive my provocation.

    The critisism, I do share. I agree that what we have now is vain and corrupt. I for one can testify this, the official state media Danmarks Radio just called me paranoid and so on. It is absolutely absurd.

    But I do not share your gloomy view on democracy as such. Or rather the citystate idea that our system is based upon. It has worked many times in history. But a prerequisite for the system to work is knowledge on the principles of the system. Principles we have lost knowledge of these days. Take Sparta, it worked for 700 hundred years. The system was on a philosophical idea, and it just kept on rolling. Same goes for the Estruscan (Roman) system and the Phoenician system (Karthago).

    So the answer to the riddle of statemaking is knowledge. We have to use the knowledge of the classics to make a system of today. We live halfway in darkness. The enlightentment era took us only a few steps into the light of the classical world, we need to take more steps to really understand what we lost. This goes for both metaphysics, physics, politics, and many other fields.

    Concerning your critisism of Denmark. I really agree, it is extremely difficult to live under the yoke of the corrupt and the folly of the materialists. People scorn knowledge that is created in times where science and wisdom were so much more advanced. They are so dumb, that they take their own stupidity as a proof of sanesness.

    Throw Darwin, Nietzsche, Bohr, Animaxander, Jesus, Montesquieu, Philo, Kierkegaard, Democrit, Lycurgus at them and they start babbling and calling you a madman.

    Talk about casting pearls for swine.

    But it is possible to transform the world into something brighter and more beautiful. It has been like that, and it can reappear in another rebirth of knowledge. We have to believe that, hold it to our hearts, keep on hoping, and eventually it will happen.

    Yours, with deep respect 🙂

  8. Rene’ Descartes
    September 10th, 2010 at 07:49 | #8

    Thank you Asger for your positive input. I would have been more concerned if DR loved you, they apparently have dedicated themselves to waist the lives of the Danish peoples, and sadly, are very successful in doing that. Den danske stats kirke is successful as well; they killed God and created 5 million Atheists with their lies, erroneous dogma and deceptions. On a much lighter note and at a higher level of Conscious communication, let me introduce you to the real story of a small part of my own and my friends beginning…Hence perhaps you can forgive me for my lag of respect for modern society, funny religions and all their flawed information systems. But first….

    Philosophy means ‘love of wisdom’. Intellect, using your free will is the tools used in searching for the unknown wisdom you supposedly love. Intellect is coming from your brain or from outside sources. Wisdom is the Universal conscious awareness and insight hoped to be achieved. All Insight comes from within, hence, the expression “the kingdom of heaven are within”. I of all people should know what modern philosophy means. I know, that in Denmark there is not much love of wisdom (Searching for higher Conscious awareness) these days, but there is much love of intellect. Unfortunately, intellect has reached the peak of selfishness and separateness, and has become a dead end, especially in Denmark, with the illusion that they already know everything, but sadly, they all withdrew before they reached the real orgasm, the big Kahuna, the Universal Consciousness.
    Another point I must mention, is the difference between “Knowledge” in Danish “viden” and “Conscious awareness” or “dyber forstaaelse/bevisthed”, even thought, those words only partly explain the real meaning. The problem with knowledge is that is always growing, indicating that it lagged in the first place. What we know today is more than we did yesterday, but les than we do tomorrow. In other words, seen from tomorrow, we are all fools to day.
    Where as Conscious awareness is an inner gnosis, an all inclusive Universal understanding, the unexplainable source which, are similar to intuition, an inner complete and all inclusive awareness. The part of us that is Godly, which is our hope of glory.
    My previous comment on democracy was an intellectual discourse. In contrast the following is a Conscious insight from my Soul. Maybe, when you read it, you will feel and recognize the little voice from within your own consciousness, the one that never lies, confirming the reality of it (De smaa haar i nakken), otherwise just read it as you would a novel. This is not religious or has any thing to do with Religion, however we do use some religious terminology, but only to clarify.
    Life is truly so amazing when viewed from the perspective of the Soul and Soul mates. Our Soul was first conceived in the Mind of God, as were all of us. We were among numerous lights that appeared in the dark, when the “morning stars sang together in the heavens.” It was the first dawn and we found our self awake and filled with wonder. In this early morning light our virgin Consciousness would have been so near to the infinite, omnipotent mind of our Creator that they were as one. Throughout this wondrous Presence were countless others like our self, yet each with a slightly different point-of-being in the Whole. What “creatures” these would have been; like no other. They possessed the ultimate combination of Consciousness and freedom. And within us were the innate urges of our Creator’s desire for loving companionship and creativity, two celestially primal drives that would remain a driving force forever.
    The angels must have looked upon us, these cosmic-toddlers, with justifiable apprehension. Like celestial children we would have to learn to handle and value the treasures of this angelic home with care, but until we did learn what would the heavens be like? Chaos was a very real potential! It must have quickly become apparent to the angels that their home would never be the same again.
    Flush with life, our minds ablaze with wonder and imbued with the essence of our Creator, us fledgling Godlings began to move, to touch, to seek out and look through the seemingly endless fathoms of the Cosmos. As a child would explore everything we found before us, we and the others peered into the many and varied dimensions of their Father’s house. Wonders upon wonders were to be found everywhere our young minds turned.
    As with so many of us, wonder brought us into the environs of our present solar system. When we fully arrived here, the Earth was still cooling and life was just beginning to stir in its waters and gases. This first appearance was not an incarnation for there were no Earthly bodies to inhabit as we know them today. In this dawn of Earth’s life we was more like a spirit in the breeze, a voice in the wind as it swept across the steaming waters – a voice foretelling of the coming of man.
    But Earth was not the only planet we visited, neither was the third-dimension our primary level of Consciousness. All the planets in this star system provided us with unique perspectives and opportunities in our young lives. The entire universe with all its dimensions was ours to enjoy. By doing so, we would grow in understanding and come to be a true companion to the One who created us.
    Evil and the forces of what humanity has called the Devil developed as a result of rebellion against the flow of creation, the harmony of the original ideal that all life was to follow.
    That force which rebelled in the unseen forces (or in spirit) that came into activity, was that influence which has been called Satan, the Devil, the Serpent; they are One. That of SELFISHNESS AND REBELLION! When man in any activity rebels against the influences of good he harkens to the influence of evil rather than the influence of good. Will, is given to man for the choice. As given, ‘There is set before thee (man) good and evil.’ Evil is rebellion. Good is the Son of Life, of Light, of Truth; and the Son of Light, of Life, of Truth came into physical being to demonstrate and show and lead the way for man’s ascent to the power of good over evil in a material world. As there is, then, a personal savoir, there is the personal devil.
    In Western scripture we have the legend of the Sons and Daughters of Man versus the Sons and Daughters of God. These were the self-seeking, rebellious celestial beings battling with the God-centred, cooperating celestials. Both groups began to incarnate in the Earth. Both spirits began to manifest in matter.
    For a time, these two opposing influences counterbalanced one another’s influences in the world. But, as even the Mayan legends tell us, “Good was overcome by evil’s lure and temptations”. The biblical statement that “the Sons of God looked upon the Daughters of Men and saw that they were fair; and took them wives of all they chose,” indicates the fall of the well-intended celestial beings, who were only attempting to counter the influences of evil. This passage is found in Genesis, chapter six, along with the only mention of the powerful mighty beings of ancient times, the Nephilim. These gods of old lost their power as they succumbed to the distractions of self-seeking and rebellion.
    Those who pushed their way into matter wilfully, not in cooperation with God and Nature, were called the Sons of the Earth or Sons of Man, and was the first wave of Souls entering the earth dimension. Then, as explained, “The Creative Forces, God, then made the first man — or first God-man.” This physical being “was the beginning of the Sons of God.” “Then those Souls who entered through a channel made by God — not by thought, not by desire, not by lust, not by things that separated continually — were the Sons of God, the Daughters of God.” The second wave. Implying that Souls were not necessarily trapped in one group or another, but could move between them by using their wills to change their ways.
    In today’s world, there is only a very thin veil between sublime and ridiculous, thinner between good and evil. Many teach that the real judge of an action or thought is the motivation behind it. If the motivation is self-seeking, self-gratifying, self-exalting, then no matter how good the action or thought may appear, it gives strength to the forces of evil. Our understanding by teaching that the “desire to do good and to be good is not man’s problem alone, but to be good FOR SOMETHING, to be good as a purposefulness! But doing good for Good’s sake; doing good because it brings contentment, it brings harmony, it brings peace, it brings associations that create in the hearts of the associates JOY and HOPE and the LONGING for the greater knowledge of the SOURCE of good”
    In our childhood, before the physical experiences, as Sons and Daughters of the Creative force, we were among the countless Souls that turned our attention to this little part of the Universe. At this point in our celestial life, there was not male or female spirit. Like all companions, we possessed both male and female sexual forces. Our nature of “form” could best be described as a Consciousness which could, in moments, be very defined and unique, focusing-in on the minutest parts of manifested life, and at other moments could expand into the Universal Consciousness and perceive the Whole of Life.
    We were a microcosm of the Whole, a miniature of our Creator, a “chip off the old block.” If we approached ourselves now, we would see how life was being expressed, perceived and experienced by this one point in the Whole. This was us, all of us, in the heavens, long before we made a home in the Earth plane.
    On one of our early visits to Earth, we and the group of Souls with whom we were traveling saw a strangely different quality in many of the first wave of Souls who had been journeying earlier, near the environs of Earth. They appeared to be changing: they were more dense and heavy; their consciousness seemed narrower, less Universal. As we and our companions studied this phenomenon we realized that the other Souls were gradually moving so deeply into the Earth’s dimension that they were separating from the rest of life, taking on the shapes and dimensions of this new physical world. This was causing them to lose awareness of the other dimensions and the higher, finer aspects of their own being. They were no longer just visiting this world; they were actually beginning to look like the animals indigenous to Earth – they had feathers, scales, horns and other appendages. They were totally new creatures – terrestrial and heavy, and communication with them became increasingly difficult. They had become “things”. To our amazement, they had developed a hierarchy among themselves, setting some Souls above others, (Like Kings, priests, rabbis, whatever) something that was totally alien to the heavenly spheres where they were all children of the same family and parentage; equals.
    Perhaps the most astonishing change was that the Souls who were now leading these terrestrial groups were expounding a belief that there was no central, Universal Consciousness (God) to whom they could remain attuned (Just like most Danish intellectuals). In fact, their source of life was not a celestial Creator of love and joy, but simply the impersonal force of organic, material life. Each Soul was encouraged to take what it wanted from life with little regard for others and no regard for the Whole of life. Successful survivors deserved to live better and off the labour of the others because it would improve the race. Power, superiority, force, strength and survival of the fittest were among their many new erroneous and selfish evil beliefs.
    We and our companions knew this was nonsense. We reasoned that some great distortion of perception had apparently come over these Souls, and in order to see the truth again they needed to regain their finer nature and form. However, in order for us and our group to reach these Souls, we were going to have to move deeper into the Earth’s dimensions ourselves – a move very few of us wanted to make – yet we couldn’t just leave these lost Souls, our brothers and sisters, in such a ridiculous state of erroneous awareness. After much reflection, we and our companions felt sure we could maintain our spiritual consciousness while communicating with these terrestrial ones.
    The plan was to first approach those who were the least affected by the Earth’s physical dimension, re-awaken them to the truth, and convince them to convey to the others that they were heading in the wrong direction and needed to turn around. Returning to the higher dimensions of life and Consciousness had to be done soon or they would be too enmeshed in matter to get out. If this happened, then they would have to go through the whole journey of the material evolution.
    Though we had visited Earth before, observing, this was to be our first journey among its unique realms, experiencing. However, we were not in a body like the ones we occupy today. We, and those who came with us, made ourselves known to the terrestrial Souls by projecting three-dimensional images of ourselves into the Earth’s dimension using light, much in the way we create a hologram. At first our images was much like a sphere of illuminated Consciousness from which our thoughts could be conveyed to the terrestrial Souls. But when it became apparent that the terrestrial Souls were too three-dimensionally focused to relate to these images, we and our companions began to project a form that approached the shape of our bodies today. However, it was much lighter and less dense, still very much like a hologram formed by light but with increasing definition.
    Using this image-form we began to journey for the first time in what was to become the continent of Atlantis. Here many Souls were living in various degrees of solidity and awareness. Since we retained our attunement to the Universal Consciousness, we were considered to be a Gods and Goddesses. Many came to us for guidance and help in understanding what was happening to them and their companions, but we also met with strong, aggressive challenges from the selfish and self appointed leaders (Kings, priests, rabbis etc) of the terrestrially bound Souls. They challenged everything we and our companions held to be true about the Universal One, the higher dimensions and our true purposes for being.
    It quickly became apparent that this transformation in consciousness was going to take much longer than originally expected. The terrestrially possessed companions were far more involved in this material world than had first been suspected. In fact, many of them were actually seeking to build colonies here and journey among the planet’s trees, mountains, and waters indefinitely. This might have been completely compatible with the Creator if they had not also been developing an almost idolising interest in themselves and their own desires (Selfishness and ego) without any regard for others and the Universal Forces. They separated themselves from everybody.
    This self-seeking energy would prove to be the first evil, the first sin, and the followers and supporters of this self-centred movement would become known and is translated as “The Children of Darkness” later called “Sons of Belial” because their paths led toward the abyss of separation and loss of contact with the Creator. Prior to these changes there had been only One Force. Now there were two; the second, an evil that mounted life for its own purposes, destroying everything in its way. The loss of contact with any holistic source and interconnection to life, combined with the new paradigm reflected in the un-conscious and evil principles of “survival of the fittest,” established an entirely new and inherently destructive dimension of Consciousness.
    Unfortunately, self-seeking was not the sole possession of the terrestrially bound Souls. Every free-willed companion had within it the potential to begin seeking its own way without concern for the effect on others and the Whole. Free will and independent Consciousness were godly gifts, yet with just the slightest shift in intent these sublime wonders of the fledgling Godlings became weapons of devils. Each of the companions had to struggle to subdue their self-only desires in order to remain in harmony with the Whole and the other companions.
    We struggled hard to maintain our attunement and to aid those who sought our guidance and counsel, but we could feel ourselves assuming more and more the substance of the Earth. As we battled with the terrestrial leaders, we sadly found ourselves becoming more wilful and determined to force our views upon them. This righteous and well-meaning desire was subtly giving strength to forces of self-interest, but unlike some of the fellow companions, we perceived the effects of wilfulness, and resisted, and maintained our humility.
    Our name then was Asamee. This was not exactly an individual name as individuals have today; rather, it was the collective name for a line of Souls, all of whom were called “Asamee”. Individuality was not near what it has become today. Differentiating one Soul from another wasn’t done; all were still very much one. Those who felt as we did about life and Consciousness were called “The Children of the Law of One.” This name had come to us because of their insistence that there was only One Force in the universe, and Souls were the children of the One. We also taught “The Law of the One,” which included a principle that actions naturally produce reactions, an idea that the terrestrials considered ridiculous and just another attempt to keep them from doing whatever they wanted.
    Accordingly, one of the Souls who was with Asamee in these times was called Amilius. This Soul would later become well known by another name. In these very early times on the planet, Amilius perceived the disastrous change that had come over his fellow Souls resulting in the terrestrial behaviour, and came to the conclusion that things had gotten beyond the level of a brief flirtation with the Earth. It was now time, he felt, to develop a much more long-term plan for dealing with the situation. On this point, many of the Children of the Law of One disagreed or had other ideas about how better to deal with the problem. Thus, for the first time, a difference of opinion arose within the ranks of the Children. Amilius, his intentions pure and his vision clear, was clearly attuned to the Universal Consciousness. Because of this, most of the Children supported his perceptions, some begrudgingly, others wholeheartedly, but of course, some resisted them strongly.
    Amilius perceived that if this loss of celestial Consciousness could happen to one Soul, it could happen to any Soul; therefore, the problem needed to be faced; the temptation needed to be overcome, not avoided. Furthermore, the root of the problem was not the Earth and its unique form of life, but the struggle within each Soul to learn to use its Godliness in such a way as to be all it was meant to be and yet not destroy itself and other life in the process. Key to this problem was the sense of separation a Soul felt as it became more self-conscious and less Universal Conscious. This sense of separation, which resulted in a loss of purpose and identity with anything or anyone, occurred in the celestial realms as well as in the Earth, though more accentuated in the latter. Therefore, it was assumed the Earth was the best place to conquer it. Amilius was making a commitment to enter the Earth and live among the lost ones to somehow overcome its destructive influences. He believed if self-consciousness and its resulting sense of separation could be overcome, it could be overcome here as well as anywhere else. And once overcome, it would no longer have any power over the Children, the future companions of God; they would know the truth and they would be free.
    Some among Amilius’ group wanted to leave these Earthlings to wallow in their own sins and delusions. Others doubted their own ability to resist the temptations that had so possessed the lost Souls. For in addition to dealing with this problem of one’s own inner temptations and struggles, they were going to have to deal with the terrestrial Souls who had now become very aggressive and lawless. To attempt to live among them was not only spiritually, mentally and emotionally dangerous, it was physically dangerous. Some of the Children also pointed out that there were many complications involved in this Earth problem, so many complexities and complications that a real solution might well be impossible. Perhaps they would just be throwing good souls after bad if they attempted to enter and uplift this world.
    With all of these hazards in mind and in spite of much bickering among the Children, Asamee and our fellow Souls, including Amilius, began to set up a system whereby the lost ones could regain their heavenly Consciousness. Living with the Children of the Law of One they would learn to overcome their potential for evil. It was a grand endeavour, filled with that spirit that is only found in the un-selfish, the hopeful, and the positive ones. Little did they know just how formidable their adversary was, both the inner and outer.
    First on their list was to prepare a new physical form that would allow the companions of God to journey in the Earth with some semblance of their true, spiritual nature. Their part animal-like forms which most Souls were using were totally ill-suited for spiritual endeavours and actually added to their problems with perception and understanding. Egyptian wall carvings show these mixtures abundantly clearly, like for an example Thoth was depicted as a human body with an Ibis head. As companions of the Creator, they needed a physical form that suited their particular spiritual characteristics and yet was based on sound principles for functioning well in the third-dimension.
    Furthermore, their sexual oneness had been eroded by the natural duality of the planet, causing them to accentuate one aspect of their sexual forces (male or female) and subdue the other (the respective male or female opposite). No longer were they united, androgynous beings; they were now either predominantly masculine or feminine in their appearance and energy. Physically, then, their new Earthly form would need to reflect these changes by being either male or female. Asamee and their fellow “double-sexed” companions began the work of creating forms for these Souls, male and female, separating their double-sexed natures into single-sexed physical projections, the Soul of Amilius being the first to completely achieve this, as “Adam”
    The physical setting for all of these struggles and the subsequent work and commitment was Atlantis. Many Souls were involved, and we interacted with most of them, their lives weaving in and out of ours throughout our incarnations. In some cases, they built strong, lasting relationships that were forever a blessing to them. In other cases, they built disagreements, misunderstandings and distrust that haunted them whenever their paths crossed. As this work continued, we withdrew from the Earth to prepare ourselves to be a channel through which the Children could enter into the new human bodies. Some chose to accentuate their feminine forces and subdue their masculine, others did the opposite.
    These early periods in the Earth had gone on for an enormously long time. In Earth time, the activities in Atlantis lasted some 200,000 years. During the last 50,000 years the huge continent had broken into several islands from violent Earthquakes. We had journeyed here as Asamee for much of the early period and was preparing to return to Earth as the last of Atlantis sank into the sea and a new era began, about 12 000 years ago. This would be our first true incarnation in that we were actually going to enter and live in a physical body, for the first time. It was not a haphazard event. Many of the Souls with whom we had worked in Atlantis were already in the Earth preparing for our incarnation.
    Conditions in the Earth had changed dramatically. The second wave of Souls had entered ‘en masse’, preparing for generations of incarnations that were to be a part of this new world; a joyful solution, it was hoped.
    In five different regions, in five different races, in five different nations the Souls entered, each group manifesting a unique characteristic of their celestial nature and each responsible for maintaining and enlightening the physical world with that celestial aspect and characteristic talents while the cycles of Earth-life moved toward their destiny.
    We were among those Souls charged with developing the white race. Their original centre was in the Caucasus Mountains, though many of them migrated into what today would be called northern Africa, Egypt, eastern Asia and Europe. In Egypt, the high-priest named Raa Ta, and several others working closely with him, were preparing for the entry. This was to be a very special event for we had the potential to manifest the optimal characteristics of a true, pure, human-type physical body.
    Many of the physical bodies of the first wave of Souls, in all races, were contaminated and distorted by animal characteristics that lingered from the early days of the terrestrial ones. To produce a perfect form for the companions, the second Wave of Souls, one had to use the natural laws of the Earth’s genetics combined with a clear mental image of the desired result. Then hope that the Souls who inhabited the new human body possessed the same image and could maintain it sufficiently to manifest it in physical form! Even then, the new human creation could end up sexually mingling with another body that wasn’t as purely human, mixing it with stronger animal characteristics, and ruin everything. Hence, Zoodomy is retarding.
    These were unusual times. There were no families, no parents, no laws – just millions and millions of Souls in varying degrees of Conscious awareness, with different motives and desires, and many different kinds of physical bodies. The celestially attuned companions, the second wavers, were living in human-like terrestrial forms, and though their proximity to the lost ones, the first wavers, helped awaken many, unfortunately, it also helped to lower the awareness of the celestial ones. Some of the second wavers became really bad as well. Despite the temptations and difficulties, Raa Ta and his co-workers had prepared themselves and their bodies carefully. Among themselves they had selected two who were genetically, as well as mentally and spiritually, the best. These had been developed, preserved and finally brought together for the conception of a third body, one that would even better the parent bodies.
    We also prepared ourselves. We had journeyed in the celestial environs with as pure an attunement to the Universal One as we could possibly manage. Our attunement was no longer what it had once been in the early morning moments after the original creation, where our life and awareness were one with All life. Too much had come between us and the deep stillness of the Universal One. Nevertheless, it was an attunement sufficient to make us rare Souls among Earth-bound Souls and to bring a glimpse to others of what it had been like to be a morning star in that now distant dawn.
    Raa Ta anxiously watched as the newborn was being received from the womb, and as it was being cleansed and prepared for presentation. His eyes searched for the tell-tale signs of beastliness or celestialness and the true characteristics of a pure human form. Again and again he scanned every detail of the body. Nothing, absolutely nothing was distorted or contaminated; it was truly human. Clear sharp eyes, pure skin, and very little hair – the priest could hardly believe his eyes. It was the perfect human form for the heavenly Souls to use during their incarnations in the new world. As he pulled away to reflect on the meaning and potential of the event, we who were with him pushed our way in to see for ourselves. The celestially aware companions entered in five different races. This was originally accomplished more in Consciousness than in form, for their bodies did not immediately reflect true, pure human qualities but had to be developed toward this aim. At this early stage in man’s entry into the Earth, human qualities were more mental images than physical forms, and in order to convert them into physical reality, it was essential to work within the laws of evolution and genetics native to the earth.
    Raa Ta and his companions had finally achieved the perfected white body (originating in the Caucus and Carpathian areas and perfected in Egypt). The red had already been perfected (Atlantis and North America), as well as the brown (Lemuria and the Andes), the black (Sudan and Congo) and the yellow (Gobi area).
    The body that the Soul entered first was a purely Caucasian female body. Her new name, appropriately, was Tar Ello, “body of light.” It was a high achievement for her (Soul). She gave hope and inspiration to many through her beautiful reflection of one of the five aspects of the heavenly “form.” Man was no longer a beast of the world, but a descendant from another world above; a beautiful descendant. Now the work of the ascension was ahead of them, the return to their life “before the world was.”
    Though Tar Ello had accomplished much in achieving her first flesh body, it would prove to be a very difficult incarnation for her. She was looked upon with awe and reverence, and viewed and judged by her outer form more than her inner spirit. She naturally felt special, different and more alone than she had ever felt in the higher dimensions. Even some of her closest companions in the spirit were now so in awe of her that they set her above themselves, no longer swapping counsel and support, but expecting all the wisdom and strength to come from her alone. Others, who had been her friends and colleagues in the Atlantean journey, now resented her new physical superiority, feeling that she no more deserved such an honour than they.
    She longed for the early times when no Soul was greater than another and all shared together as equals and companions. On Earth everything regrettably, was measured and judged by appearance, position and power. It was a lonely place to live, each within one’s own body, separated from the others and measured by outer qualities and segregated accordingly.
    Raa Ta perceived the girl’s sadness, though ever so subtle it was, for she kept her mission above her personal needs. He encouraged her to take part in the ceremonies of the temples and find comfort in prayer and meditation. Ax-Tell and his son Ax-Tellus, both remnants of the Atlantean Civilization and members of the perfected red race, had long understood the problems of loneliness and separation in the new world. Seeing this same feeling in the eyes of this little white child and in so many others, they encouraged the high-priest Raa Ta and the king of the land, Ararat, to consider a new living arrangement for Souls while incarnate in the Earth. Instead of living in medium to large groups, their plan was that each group would break into small sub-groups consisting of one male and one female whose offspring lived with them. Together they would form a support group for each of their members, their own flesh and blood the bonding force. It was the beginning of the nuclear family, as we know it, and the sense of support that came from being someone’s child, sibling, or parent. This structure would also reflect the heavenly realm where the children of the father-mother God companioned in a close, nurturing environment.
    It was an excellent idea, but Tar Ello was a temple virgin and there was no way Raa Ta was going to agree to allow her to live in a separate dwelling with her natural parents amid all the other Souls of mixed blood and morality. This world was still too savage and beastly for that. She was too rare, too special. But those close to Tar Ello knew she carried a deep sadness and loneliness with her and she would not be the perfect temple priestess Raa Ta wanted. Nevertheless, she struggled hard to maintain her attunement to the Universal One and carried out her daily work to the best of her ability.
    She continued to help make flesh a temporary home for spirit, drawing inspiration and guidance from her temple studies and duties and the many teachers and guides associated with the effort. One of these guides was Hermes, called by many the “Thrice Majestic One.” He was, in fact, the Soul who had been called Amilius in Atlantis. Continuing his work toward resurrecting the Earth-bound Souls to their former state in the heavens, he was now here in Ancient Egypt among the Children who also worked toward such an end. As it is commonly known among the students of mystery today, Hermes was the major influence behind the building of the Pyramids. Since the descent of the Souls was going to take them deep into the world of matter and physical reality, these monuments were built as reminders of the former realms that still lie beyond physical death. But they were more than monuments in those early days. Tar Ello and her fellow Children of the One used some of these structures for their initiations into the true realities and purposes for life; truths that were fast becoming myths and legends. Through her close relationship with Ra Ta and his close relationship with Hermes, she continued to be involved with this great Soul and His destiny.
    Unfortunately, after the death of Raa Ta, who had become her inspiration and strength, Tar Ello fell from the high pedestal she had so sincerely but reluctantly accepted. Eventually, she left the temple to become the companion of Exderenemus, another remnant of Atlantis, and a Soul with whom she would companion in many of her following incarnations.
    These dramatic changes in Tar Ello’s life and position astonished those who worshipped her and caused those who resented her to take every opportunity to discredit her. All of this left her Soul deeply distressed. What had begun as a grand endeavour was ending in a purposeless mess. She withdrew from her body, from this place of sadness, and sought to rid herself of the memory of the whole experience. She withdrew to the realms of another planet, and there purged herself of all remnants of the flesh. From here she withdrew even further from Earth, her spirit rising higher and higher until she could feel the light of the Universal One fill her being and purge her of her Earthly dross, leaving it to die. Here in the heavenly spheres she bathed and rejuvenated herself until once again she and her Creator were in touch with each other.
    As Earth keeps time, it wasn’t long before the Soul of the priest Raa Ta and Tar Ello’s other companions beckoned her to reincarnate to join them in another visit to the environs of Earth and yet another attempt at overcoming its peculiar influences while helping the terrestrially bound souls reawaken themselves. It was too much a part of her deepest wishes for her to refuse this goodwill mission, and since the Earth afforded her the opportunity to mend her disappointing sojourn in Egypt, she readily accepted the challenge. Off she went, revitalized and ready to make all aright.
    Together with her little band of like-minded souls, she lived through many, many lifetimes in the Earth and in the realms beyond. As members of this loose-knit band we were not always in agreement with each other or even considerate to one another, but, as is so often true of families, we were a unit, even at times, a team. One of our most significant incarnations came during the time of about 2000 years ago. As so often in her previous lives, her Soul yearned for the Spirit, for that soothing sense of the Divine Presence that she had always loved. Now, amid all the daily activities of this world and its limited perspective on life, she applied herself to the work that had begun many thousands of years earlier in that lost and forgotten land of Atlantis.
    Remember, everyone with whom she was associated had been involved with her in Atlantis and Egypt, and several lifetimes in between. It was Amilius, that Soul who had been so attuned in the early periods that he committed himself to the rescue of the lost Souls. In this Divine incarnation He prepared the final phase of salvation/enlightenment for all Earth-bound Souls. He and the heavenly Father were One throughout this life; not separate. This showed to all who could still see with their spiritual, celestial eyes that reunion with the Creator could be done, thereby making it easier for others to do also. His words came from beyond the present world from the Universal Consciousness, our heavenly Father who created us in the very beginning.
    Only those who have been called may truly understand. Who then has been called? Whosoever will make himself a channel for the Universal Consciousness may be raised to that of a blessing; that is all your entity-body is able to comprehend? Please realize that it isn’t all of life to live, in one experience.
    Know you not that it was selfishness that separated the souls from the spirit of life and light? So be it.
    Humbly Compiled
    I am Rene’ Descartes Cogito ergo sum.

  9. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 12th, 2010 at 18:57 | #9

    Dear Rene 🙂

    Thank you for your comment. I have checked it on the internet, the origin of both the ideas, and the background: The Atlantis myth.

    To perhaps add to the line the story, I am quite sure that the Atlantis myth is actually egyptian, Plato studied for four years in a temple in Heliopolis, the city of Ra, the Sun god, and this myth is probably egyptian in its origin.

    To even enhance your point, it actually fits quite nicely with my own research. So far I have concluded, that there must be another dimension that we call the godly dimension. Otherwise we cannot explain phenomenon as prophesies, prayer and inspiration in our world. I have come to the conclusion, so far, mostly based on Plato and Animaxander, that the realm of God is a parallel dimension that somehow interacts with the dimension we can percieve.

    Life is such an interacion. It is some of one dimension that flows together with the dimension that we can percieve with our senses.

    How this communication takes place is still a wonder of mine. Yes we might reincarnate, yes there is a bridge somehow. But is the realm of the godly dimension inhabited by living, thinking creatures? Do they have names. Maybe, I must say, that i would find it preposterous if I, based on the research I have made, would conclude such a thing as of now.

    I have made a few interesting sourjourneys into etruscan science, that is very different from egyptian science. I find it interesting, that the etruscans looked so differently on the realm of God than the egyptians. Perhaps the answer is somewhere there.

    I have no idea if what you say is true. But if you are, i wholeheartedly support your calling. It is humanism in its most beautiful and pure description.

    And the promise of enlightentment is for sure an alluring calling.

    I however must insist, with all respect, that there is some of good in nature. I do not know whether this good is the spirit itself, but in nature there is beauty and soulfullness.

    Yours with great respect 🙂

  10. Rene’ Descartes
    September 13th, 2010 at 06:57 | #10

    Hallo Asger, Metaphysics, and the intellectual illusion.
    My previous comment was reality, not lore. Perhaps this will help you ‘understand’ the other dimension. So, try this. Looking to outer space you find countless stars, ‘Suns’ like the star of this solar system, with planets of their own in orbit. Constantly moving, vibrating, they follow the same Universal Laws of All, as does the atom, the micro-cosmic solar system. Indeed, ANYWHERE we look in life, be it outer space, or inner space, EVERYTHING is either atoms or solar systems. They are like octaves of the same thing: micro/macro cosms. There is nothing else. What is a building? A tree? They, and anything else that seems to be something else, are but an assembly of atoms/solar systems. I can’t emphasize the significance of this enough. It is one of the most important facts there is, and understanding its full meaning is one of the great keys to understanding the Universe, and our lives.
    The next great key can also be seen with atoms and solar systems. It is their orbital pattern, their orbital relationship. It is the one primary pattern that exists in the Universe. It pervades everything, and all else is built upon it. It is what our human male/female relationships are based on. It is what makes soulmates, soulmates.
    Look into space at night. Each shining “star” you see is either a ‘Sun’ – an object radiating light, that is surrounded by and orbited by planets, or a planet, giving off light reflected from the light of a star. Study what scientists have discovered about the ‘solid’ objects that surround us – water, trees, buildings, stones, earth, plants, human bodies – they are all made of atoms. And what are atoms? Microscopic ‘stars’ being orbited by planets, but very tiny, and very, very rapidly – they are an octave of the stars and our own solar system. We have had this knowledge long before the ignorant masses ‘discovered’ that the Earth wasn’t flat. Before they ‘discovered’ that the Earth wasn’t the centre of the Universe. Before they discovered that the Earth revolved around the Sun, rather than what they previously thought – that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Before they ‘discovered’ atoms. Soon they will ‘discover’ more, and more.
    Consider: what if everything is orbiting something else? What if when you get smaller than atoms, and bigger than solar systems, the same, or similar, circular orbital pattern is found? It does – in some way or another, even though they haven’t ‘discovered it yet’ (Much of this has recently been discovered by modern science). What if it goes on infinitely like a never ending spiral? It must. It is the pattern of creation, of the Universal Spirit. If you contemplate it for a while, the ‘pattern’ of an atom or solar system is, in a sense, the only reality. It is the primary form of life in the Universe. This pattern is the basis of the building blocks of our illusions. And what is it comprised of? This amazing, all pervasive pattern consists of ‘individual’ parts functioning as One. This Oneness is achieved by virtue of the nature of the polarities of the individual parts – plus/minus, male/female. Electrons of an atom are like the planets of a solar system. They are oppositely charged (the opposite ‘sex’) to the nucleus of an atom, and they are attracted to each other – just as the planets and ‘Sun’ of a solar system are. The polarized parts flow together in a particular ‘way’ that is dictated by Universal Law. The pattern is orbital because of the nature of polarized relationships in space. There is always a centre, a central sphere that gives, that flows out energy, and ‘attracts’ – and that central object is surrounded by objects that are attracted to, and attach themselves to, the centre object. In the case of a solar system, the Sun is the centre that all the planets revolve around. In the case of an atom, the nucleus is the centre that all the electrons revolve around. They are the same thing. The outer objects’ (electrons or planets) momentum, their ‘speed’ as they travel through space, becomes a circular movement once they are attracted to and attached to their central object (the Sun, a Star, or a Nucleus). That movement is cyclic – in other words, it keeps orbiting around and around at a certain speed, repeating its cycle in a given period of time, thus a vibrational occurrence is created of ‘cycles per… something’ (second, day, year, whatever). In the case of the Earth orbiting the Sun, it is 1 cycle per year. In the case of other planets it is faster or slower. In the case of atoms, it is very, very fast – and different for each atom.
    Taking this a step further, what if everything is orbiting something, which is also orbiting something else? Then all of them function as ONE. And a complex vibrational pattern exists. They each link up with all other objects, becoming a part of their flow and one with them. In the entirety of the Universe, All things are interconnected as One in this way. And the basis of all this is the Universal pattern we see exemplified so perfectly in the atom or star systems. It follows and reflects Universal Law perfectly. This pattern flows in perfect harmony with Universal order.
    What if this form, this pattern, represents the relationships of beings? What if each atom is a conscious being composed of soulmate beings? What if each solar system is a conscious being composed of soulmate beings (each planet and ‘Sun’ is a being, in and of itself, that make One being together)? What if every being plays two roles, like both parent and child at the same time – surrendering to something, and directing something? What if every ‘star’ is both in an out flowing, ‘positive polarity’, ‘directing’ position to its planets, but also is like a ‘planet’ to something else that it orbits? What if the planets are taking a receptive, ‘negative polarity’, surrendering posture, to a ‘sun’, but are functioning like a ‘sun’ to something else that orbits it, or is affected by it? According to the teachings of the Children of the law of One, and my personal realizations, all of the above is true.”
    Many, many things can be learned and understood by contemplating the above concept. Contemplation of this pattern has guided the understanding of masters, in all matters of Universal and Earthly life, and thus can also provide the contemplative seeker with profound answers. Truly understanding the meaning of this pattern, and applying it to human life, can provide the deepest understanding of the nature of men and women, and male/female relationships. It is the perfect pattern of the harmonious interaction of polar opposites. Thus, with contemplation, it can show us the way to have perfect relationships to all, helping us achieve perfectly harmonious interaction with our own soulmates, and other humans.
    Even the most ‘solid’ physical objects are but atoms (and the parts/energy they are composed of) vibrating at various rates, in various arrangements. These vibratory rates and arrangements of atoms are perceived by us, through one or more of the very limited 5 senses of an Earthly human body. We then process this sensory information, and in our limited consciousness, ‘perceive’ these atom groups as the ‘things’ that make up the world we live in, the things that are all around us – TV’s, cars, carpets, skin, air, – you name it. What we think all these things are, is the result of the warped assumptions our brain makes – the assumption being based on the very limited data we get from our senses, about a certain arrangement and frequency of vibration of atoms. And atoms are just a building block of the same One thing – the ‘stuff’ of the Universe. Thus, everything we think we see, is really just an illusion – not its true form – just a ‘conceptual form’ created by our brain. We put together an ‘image’ or ‘idea’ of what we think we’re perceiving, by virtue of our programming, expectations, experiences, etc., manipulating the bits of information we get from our highly limited senses. When you see the movement or vibration in a solid object, whatever it is you are seeing, is because your consciousness is expanding beyond its limitations, and you are glimpsing a bit more of reality. We are already starting with the great handicap of perceiving such a small part of the world around us. Then to make matters worse, we process that information through the ‘filters’ of our emotions and pre-conceptions. This all leaves us with a very inaccurate illusion of reality.
    And just a little change in the frequency of the vibration of atoms (how fast or slow they vibrate) in a molecule (group of atoms), can completely change our perception of what it is. For example, we know the slower vibrating molecules of H2O as ice, a solid; as the frequency of vibration increases, we know them as water, a liquid; faster still, as steam; faster yet, as Hydrogen and Oxygen gas.
    As vibrational frequency increases, a more etheric quality develops. Something may even seem to vanish (like steam), but nothing is ever lost in the Universe, it just changes form. Sometimes the apparent form is changed by atoms joining groups (molecules), or what we like to call ‘atomic cults’ (Author’s note: no relation to “poison gas cults). But regardless of how they are arranged, or how they appear, the true reality of it all is that it’s always the same One energy vibrating at different frequencies.”
    For most people, the 5 senses are the only thing that allows them to be in touch with the world around them. A person who is Universally Conscious, has transcended the separate self and perceives things with more than the 5 senses, and experiences them directly, without the “filters”. But you don’t have to achieve Universal Consciousness to start perceiving more – anyone can achieve greater perception if they work on it.
    When we expand our consciousness, we can access other means to perceive spectrums of vibration, normally beyond human reach. We can sense these other spectrums (or planes) if we transcend the physical limits, and “tune-in” to them. This takes place when there is an activating of an evolutionary spiritual energy phenomenon called the “kundalini”. The kundalini lies dormant, inside us all. When the kundalini becomes active, it traverses the spine, energizing nerve centers (called plexus) and endocrine glands that are normally dormant, or just performing on a “lower” vibratory level, maintaining normal physical body functions. The activation of the kundalini causes the subsequent activation, or “awakening” of seven centers along the spine, called “chakras” in some spiritual traditions. They are like new, previously unused senses in a way. Each of the chakras allows receiving and transmitting on different planes of vibration. For instance, probably the most famous of the chakras is the pituitary, or “3rd Eye”. When this is opened it gives one what has been called “second sight”. This new perceptional capability will vary depending on the degree of opening. A medium level opening will give one the ability to see the energy fields that surround all things. Much more can be perceived when it is fully open, and functioning in coordination with the other chakras. When the chakras are properly opened, you essentially exist on these different planes also.
    Man will prey on man until man will pray for man. So be it.
    Humbly compiled
    I am
    Rene’ Descartes. Cogito ergo sum.

  11. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 13th, 2010 at 09:35 | #11

    Dear Rene 🙂

    To know about something is also to know that you do not know anything about that thing. Yes a agree, there is that democritian idea about atoms and also the idea about vibration that is purported in some the hermetian litterature, that is Egyptian. This has it echoes in modern physics. Moderne atomic physics is mostly a derivation of Lucretius whom was a democritian.

    It would however be absolutely absurd to only use these principles as the only foundaition of knowledge. Actually I think it was a bit of a sad coincidence that it was Lucretius that was found and dug up in modern times. Democritian lore leads to atheism and epicuranism. (A kind atheist psychology of the antique world)

    Animaxander whom I have much more trust in has a radically different view on the relationship between the physical and the metaphysical world. His theories are much richer and much sounder than Democrits, at least that is my opinion.

    He also talks about the centrifugal power. Actually he calls the centrifugal power God, much as yourself. In his theory before the introduction of the centrifugal power there was actually nothing, after the introduction of centrifugal power, there was movement. He is also famous for the theory of the sun being a stone that turns so fast that it creates heat and light. A much sounder theory than the theory of continuing atomic explosions. (He was actually thrown to jail for that theory, and released by Pericles the famous Athenian leader).

    Anyway, there are, with all respect, a few flaws in your theory. First of all, you have apply logic to really find truth. Secondly there is matter that does not have an atomic structure. Light is the most mysterious of energy that is still not understood. Light has no atoms. According to Einsteins theory is is both vibration and matter. Strange theory in my ears.

    So Yes, centrifugal power is the most important power of the material world, but it does not explain the senseperceptions we receive through our “inner senses”.

    What is et really? The answer is still not absolutely clear. We are getting nearer, but still we are far away.

    Yours with respect 🙂

  12. Rene’ Descartes
    September 13th, 2010 at 16:50 | #12

    Hallo Asger, I simply assume that you would like this take on Egypt and the reality of their symbolism, I hope that you enjoy it, it may upset your pre-conceptions however.
    The gods of ancient Egypt are metaphors for key aspects of the origin and destiny of humanity. The average citizen of ancient Egypt understood the hidden message better than we do today. The characters and imagery in the Book of Revelation were also metaphors for hidden messages, and some disciples knew that and understood the Revelation better than we do today. Here are brief insights into the hidden meaning of several key Egyptian gods and symbolism.
    RA, the Sun.
    The Sun is the source and sustainers of life, penetrator of the darkness, warmer of the cold, nurturer of the seed deep in the soil. Its rays reach out through the darkness of space and night, and give warmth, light, and life to all they touch. This is Ra (originally pronounced, “ray”). Ra is the most high God. Out of the great “Ray” came countless little rays, known as the sons and daughters of Ra. They are Godlings from the one God, created in its image and destined to fill all the cosmos with light and life.
    HERMES, the Moon.
    As the rays or Godlings went forth, some lost their connectedness to the great Ra. They moved too far into darkness. Their light dimmed. The darkness overcame them. Their faces turned away from the original light. All they saw were the shadows of life. They needed help. Some power needed to help them recall the original light, the original way, the original purpose. This was the power of the moon god Thoth, or Hermes in Greek. This power reflects the light to all things that have turned away from the direct light.
    Hermes is most often depicted as a powerful god with an ibis head. The ibis is a bird who lives on the shore between the two worlds of the deep water and the land. The two worlds are emblems of the subconscious and conscious minds. The power to live between these two is seen as important to living the true life. Another little characteristic of the ibis is that it is one of the few birds that can eat the serpent. Again, an important metaphor for the developing Godlings to recognize the need to control their lower, self-seeking urges if they are to reunite with the creator and the original purpose.
    The ancient Egyptian is not speaking of the form and function of the sun and moon in the third dimension. He is speaking of their meaning in dimensions of mind and spirit. In dimensions beyond the third, the sun and moon are emblems of deeper powers. For the ancient Egyptian, light is consciousness — a knowing understanding consciousness. Darkness is unconsciousness. Living in moonlight is semi-consciousness, or self-consciousness with no sense of oneness or connectedness with the source of light.
    This teaching is expanded by the hidden message behind the outward passage of the Sun. The rising sun represents the beginning: light dawned in the still, silent darkness — exactly as the sun rises in the morning. This dawning light penetrated the darkness and continued to its zenith, exactly as the sun rises through the morning to noon. Throughout this period all faces are turned toward the sun, receiving warmth, light, and life. The creator’s power penetrates everything. Then, something changes. The created, the Godlings in Ra’s image, move away from the creator in order to know themselves, find themselves. The earth and the created move toward dusk. Shadows begin to fall and lengthen. The created are left to themselves. Darkness falls. Through the night souls deal with their innermost urges, while danger nips at their heels, like a little serpent. In Egyptian lore this little serpent is Apep, who nips at the heels of Ra as he traverses the underworld of night and death, seeking the horizon of resurrection and rebirth. There are many temptations, many pitfalls. But, if the Godlings hold in their hearts the lightness of hope, trust, and self-less-ness, then they will become light of heart and as a result they will glide above the serpent’s bite and find the new horizon. The sun will break through the night reclaiming all who are still looking, still believing.
    Throughout the dark night of the souls, the moon helps remind them of the continual existence of the true light. Despite the darkness, the sun has never moved. We have moved. If one looks at the moon and intuits the source of its light, then one knows the sun still exists, the creator still exists, and will look to the returning dawn.
    ISIS & NEPTHYSIS, the two Guardians.
    To help with this great journey into darkness, two guardians watch over each ray as it travels the earth, the underworld, and the lower heavens. In Ancient Egypt, these guardians are Isis and her sister Nepthysis. Isis is the power to hold the thought of the Throne of God within one’s mind, whether it be only a faint memory or a vivid image. She is often depicted with the Throne of God on her head or mind. Nepthysis is the magical power to know that the unseen forces are more powerful than the seen, despite the appearance to the contrary. She is often depicted with a bowl-like receptacle on a pedestal upon her head or mind.
    These two sisters are in every death scene, at the head and foot of the body of the deceased. They are powerful influences to help the freed soul find its way to the higher realms, higher truths. They are also seen standing behind the great god of the underworld, Osiris, pass whom all must go if they are to enter the heavens. His judgment is exact; one’s heart must be……. as light as a feather. If not, then one sinks into the underworld and cycles through the darkness to another dawn, and another opportunity to free oneself from heavy-heartedness.
    ANUBIS, the sixth sense.
    When one has taken a long journey away from home, one can lose the trail home. If one cannot find or recall the way home, then one needs help. Anubis, the jackal-headed god, is the symbol of that help. The jackal can pick up the scent of the trail traversed to get here and therefore the way home. At every death scene in ancient Egypt, Anubis is depicted. He is the sixth sense that recalls the way home.
    OSIRIUS & SET, the two brothers’ tale.
    In Egyptian lore two brothers were born. One loved God and cooperated lovingly with the creation. The other pursued self-seeking urges and interests, and took advantage of the creation, giving little thought to the consequences of his actions and appetites. In Egypt these two brothers were Osirius and Set (sometimes called “Seth,” and from which some Pharaohs took the name “Seti”). Just as in the biblical story of Cain and Able, Set grew jealous of Osirius and killed him.
    ISIS, Conceiver of the Messiah
    One of the greatest gods among the hosts of Godlings was Isis. She was strong, enduring, and clever. She was not to follow the weaknesses of most of her fellow gods, seeking to mingle with the sons and daughters of man and their carnal sensations.
    Behold, Isis was in the form of a woman, skilled in words. Her heart rebelled at the millions of men, she chose rather the millions of the gods, and she esteemed the millions of the spirits. She meditated in her heart, “Could I not be in heaven and earth like Ra, and make myself mistress of the earth and a goddess by knowing the name of the holy God?”
    Isis had many adventures, but the greatest were the resurrection of Osiris, the conception and birthing of Horus, and her struggles with Set, the destroyer. The story goes like this:
    Isis began as a modest divinity of the Delta (Isris). Because of her intense seeking to maintain godliness in the midst of humanness, she interacted with the great god Ra. From him she cleverly gained wisdom and power (much to his surprise). After Ra returned to the heavens, the god Osiris, her elder brother in the family of gods, chose her as his consort and she shared the throne with him. She helped him, as she had Ra, civilize the earthly ones. She taught the art of curing disease, of growing corn, spinning flax and weaving cloth, and marrying to form a home in order to bring about some semblance of heaven in this faraway place.
    When Osiris went on a great journey around the earth, she remained as regent of Egypt. She ruled so wisely and well that their younger brother Set could not take over. However, Set was full of self-seeking desires and so he cunningly convinced his older and trusting brother Osiris to lie down in a coffin, whereupon he killed Osiris, sealed the coffin and cast it into the Nile, which carried it out to sea. It came to rest on a distant shore at the base of a tamarisk tree. The tree grew around the coffin, concealing it entirely within its trunk. When the tree was cut down by the king of that distant land, it gave off such an exquisite fragrance that its reputation spread around the world, eventually reaching Isis’ ears. When she heard of this fragrant tree, she knew immediately that it was the essence of Osiris. When she arrived in that land, the queen, Astarte, entrusted her newborn son into Isis’ care. Isis would have conferred immortality upon the child if the mother hadn’t broken the spell by her anguished cries of terror when she saw Isis bathe the baby in purifying flames. In order to calm the mother, Isis reveals her true identify and intentions. The mother then convinces her husband, the king, to give the trunk of the magnificent tree to Isis.
    Isis drew forth the coffin from the tree, and the body from the coffin. She bathed it in her tears and hid the body in the marshes. But Set found the body and cut it into fourteen pieces, scattering them far and wide. Isis, never discouraged, began a patient search for the precious fragments, finding all of them but the phallus, which had been eaten by a creature of the earth who is forever cursed for this crime. In a magical, mystical intermingling with the reconstructed, reanimated body of Osiris, Isis conceives a child that will grow to be the true heir to the throne, contesting Set’s claim to it. She then performs the first rites of embalming, restoring Osiris to eternal life, ruler of the netherworld. She is assisted in this rite by her sister Nephthys (who is also the wife of Set), her nephew Anubis (who appears in all death scenes to lead the deceased through the darkness), by Thoth, and even by the yet unborn Horus.
    When Set hears of this, he captures her and imprisons her. With the help of Thoth, she conceals her pregnancy from Set and escapes. She hides Horus in the marshes, raising him in secret until he is strong enough to challenge Set (recalling the raising of the baby Moses, who eventually challenges Pharaoh).
    However, she has no means of supporting herself and her baby, so she hides baby Horus among the reeds and goes begging all day. One day, returning from begging, she finds baby Horus writhing in pain and near death. Though unable to enter the marshes in his real form, Set had assumed the form of a serpent and bitten the baby. Isis is in despair. Now, feeling all alone in this world — her father and mother dead, her husband in the netherland, her younger brother Set attacking her at every turn, and her sister Nephthys married to Set — there appears to be no one who can help her. Isis therefore appeals to all mankind, calling on the marshdwellers and the fishermen, all of whom come immediately to her aid, weeping in sympathy, but powerless to help her against Set’s magic. Horus, symbolizing the purity and innocence of the developing true heir, is now contaminated by the poison of the cunning, self-seeking Set. This is the poison that separates everyone who seeks self’s own desires without concern for God’s.
    Finally, Isis calls on the Most High God to intervene on behalf of everything that is pure and true. The “Boat of Millions of Years” draws level to her and interrupts its journey for her. From out of the barque (boat) descends Thoth. After expressing surprise that her magic is not able to cleanse the child of the poison, he assures her that the power of Ra is at her disposal.
    Here Isis is meeting her own karma, for it was she who long ago caused a serpent to bite Ra. Now her treasured child lies poisoned and dying before her and she needs Ra’s power to cure him.
    Thoth tells Isis that when the barque stopped for her and Horus, the Sun stopped and darkness came over all. The darkness will not be dispelled until the barque moves again and the Sun shines again. She and Thoth realize the significance of the sun’s stopping until Horus is cured: it means that if Horus dies, Ra’s whole creation will be annihilated and Set, the principle of evil and the consciousness of darkness, will reign forever. Isis wishes that she were Horus herself so that she would not have to see the consequences of his death. Thoth, however, declares that the magical protection enjoyed by Horus will henceforth be equal to that of the Sun. Then, in the name of the Ra, Thoth exorcises the poison from Horus’ body, saying that the boat of Ra will stand still, that there will be no food, that the temples will be closed, that misery will never depart from the world, that eternal darkness will reign, that the wells will be dry, that there will be no crops and no vegetation until Horus is cured. This powerful spell of the sun-god Ra, spoken by the moon-god Thoth, conquers the poison, and Isis and all mankind rejoice. Thoth then commends the child into their care, saying that Horus is now the responsibility of all those who live on earth.
    This legend repeats the recurring theme of a great and perfect creature who is misguided into activities that lead to its loss — sometimes the loss is in the form of death, sometimes in banishment, sometimes in consciousness. Then, one who loves the creature gives all their being to rebirth or resurrect the lost one. This often takes the form of impregnating oneself with the seed of the lost one and giving birth to its heir. The young heir to the original creation is always in danger of being poisoned, imprisoned, or misguided by the forces that brought down the original creature. It takes enduring effort to bring the heir to age in one piece. Then, the heir overthrows the deceiver and rules forever — the perfect creation again, one generation removed, and presumably wiser.
    This theme can be found in stories of most cultures on the earth. It is the story of the sons and daughters of God, who lost their way and must, through great effort and many trials, become heirs to their previous glory and destiny.
    In this specific legend, Osiris is the original perfect one. Isis is the mind and will that resurrects him in the seed of the womb of her consciousness. Horus is the heir, always symbolized in the same manner as Ra because he represents the living manifestation of Ra (as did Osiris) and the heir to Ra’s creation. Set represents the deceiver, the ego, the self-seeking aspect of every person. It destroys the perfect Osiris, wrestles with the struggling Isis (the mind and will) and poisons the growing Horus. But, enduring, Horus becomes the messiah that overcomes Set’s influence, forever — with a little help from heaven (in the form of Thoth/Hermes and the boat of father Ra).
    HORUS, the higher mind and messiah
    Because the rays or projections of consciousness from the original consciousness have penetrated many aspects of the darkness, there needs to be a new delineation. Therefore, consciousness is identified in three levels. That which is the closest to the personal self, that which bridges the personal self to the original self, and that which is in the image of the original self, the godling, the son or daughter of Ra. We use the terms conscious, subconscious, and super or Universal Conscious to identify these levels of the mind. I hope that you enjoyed this.
    I am Humbly
    Rene’ Descartes

  13. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 14th, 2010 at 10:33 | #13

    Dear Rene´ 🙂

    Well I do enjoy our discussions, and the reason why I question your points are basically because I enjoy the discussion. It is very rare, at least here in DK, to enjoy discussions as we have. People have no knowledge really.

    The Egyptian lore and traditions are so beautiful and poetic in its idea and construct, that it is like taking a vitalizing shower hearing about it. I do like it, and it gives me a little faith in the beauty and the truthfullness of humanity.

    The daily fights with the stupid intellectual aristocracy can be a bit of a hassle. They do not understand anything, and they see their own stupidity as the only reality. They can grasp a little corner of the lore of mankind if you really try to explain it. But often it is too difficult for them, and they try to escape by going into madness. They really think that I am mad, and that makes them mad.

    It is exactlay as Plato describes in his cave allegory; mankind is bound to the end of the cave wall. The philosopher has to struggle to get the light down to the man in the end of the cave. But even though it really is “pearls for swine” to try to explain how the world really functions to the narrowminded socalled intellectual elite, one has to continue this fight, otherwise it will be the stupid, the ignorant and unwise that will rule, pulling us all into the abyss of of the next worldwar.

    There is a recognition going on, and so many have failed already, bringing misfortune upon themselves. It is very dangerous to fight for stupidity to rule. You will be beaten by the wiser part.

    Well, thank you for your beautiful comments, I will have to concentrate a little on the worldly business of Denmark. Storm is coming. Already we have had an attack by a muslim, the bomb went off, and the secret police is trying to talk it all down.

    We have try to help that little ignorant helpless country, even though the medicine is bitter and terrible. It is not because they like me they heed my orderings, but because they know that if they do not move to actually defend the nation, it will be broken and fall apart.

    Yours, with admiration and thanks 🙂

  14. Rene’ Descartes
    September 15th, 2010 at 19:32 | #14

    Hallo Asger.
    As I have mentioned before, the Danes have asked God to get out of their homes, their schools, their churches, and their daily lives. Now, what do you think that God, being the gentleman he is, would do? What would you do if you were asked the same? I know what I did. They asked me to shut up, when I just mentioned my love for God? So, I left Denmark for good, but I feel petty on them. What can you expect from people who do not ponder, wonder or imagine about the real things in life, like “What am I really” and “What is my true purpose for living?” and “How do I achieve my purpose in my life?”
    Tell me your answer to the first question, or all three if you dare. So be it.
    I am
    Rene’ Descartes Cogito ergo sum.

  15. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 16th, 2010 at 15:58 | #15

    Well I like the danes. The problem is not the man on the street, or the average citizen. They are often very wellinformed. Actually I really like characters as Anders Gravers for Stop Islamization of Denmark. He is honest and he knows the turns and the twists of the world.

    The problem is the elite, it is vain, stupid and so engrossed in its own vanity, that it is absolutely terrible.

    Concerning God. Well there are many answers to that, it depends on your understanding of God. I am still not clear on that point. My understanding of God is still not wholly understood and defined. I still need to discuss a bit with myself before I have the proof and the overall understanding of Gods existence.

    The Egyptian sources are the most advanced when it comes to metaphysics, but there are other sources as well. Sources from Phoenicia, Etruria, Persia and Babylon.

    I feel responsible for the Danes, I like them, and they are in deep trouble. Sometimes I get extremely tired of them, because the scope of understanding is so extremely narrow, and when I talk about things that is out of the box, they immediately think I am crazy.

    The world is so much more complex than most Danes know, and the time they have to catch up to the truth is so narrow. But if they want to keep their freedom, they better start learning.

    Yours 🙂

  16. Rene’ Descartes
    September 16th, 2010 at 16:55 | #16

    The name of God is the formula for creation. Let me give you my take on God as it was explained to me by an enlightened soul.
    As I studied various ancient texts, I found it amazing that there were so many different names for God. Not gods, but different names for the “one God” e.g. Elohim, Jehova and the God of Abraham, even within the same religion sometimes.
    “Why are there so many names for the universal spirit I asked?”
    “Sometimes it is because of different cultures or languages, sometimes it is because of translations from one culture or language to another, sometimes it is translations within one culture, sometimes it is for control and confusion – to change the truth or meaning of God.”
    “What is the most ancient name for the universal spirit?”
    “The most ancient name for the universal spirit is Yod He Vau He. But this ancient name is far more than just what another religion calls their version of the concept of God, or even a name. In fact, it was not meant to really be just a name at all. It is from before our time of human manifestation on Earth. It is the physical word equivalent of a vibrational, or thought form. It is an actual representation of the universal law that governs the primary pattern. The name itself is the key to creation, and the representation of the universal law of polarities, and the replication/reproduction of all vibration. And remember, everything is vibration.
    Contained in this one name for the one is the actual formula for creation, and the manifestation of all life within the one. Thus this name of God is probably the single most significant metaphysical concept there is.
    It is the simplest thing in the universe, just the hardest for the uninitiated and unenlightened to really understand. The name is represented by four letters of what is now called the Hebrew alphabet. They have numerical, as well as symbolic, meanings. Yod-He-Vau-He (YHVH) (allegedly pronounced Yohd-Hay-Vah-Hay).”
    “You asked about why different names for God within the same religion. This is one that has changed through time, translation and misinterpretation, to many variations of the original, including within several religions. Consider the similarities: Yahweh, Ya-Ho-Wah-Ho (YHWH), Ya-Ho-Wa and Je-Ho-Vah, to name a few (Jehovah and Yahweh have stuck pretty well). YHVH is also sometimes referred to as the tetragrammaton in magic and metaphysical circles. The first part, which is the positive polarity or father part of the name of God, was Yod, yes? Note the similarity there even – Yod, God, Yod, God – not too hard to change through time and even pronunciation.”
    “Yes, I suppose that someone with a lisp or speech impediment could have started a whole new name of God to fight over.”
    “Ah… yes, I suppose that could be. The ancient teachings say that ‘He who can pronounce this name properly opens the gates of heaven.’ This saying is vastly misunderstood. But even now, in some major religions it is forbidden to even attempt to pronounce YHVH.”
    “In the early days of religion, certain priests or high priests in positions of power who wanted more power, didn’t want the common people to know this great key. They wanted people to need to go to the priests and turn to the religion for their understanding of God and spiritual matters.”
    “Hey, how else are you going to make a buck and control everyone?”
    “Exactly. This gave them great power and control, so they hid the name, changed the name, or forbade anyone other than the high holy people from using it.”
    I later asked more about it, and he not only explained the details of the name, but taught me how to chant it as a meditation. It created major changes in my consciousness.
    “The symbolism and structure of Yod-He-Vau-He is simple, yet deeply profound. And when its few simple elements combine, they give birth to the entire complexity of life. In part, YHVH represents that perfect, simple pattern we spoke of earlier – the atom or solar system. It also speaks of human procreation, and stellar/planetary procreation. The first part, Yod, represents the positive (+), sun, light, the father principles. The first He represents the negative, not in the sense of bad or evil, but in the sense of negative polarity (-), pure darkness like that of the void of space, the receptive, the mother principles. Vau is the meeting of Yod and He, the place of interplay, intercourse, and combining of the first two principles. It is its own principle, and the place of conception of, and the birth of, the second He (again, pronounced “hay”). The second He is the offspring of Yod and He, the result of their interaction, their subsequent creation. The second He has the same attributes as its father, the Yod, in that it actually is a Yod in its own macro- or microcosmic realm.
    The second He is on a vibrational plane an octave apart. The second He begins the cycle (Yod-He-Vau-He) again, but as the Yod in microcosm or macrocosm, with its polarity reversed from its father YOD. Interestingly, the father principle, Yod, was distorted through translation over time from Yod into God, which is also often given a father principle connotation.
    This took me some time and deep contemplation to grasp in its entirety, as well as the great significance of it.
    But I eventually did. In fact, it ultimately led to a great deal of scientific research I conducted, applying the name to light, sound and music. I have included some other profound aspects, and have attempted to give you examples that may help some of you understand it better.
    Understanding vibration and music can make it easier. The cycle of YHVH creation continues as an infinite spiral. It can best be understood intuitively, but maybe the following illustrations will help a bit.

    (infinite HE
    vibrational VAU
    spiral) HE/YOD…….octave

    YHVH makes a spiral (similar to the DNA double helix, don’t you think? Or a vortex), with each Yod in the same place on a circle of the spiral, but just above, or just below – on its own circle. These are octaves of vibration, which can represent a micro- or macrocosm world of existence. To further help understand the way YHVH works, consider the vibrational realm of sound, and facts relating to music. A common frequency of the musical note of A, which is universally used to tune instruments, is 440 cycles per second (also called 440 hertz [hz]).
    But there are an infinite number of octaves of A, above and below 440hz. For instance, the next octave of A above that is exactly double, exactly 2x i.e. 880 cycles per second, whereas the octave of A below that is 220 cycles per second, exactly half, exactly divided by 2. Note that the next higher note of A is exactly double, and the next higher one exactly double etc. Vibrational doubling will go on infinitely, even after it goes beyond the realm of sound. Likewise, the next lower note of A is exactly half the frequency, etc., etc.
    A x 2 = A x 2 = A x 2 = A x 2 = A etc. (continuing infinitely)
    55hz 110hz 220hz 440hz 880hz etc. (continuing infinitely)
    octave octave octave octave octave
    “A” represents YOD; multiplication by 2 represents the HE and its intercourse (VAU) with the YOD; the next octave is the second HE, which is the offspring or creation of the YOD and HE’s intercourse (VAU).
    Below is another way of looking at it. In this example, the YOD and the first HE are of equal value (hz), and the combination or intercourse of the two (VAU) is represented by the equals sign (=). The numbers shown below the YHVHs are the cycles per second of octaves of A.
    YOD + HE = HE/YOD + HE = HE/YOD + HE = HE/YOD
    110 + 110 = 220 + 220 = 440 + 440 = 880
    (again, this continues infinitely up and infinitely down)
    Don’t be frustrated if you don’t understand it easily or even for quite a while. I didn’t. Then one day it just hit me and all fell into place. Yod-He-Vau-He represents many things in one. It comprises a numerological sequence that represents all things in the first four numbers. Einstein said we never need to count more than four to understand all things. He understood YHVH. Here are the one, two, three, four. Such as: the infinite ONE; TWO: the dichotomy, polarities positive and negative, Yin and Yang; THREE: the threefold nature of spiritual, mental and physical; the Christian Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit etc.; FOUR: the rebirth, the offspring, the cross, crucifixion and the transition to a new plane. Thus YHVH is both the formula of the primary pattern and the formula for the procreation of the primary pattern. YHVH’s most important representation is: the means of transition and manifestation of creation infinitely throughout ALL. As we have partially shown, this may be seen through studying the law as it is reflected in music. In one octave of vibration is a universe! Every octave is a duplicate of another except that it is of a higher or lower frequency.
    The note A is an A whether it is played in the highest octave of an instrument range, or the lowest. As the frequency of vibration increases and goes beyond the range of hearing, it eventually comes within the range of sight. But the same law that dictates the repeating notes of various octaves holds true. Colours are like the notes in the octave of vision. Each colour has a note – each colour is a note, each note is a colour. This principle allows you to find any note, in the octave of any vibrational frequency band. For instance, you can take the frequency of 440 for the note A, and keep doubling it to find the higher octaves.
    You can keep doubling it past the frequency band of sound, and on into the frequency band of light. You can then match your figures against the known frequencies for colours of light, and precisely determine the colour of each note. Who would have imagined you could do such a scientific thing using the oldest name of God? If one truly understands YHVH, one understands the law governing all vibration and all creation.
    FROM HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. (Translated from Sanskrit) All Is Vibration. All Vibration Follows Universal Law. All Gives. All Receives. All Loves. All Vibration Seeks its own Level. To find any Level, Set forth the Vibration. By Law you Will Go there, By Law it Will come. Always is there a Greater Vibration. Always is there a Lesser Vibration. In Harmony With Universal Law, All Vibration moves as One Flow, Interrupt the Flow only to Find In This Natural Order thus does it Go, In Forever Passing Through, Divided in Two, Receptivity be the Way of Emptiness, The One calls to Come and Fill, Giving be the Way of Abundance, The One Flows forth to Fill, Always then the Way of the Flow, Dependence on That Which is Above. The Object of Dependence, To that Which is Below, Two will Repel, Two will Attract, Two will Together, Interact, Look then to Four, For All that Need Be, For All Creation, Vibration Be. One. Two. One and Two. Three. One and Two Beget Four.
    Thus Opens the Infinite Door. Yod He Vau He, Pronounce it Right To Open The Gates of Heaven, And Live in the Light.
    Build Ye Life As The Pyr-a-mid, *Four Corners Converge Above With Fire in the Middle, The Fire of Love, Life, Mind, Truth, Love Spirit.
    Energy Great, Does Course Through This Earth, Collect and Direct, if it Be Your Will, with the Shape of The Temple, pure Stones and Gold Laden Box. Or With The Mind, Focused and Pure Lowered in Vibration, To Ten in Meditation. Vibration Does Flow, In Body and Soul. High and Low, In All Flesh is Written, Tune may you to the Right Vibrations, Colours and Sounds, That Change What We Know, Use Them May You, to Heal, Sow, and Grow. Power Great, Above and Below, Key Are Vibrations, Secret but to Few, Find them You Will, By Measure and Trial, And Use of the Word, That Rules All Creation. Describe A Rainbow, To a Blind Man Will You? Open Your Eyes. Senses Five, Does Man Perceive. The Focus on Self, Restricts All That Is. Limited in Scope, The Ocean not Seen. A Drop of Rain, He Believes Is His World. So as He Believes, So He Shall Be. So Let it Be Written. Everything Orbits Something. All Matter Is As The Universe, Stars, Planets, Time and Space.
    What if this form, this pattern, represents the relationships of beings? What if each atom is a conscious being composed of soulmate beings? What if each solar system is a conscious being composed of soulmate beings (each planet and sun is a being, in and of itself, that together make one being)? What if every being plays two roles, like both parent and child at the same time – surrendering to something, and directing something? What if every star is both in an out flowing, positive polarity, directing position to its planets, but is also like a planet to something else that it orbits? What if the planets take a receptive, negative polarity, surrendering posture to a sun, but function like a sun to something else that orbits it, or is affected by it?
    According to the teachings, all of the above is true. Many, many things can be learned and understood by contemplating the above concept. Contemplation of this pattern has guided the understanding of masters, in all matters of universal and earthly life, and thus can also provide the contemplative seeker with profound answers. Truly understanding the meaning of this pattern, and applying it to human life, can provide the deepest understanding of the nature of men and women, and male/female relationships. It is the perfect pattern of the harmonious interaction of polar opposites. Thus, with contemplation, it can show us the way to have perfect relationships, helping us achieve perfectly harmonious interaction with our own soulmates and other humans.
    An other issue is the question of equality between men and women. Well there is no equality amongst anybody, other that our souls were very much equal when we were originally individualized (created in Gods image), but since then, because of our different decisions, desires and choices, we now have different Karma, talents and aspirations and therefore are not equal by any stretch of the imagination now. The opportunities to again become equal to God and all others are still there for all the souls that chose to follow that path. So be it.
    Humbly compiled
    I am
    Rene Descartes. Cogito ergo sum.

  17. Rene’ Descartes
    September 16th, 2010 at 18:50 | #17

    PS: I hope that I don’t let too much complicated, out of the bag at one time.
    In true friendship i am

  18. Asger Trier Engberg
    September 19th, 2010 at 19:37 | #18

    Dear Rene 🙂

    I absolutely see your principle. As Animaxander talks about the principle of centrifugal power to be the principle of God, you talk of progression in its many forms as God.

    Concerning equality, well yes, that is an important principle to discuss. And being equual is almost impossible. When it comes to love, which is the most difficult power to understand and work with, I think equality is a principle of a very central importance. It is a matter of giving and taking. How this movement is in practical life is extremely difficult to administer, but extremely important nontheless 🙂


  19. Rene’ Descartes
    September 22nd, 2010 at 08:16 | #19

    True metaphysics must work within the known or yet to be discovered laws of physics.
    Before I get into everything, I want to say something about metaphysics. Many people think that metaphysics supersedes the laws of physics, but this is not the case. True metaphysics should just expand on the true laws of physics. Over the years, physicists have often discovered that some of what they thought were “final” facts, or immutable laws of physics, weren’t so immutable after all, and thus not really laws. And in the future more “laws” may be broken. But there are certain immutable true laws of physics. They are the ones that are aspects of Universal Law, and as such, will always remain the same. These are the laws that any other law, metaphysical principle, or concept, must be in harmony with, and be measured against. Thus if a person wants to learn and understand true metaphysics, there is no better place to start than by studying and understanding the great laws of the Universe.
    When I was a young teenager, I was fascinated with metaphysics, and in particular, concepts about astral travel, unknown energy, and color/sound healing. I read everything I could find, and much of it was exciting, and mentally stimulating. But I soon came to realize that not one of the books gave any real facts about color or sound or their “workings” in theory. Sure, some gave information, but it made no real sense when you looked into it objectively and thoroughly. It was just metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. You might read something like, “Purple is the color of Aquarius, Thursdays, and blah blah blah, and is associated with the note low C. Purple can be used to heal the gall stones and blah blah blah”. But how did purple do that, why, and what source was this information from? Could it be proven? And I was a musician, yet I couldn’t understand what the heck “low C” was. Other mentions in the book indicated that they were not using the system of sharps and flats in the chromatic musical scale, so it couldn’t mean C flat. And there was already a mention of “regular C”. In all the books I read, I couldn’t find ONE thing that a real metaphysician, a scientist, or would-be scientist, could actually experiment with or use. I was so happy to find that the ‘Children’ had teachings that actually gave me the physics involved with these sciences, and facts that made sense. With this information, I was able to discover many things like the real colors associated with real musical notes. I could demonstrate it mathematically and prove it, and I could make a device that combined the two. This was real metaphysics at last.
    Many people have heard about quartz crystals. And most people sense that there is something very special about them. Friends and books may have made references to “crystal energy”, and healing with them (or related crystals), and talked about how “cosmic” they are. I’d heard all that too, but it was almost always too vague and unsubstantiated for me. I wanted to know more – and I wanted facts. Here are some of those facts – the “real” metaphysical scoop on crystals.
    Crystals are amazing energy transmutators – they can take electricity and change it to physical vibration. They can also do the opposite – take vibration, and change it to electricity.
    Because of the transmutating property of crystals, they have been used by most people on a daily basis for quite some time, and many people aren’t even aware of it. In fact, for many years crystals were vital to the workings of radio and TV. The crystals transform the vibrations of electricity, changing them to the very rapid, and specific, vibrations of radio/TV waves. Those waves travel through the air to wherever we are, and then crystals change them back to electricity, allowing us to hear or see something that is going on in a far away place. Each receiving crystal is “tuned” to a specific frequency of vibration, which matches a transmitting crystal. By changing your receiving crystal, you “change channels”. This is the same for radio, TV, walkie-talkies, CB, Ham, whatever. Before the advent of synthesized tuners, you had to have a different crystal for every different channel (frequency) you wanted to use.
    Some of you know how all cigarette lighters used to have a “flint and wheel” (stone age stuff) that made sparks that ignited either lighter fluid, or butane. Many modern lighters have switched to a different system – crystal technology. Instead of spinning a wheel with your thumb to make a spark, you just push down a button or plunger, and it makes a “click”, and lights. Those lighters use a tiny piece of crystal, that creates an electrical spark – with no batteries or anything. They take advantage of a property of crystals they call “piezo-electric”. It’s amazing how they work. When you press down on the lighter’s button, it “cocks” a piece of plastic or metal, and when you hear the click, you are hearing the sound of the crystal being struck by that plastic or metal piece snapping down on it. When the crystal is struck, this creates a vibration pressure on the crystal, causing it to give off a spark of electricity, igniting the butane.
    You may know that almost every watch, and many clocks these days have “quartz movements”. The quartz crystals in these are used to do the opposite of the quartz in the lighters. It’s the same stuff, it’s still quartz crystal, but they use it a different way. In this case, instead of using a vibration (strike) to make electricity, they use electricity (a battery) to make the crystal vibrate. The constant vibration of the quartz, due to applying electricity to it, is the basis for measuring off the seconds minutes and hours. Because the quartz vibrates in a consistent manner, they can count how many times it vibrates per whatever time period, and calculate that to keep time. All of that is pretty amazing really, but crystals can do much more.
    “In Atlantis, the Sons of Belial used lasers and geothermal type approaches to create energy to feed their power hungry energy demands. As was mentioned earlier, their power plants were instrumental in the terrible destructive Earth changes that destroyed Atlantis. But the “Children” were more power conservative – it’s not that they had to “do without”, but they found that the vast amounts of power that exists in the Earth’s bio-field, was plenty for all their needs. So they used crystals not only for healing, but for powering their buildings and their vehicles. The last of the ‘Children’s greatest power plants was the “Great Pyramid” in Egypt. (The Great Pyramid was also used for Initiation).
    “You have probably heard many things about the bible’s legendary ‘Ark of the Covenant’. If you know about electronic components, and you read even the worldly bible’s description of the Ark, you will realize that this was a giant electric ‘capacitor’. A capacitor is a device, usually found in an electronic circuit, that stores up electricity to a certain level, then releases it in a burst. This is why the Ark had the reputation that if you touched it or got too close to it you would get zapped by a lightning bolt from God. The size of the Ark as a capacitor, held a charge big enough to make a bolt that would easily kill anyone who got near it – and would kill many people.”
    “When I was a young man I opened the back of our TV. There was a label on one area that said ‘Warning! High Voltage! Do not Touch!’ To me it was an invitation. So what did I do? I touched it, and I got a shock that sent me flying across the room and slammed into a wall! I later found out it was a capacitor. And it was only about the size of a salt shaker. So I can imagine what a huge thing like the Ark would put out – they probably should have called it the ‘Arc’ instead – you know, like an electric arc?”
    “Because of his advanced spiritual development, David, in his humility, was able to touch the Ark without being killed. His energy centres, his chakras, were prepared to deal with such power, and the frequency of the electricity. And of course, with the guidance of the hierarchy, and his destiny, the raw power was transformed and channeled in such a way that it only made for a Kundalini experience, a communing with God, and instead of being killed, he came out of it wiser and more powerful.”
    “But you said the Ark was a power device in Egypt in the Great Pyramid, why did David have it and what was he doing with it?”
    “It was once the power storage device inside the Great Pyramid, yes.
    The Pyramid had a layered capstone of copper and custom created quartz crystal from Atlantis. The Pyramid would collect energy from the Earth’s bio-field, and focus it in the Ark. The Ark would release regular bursts of a specific frequency of electrical energy that would be transmuted and transmitted from the crystal capstone. All the Children’s buildings and vehicles had receiver crystals tuned to the Pyramid, and would pick up and change the energy back into usable power.
    Now as for your question about how David came into possession of it. Basically, during what they called the Exodus – when Moses freed the people in Egypt, they went on a sort of freedom celebration rampage as they left, and took all kinds of Egyptian treasures, taking everything they could on their way out of town. This, which has been omitted greatly in the world’s modern bible, was one of the primary things which incited the Pharaoh to pursue them. And one of the things they took from Egypt, from the Great Pyramid, was The Ark!”
    Then of course, over time, knowledge of its original use was lost, they did not understand its power, and attributed it to a power of God, which was quite logical to them. It would strike people down who got near or touched it, and this was easily interpreted by some that it must be some sort of temple God lived in, and only the holiest of people were allowed to get so close to God. And in it, they eventually put the pieces of the commandments Moses brought them, that he smashed in his righteous indignation and despair over their unconsciousness and selfishness.” Q. “Where is it now?” “The one from the Great Pyramid, is located in a small church in Ethiopia.” “A small church in Ethiopia??”
    “Yes, I know it sounds odd, but there is a good reason. It was brought there by a small contingent of Hebrew priests because they held it in very high regard as a holy religious item, and were concerned about it being desecrated or destroyed during an impending invasion.”
    “But why Ethiopia?”
    “It is a long story, but basically it is because of bonds that had been formed there by the coming together of Solomon, and the ‘queen of Sheba’, who was the ruler of what is now called Ethiopia.”
    Healing with Crystals and Vibration
    All things vibrate, and have different vibratory characteristics. Did you know that body parts, including cells, and organs, have “vibrational signatures”? There are “healthy” vibrational signatures as well as diseased vibrational signatures. Understanding these scientifically, and having the advanced technology to alter our bodies’ vibrational signatures, allows us to heal many ailments. In Atlantis, crystal technology was used for this. But the amount of knowledge and experimentation involved in cataloging all the different vibrational and electrical parameters of every detailed part of a human body is immense – it staggers the imagination. Not to mention the technology involved in creating the right crystals, and methods of applying them. The technology needed to properly use such knowledge is also incredibly advanced. But it was done in Atlantis, and the technology and knowledge was brought to Egypt, and then some of it to Tibet. It has been recently rediscovered by modern scientists.
    Atlanteans used very sophisticated crystal technology to heal, and many people internally “remember” or intuitively sense that this kind of healing did, and does, exist. So they try to use quartz crystals this way, or go to healers who use crystals. But such crystals are wild cards, they are all formed differently, and perform differently, and most who use them are deluding themselves because they don’t know what frequencies they are actually dealing with, or how to properly apply them even if they had the right crystals for the task. Atlanteans had an entire science devoted to the understanding of the body’s vibrations. And they had real scientific technology for using crystals to manipulate vibrations very specifically – Atlanteans didn’t just pick up a crystal at the local bookstore and try to start healing with it. Whether it was to be used for healing, or powering a house, Atlantean technology gave them access to many different specifically designed crystals, each designed to specific parameters according to their scientific knowledge of making each one a specific tool for a specific vibratory function. There were thousands of specifically tuned crystals available for healing alone. Using a quartz crystal without the extensive knowledge involved in using it properly, is not only likely to be useless, but it can be harmful under certain circumstances. In other instances, the placebo effect can induce healing though.
    The Vibratory Nature of the Universe.
    Everything in the Universe is vibrating. Even light is vibrating (different frequencies of vibration give us the different colors, just like different frequencies of vibration give us the different notes in an octave of sound).
    The so-called 5 physical senses, touch, smell, hearing, taste, and sight, are all biological “sensors” that, for the most part, detect vibration in different ways. While smell doesn’t directly sense a vibration, it is directly sensing physical objects in the air that have different vibrational parameters. Each sense perceives vibrations within specific, limited frequency bands. For example, through the sense of hearing, most people perceive vibrational frequencies in the 20 to 20,000 cycle per second range – we call that “sound”. The eyes pick up much faster vibrations that we call light.
    But these 5 biological sensors we use, only pick up a very, very small part of the infinite vibrational frequency spectrum. There are other frequency bands that the 5 senses cannot perceive, which puts a BIG hole in our information about what is REALLY there. And for most people, this very limited data from the 5 sensors is the only thing that allows them to be in touch with the world around them. We are, for the most part, virtually blind in this Universe.
    Humans have built machines that pick up some of the vibrations we can’t get with our 5 senses. These machines translate what they pick up into the range that we can get with one of our senses. For instance, our eyes don’t pick up on x-rays – they only see the slower vibrating visible light range. So we made x-ray machines that take pictures to show us the result of using the x-rays, on a film that we can see with visible light. Can you imagine being able to see such things as x-rays and gamma rays all the time? Radio waves are also in a vibrational frequency band that is not within the range of any of our senses. The circuitry in a radio or TV changes these vibrations to frequencies of vibration our senses of sight and hearing can perceive. There are many other things that we do not normally perceive. But all of these things, and much, much more, are available for us to perceive when we transcend the limits of our separate self.
    Because of my early fascination with such things, I spent a great deal of time “bugging” my teacher with all the unanswered questions from my early fascination with metaphysics and science.
    “I always hear references to life being an illusion, or what we are perceiving is actually an illusion. Does that have to do with our limited senses?”
    “Life being an illusion is more a question about sensory perception illusion. In part, because of the limitations of our senses, much of what we perceive is an illusion. A table, for instance is not what it seems to us.” “In moments of higher consciousness, I have seen what looks like a crawling or vibration in wood or stone, is that what you mean?”
    “It is part of what I mean. You may be seeing the life of the molecules of the object, or the auric vibrations. To give you an easier-to-understand example of obvious illusions, consider the modern invention of television, and the ‘picture’ you see on it. The ‘pictures’ we see are not pictures at all, but many individual lines of parts of the picture, flashing at us one at a time. They start at the top or bottom of the screen, and go to the other end. But these lines appear faster than our human perception can process, so we don’t see them as individual lines being ‘flashed’ one at a time. Instead, the many lines seem to be there all the time, making whole pictures. Movies are similar. As many as 24-30 still pictures are being flashed in one second. We see it as a seamless presentation, and have the illusion that the people and things on the screen are moving, but they aren’t. Certain animals with better perceptions just see the lines on a TV, or the still pictures flashing during a movie.
    That is just ONE of many examples. But there are even more far reaching illusions about life and the world around us. Even the TV set is not really what it seems to us.
    The True Reality Beyond our Perceptions.
    Even the most ‘solid’ physical objects are but atoms (and the parts/energy they are composed of) vibrating at various rates, in various arrangements. These vibratory rates and arrangements of atoms are perceived by us, through one or more of the very limited 5 senses of an Earthly human body. We then process this sensory information, and in our limited consciousness, ‘perceive’ these atom groups as the ‘things’ that make up the world we live in, the things that are all around us – TV’s, cars, carpets, skin, air, – you name it. What we think all these things are, is the result of the warped assumptions our brain makes – the assumption being based on the very limited data we get from our senses, about a certain arrangement and frequency of vibration of atoms. And atoms are just a building block of the same One thing – the ‘stuff’ of the Universe. Thus, everything we think we see, is really just an illusion – not its true form – just a ‘conceptual form’ created by our brain. We put together an ‘image’ or ‘idea’ of what we think we’re perceiving, by virtue of our programming, expectations, experiences, etc., manipulating the bits of information we get from our highly limited senses. When you see the movement or vibration in a solid object, whatever it is you are seeing, is because your consciousness is expanding beyond its limitations, and you are glimpsing a bit more of reality.”
    “So our consciousness and our limited senses really create a perceptual handicap.”
    “It’s even worse than that. We are already starting with the great handicap of perceiving such a small part of the world around us. Then to make matters worse, we process that information through the ‘filters’ of our emotions and pre-conceptions. This all leaves us with a very inaccurate illusion of reality.
    And just a little change in the frequency of the vibration of atoms (how fast or slow they vibrate) in a molecule (group of atoms), can completely change our perception of what it is. For example, we know the slower vibrating molecules of H2O as ice, a solid; as the frequency of vibration increases, we know them as water, a liquid; faster still, as steam; faster yet, as Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. Then where?”
    “As vibrational frequency increases, a more etheric quality develops. Something may even seem to vanish (like steam), but nothing is ever lost in the Universe, it just changes form. Sometimes the apparent form is changed by atoms joining groups (molecules), or what I like to call ‘atomic cults’ (Note: no relation to “poison gas cults” Ha.) But regardless of how they are arranged, or how they appear, the true reality of it all is that it’s always the same One energy vibrating at different frequencies.”
    Orbital Life – The Relationship Pattern of the Universe.
    “Looking to outer space you find countless stars, ‘Suns’ like the star of this solar system, with planets of their own in orbit. Constantly moving, vibrating, they follow the same Universal Laws of All, as does the atom, the micro-cosmic solar system.
    Indeed, ANYWHERE we look in life, be it outer space, or inner space, EVERYTHING is either atoms or solar systems. They are like octaves of the same thing: micro/macro cosms. There is nothing else. What is a building? A tree? They, and anything else that seems to be something else, are but an assembly of atoms/solar systems.
    I can’t emphasize the significance of this enough. It is one of the most important facts there is, and understanding its full meaning is one of the great keys to understanding the Universe, and our lives.”
    “What are these other great keys?”
    “The next great key can also be seen with atoms and solar systems. It is their orbital pattern, their orbital relationship. It is the one primary pattern that exists in the Universe. It pervades everything, and all else is built upon it. Peniel, it is what our human male/female relationships are based on. It is what makes soulmates, soulmates.”
    “Look into space at night. Each shining “star” you see is either a ‘Sun’ – an object radiating light, that is surrounded by and orbited by planets, or a planet, giving off light reflected from the light of a star. Study what scientists have discovered about the ‘solid’ objects that surround us – water, trees, buildings, stones, earth, plants, human bodies – they are all made of atoms. And what are atoms? Microscopic ‘stars’ being orbited by planets, but very tiny, and very, very rapidly – they are an octave of the stars and our own solar system.
    We have had this knowledge long before the ignorant masses ‘discovered’ that the Earth wasn’t flat. Before they ‘discovered’ that the Earth wasn’t the center of the Universe. Before they discovered that the Earth revolved around the Sun, rather than what they previously thought – that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Before they ‘discovered’ atoms. Soon they will ‘discover’ more, and more.
    Consider: what if everything is orbiting something else? What if when you get smaller than atoms, and bigger than solar systems, the same, or similar, circular orbital pattern is found? It does – in some way or another, even though they haven’t ‘discovered it yet’ (Note: much of this has recently been discovered by modern science). What if it goes on infinitely like a never ending spiral? It must. It is the pattern of creation, of the Universal Spirit. If you contemplate it for a while, the ‘pattern’ of an atom or solar system is, in a sense, the only reality. It is the primary form of life in the Universe. This pattern is the basis of the building blocks of our illusions. And what is it comprised of? This amazing, all pervasive pattern consists of ‘individual’ parts functioning as One. This Oneness is achieved by virtue of the nature of the polarities of the individual parts – plus/minus, male/female. Electrons of an atom are like the planets of a solar system. They are oppositely charged (the opposite ‘sex’) to the nucleus of an atom, and they are attracted to each other – just as the planets and ‘Sun’ of a solar system are. The polarized parts flow together in a particular ‘way’ that is dictated by Universal Law. The pattern is orbital because of the nature of polarized relationships in space. There is always a centre, a central sphere that gives, that flows out energy, and ‘attracts’ – and that central object is surrounded by objects that are attracted to, and attach themselves to, the centre object. In the case of a solar system, the Sun is the centre that all the planets revolve around. In the case of an atom, the nucleus is the centre that all the electrons revolve around. They are the same thing. The outer objects’ (electrons or planets) momentum, their ‘speed’ as they travel through space, becomes a circular movement once they are attracted to and attached to their central object (the Sun, a Star, or a Nucleus). That movement is cyclic – in other words, it keeps orbiting around and around at a certain speed, repeating its cycle in a given period of time, thus a vibrational occurrence is created of ‘cycles per… something’ (second, day, year, whatever). In the case of the Earth orbiting the Sun, it is 1 cycle per year. In the case of other planets it is faster or slower. In the case of atoms, it is very, very fast – and different for each atom.
    Taking this a step further, what if everything is orbiting something, which is also orbiting something else? Then all of them function as ONE. And a complex vibrational pattern exists. They each link up with all other objects, becoming a part of their flow and one with them. In the entirety of the Universe, All things are interconnected as One in this way. And the basis of all this is the Universal pattern we see exemplified so perfectly in the atom or star systems. It follows and reflects Universal Law perfectly. This pattern flows in perfect harmony with Universal order.”
    And I reiterate, “What if this form, this pattern, represents the relationships of beings? What if each atom is a conscious being composed of soulmate beings? What if each solar system is a conscious being composed of soulmate beings (each planet and ‘Sun’ is a being, in and of itself, that make One being together)? What if every being plays two roles, like both parent and child at the same time – surrendering to something, and directing something? What if every ‘star’ is both in an outflowing, ‘positive polarity’, ‘directing’ position to its planets, but also is like a ‘planet’ to something else that it orbits? What if the planets are taking a receptive, ‘negative polarity’, surrendering posture, to a ‘sun’, but are functioning like a ‘sun’ to something else that orbits it, or is affected by it? According to the teachings of the Children, and my personal realizations, all of the above is true.”
    Many, many things can be learned and understood by contemplating the above concept. Contemplation of this pattern has guided the understanding of masters and enlightened ones, in all matters of Universal and Earthly life, and thus can also provide the contemplative seeker with profound answers.
    Truly understanding the meaning of this pattern, and applying it to human life, can provide the deepest understanding of the nature of men and women, and male/female relationships. It is the perfect pattern of the harmonious interaction of polar opposites. Thus, with contemplation, it can show us the way to have perfect relationships, helping us achieve perfectly harmonious interaction with our own soulmates, and other humans.
    Beyond the 5 Senses.
    Earlier we said that for most people, the 5 senses are the only thing that allows them to be in touch with the world around them. A person who is Universally Conscious, has transcended the separate self and perceives things with more than the 5 senses, and experiences them directly, without the “filters”. But you don’t have to achieve Universal Consciousness to start perceiving more – anyone can achieve greater perception if they work on it.
    When we expand our consciousness, we can access other means to perceive spectrums of vibration, normally beyond human reach. We can sense these other spectrums (or planes) if we transcend the physical limits, and “tune-in” to them. This takes place when there is an activating of an evolutionary spiritual energy phenomenon called the “kundalini”. The kundalini lies dormant, inside us all. When the kundalini becomes active, it traverses the spine, energizing nerve centers (called plexus) and endocrine glands that are normally dormant, or just performing on a “lower” vibratory level, maintaining normal physical body functions. The activation of the kundalini causes the subsequent activation, or “awakening” of seven centres along the spine, called “chakras” in some spiritual traditions. They are like new, previously unused senses in a way. Each of the chakras allows receiving and transmitting on different planes of vibration. For instance, probably the most famous of the chakras is the pituitary, or “3rd Eye”. When this is opened it gives one what has been called “second sight”. This new perceptional capability will vary depending on the degree of opening. A medium level opening will give one the ability to see the energy fields that surround all things. Much more can be perceived when it is fully open, and functioning in coordination with the other chakras. When the chakras are properly opened, you essentially exist on these different planes also. Here’s a not very good allegorical example: you could think of it kind of like this. You have 7 television sets, each with a different “show” that is a different version of the same show about your life and the world around you, playing on them. One is black and white, one is color, one lets you see “previews” of the future of upcoming shows”, one lets you see everything like an x-ray machine. One lets you see the atoms in everything. One lets you see your life like a “picture in a picture” TV showing 2 different channels, with the big picture being the entire Universe, and the little one in the corner being what’s going on in your life at the time, etc., etc.. But rather than being just a “show” for you to watch, they allow you to become part of the show, and live in, and interact with the show. And the kundalini is the power supply that initially turns these TV’s on – TV’s you have never even seen before, or knew existed.
    (Caution: if the kundalini rises and opens chakras without proper preparation, guidance, or control, it is something like being a radio that has no tuner, no means of selecting and maintaining the desired frequency; this opens one up to receive any vibration erratically. Some cases of insanity and “possession” are results of this occurrence. We caution you to not use any technique that forces kundalini, unless you are under the guidance of a true teacher).
    Spiritual Stimulation of the 5 Senses.
    “Some physical vibrations that can be picked up by our 5 senses, have ‘harmonics’ (parallel vibrations of a higher frequency) and forms that correspond with higher ‘spiritual’ vibrations. When we pick up these vibrations, the harmonics and forms stimulate a ‘like response’ within the person receiving them. This can be experienced through any of the senses. Using sound for an example again, it would be like hearing beautiful music that takes you to levels of spiritual elation, rapture, giving you feelings of peace, and Unity with the Universe. When this happens, all that is actually taking place physically is that an array of vibrations within a certain frequency band is being received by you (hearing the music).”
    “So why do you get those effects, those emotions and feelings from the music?”
    “I was just getting to that. Because the vibrational form, movement, and harmonics resound within you, and allow you to tune-in to the ‘source’ of which they correspond. That ‘source’ is what the composer was ‘connected to’, or feeling, when the music was composed. The sense of smell is not as simple. But here are just a few examples of the ways harmonious Universal vibrations manifest to various senses:
    To vision – a mandala; spiritually elating dance movements; elating colors and art; the beauty of nature – like a sunset.
    To touch – the feeling of the Universal life energy/prana/chi/ki, flowing through your body; a loving touch.
    To hearing – spiritually elating music or sounds; the sounds of nature.
    To smell – the fragrance of a flower or pure incense. Frankincense, myrrh, lavender, and others, in their pure state, are excellent for meditation and creating a spiritual vibration in the environment. The effect of odors on a physical body is unequaled. It is very powerful. They can even stimulate past life memories. The sense of smell is the only one of the senses directly connected to the brain, and the outside physical world. Smells come from physical particles in the air, that directly contact parts of the brain, which is accessed through your nose. Smells actually directly activate emotion centres in the brain, and thus, those emotions can trigger childhood memories, or even past life memories. Odors can thus be healing, or create problems. Keep in mind that an odor that is beneficial to one person may not be for another. Try various types; you’ll know which are for you. The combination of Frankincense and myrrh, or the combination of Lavender buds and Orris root powder, are the most powerful for stimulating past life emotions, and thus memories – because these were used in our ancient temples and healing centres.”
    “Music is a powerful force spanning the Infinite to the finite. As with other vibrations, it can be harmonious, healing, spiritually stimulating, or, inharmonious, degenerating, stimulating the self, instigating self-indulgence.
    Music has no language barriers, and is as close to a language of the Universal Spirit that you will find.
    Even the planets make music. They all make vibrations that can be sensed as sound in the right state of Consciousness, with the right chakras active. And when you hear the solar system as a whole, the planets weave ever changing chords as they travel about in their orbits, getting closer and further away from other planets.”
    You may have heard of tests done in which “classical” music was played to one test group of plants, and “rock” music was played to another. The plants that were played the classics flourished and grew towards the source of the sound, while the plants that were played the rock music withered away from the sound source and died. That doesn’t mean that all rock music is detrimental, or that all classical music is beneficial. While looking in to the specifics of this experiment I found several things that would greatly effect the outcome. One, it wasn’t a double-blind study, and the prejudices of the scientists (toward classical and against rock) could have greatly influenced the plants (remember the “smart” rats experiment?). Also, I found that the classics played were of the more refined and melodic classical composers, while the rock music played was some of the most discordant (from negative, degenerative, selfish-oriented composers). There is some very spiritually oriented rock music around if you look for it. All styles of music have the polarities of positive and negative, it’s up to you to choose.
    While we are touching upon the subject of music I will mention something about playing a musical instrument (including the voice). Spontaneous composition or playing can be done as a meditation. Letting go and letting the Universal Spirit flow through you, play through you, is a very beautiful, ecstatic experience. Those of you who may have experienced this with music know what I mean. But it is that way with everything when you transcend the separate self and do things in the spirit of Unselfish Love. In letting go and letting the Universal Spirit flow through you, everything becomes a meditation. That is the art of dying, always giving-up (giving upwards to the Universal Spirit). For the one who lives such a Universal lifestyle, ALL is a musical instrument as you play with vibrations throughout the Infinite vibrational spectrum. Come play the song of Love, the song of life, the music of the spheres. So be it.
    Humbly compiled
    I am
    Rene’ Descartes Cogito ergo sum.

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