When we try to understand the very outset of the three creeds of Abraham and Moses, there is one thing that is for certain; a lot of the introductory theoretic reflection has been lost today. I mean, Moses is, according to the Thorah an Egyptian prince, and yet the three religions basically start after Moses, so the question is; where did Moses get his ideas from. This is the basic layer of the three creeds, and the most important outset of our religions if we want to understand how we make a modern world based on both Newtonian science and traditional values of the Middle East.
Now, Moses was an Egyptian prince, so we know where he got his ideas from; the royal court of Egypt. That is simple, what is not simple however is the trends and the ideas of the Egyptian court at the time of Moses. That is very difficult to get a clear picture of. I however have done a huge amount of research on the issue, and basically believe I have a take on the philosophies he was inspired by. This has been both a philosophic, archeological and a historic research.
The background of Moses is, to my historical/philosophical mind, extremely interesting. Egypt was on its height when Moses lived. Egypt has three defined stages; old kingdom, middle kingdom and new kingdom. Moses lived just in the change of the middle and the new kingdom, that is in the eclipse of Egypt.
The background story is also extremely interesting. The Hyksos, that is an archenemy of the Egyptians, were, among others, the Jews. The jews had wandered into Egypt in a time where the central authority of Egypt was very weak due to internal strife, and the Jews and other tribes settled in places where there used to be mostly Egyptians, in the first time of Egyptian history did someone who were not Egyptian occupy Egypt.
This is why the Jews are persecuted out of Egypt.
Another very interesting story is the advent of monotheism. It did not just happen in a short time, it was a result of a very long row of distinguished researchers in the Egyptian temples, and not only in Egypt but as a result of a long and profound development of theory in most of the Middle East, this includes Persia, Assyria (Babylon) and Phoenicia.
It was, however, a very elitist research that had little to do with the day-to-day life of the citizens of the different states and polises. You can draw a parrallel to the universities of today and the day-to-day life of most citizens, often people do not really understand or care about the elites in university and their ideas. So they do not listen.
The advent of monotheism and consequently Judaism, Christianity and Islam is therefore an intellectual feat of primarily Egyptian scholars but also Persian as well as Phoenician and Assyrian scholars.
This leads us to the question? How do we combine a modern approach to science, mostly dominated by Newton (Einstein) with the ideas of the Middle East. Well, first of all we need to understand the existence of G-d. G-d was, in the theory and practice of the ancients intelligence that is in between all matter. Newton brought forth a similar understanding of the world. He believed that you can actually prove things unseen. He used mathematical proofs to proof the unseen. As he proved the existence of gravity.
So what we need to do, is to grapple with this. The only way we can prove the existence of G-d is through science. Otherwise we cannot meet Newton on his home turf. That is why I have given a logical prove of the existence of G-d.
From this point of departure, we can embrace all the other sciences, but I belive we should focus on natural science in relation to metaphysics. Here the Middle East has a history and a background that will give it a good starting point.
We could ask the famous Niels Bohr institute for help, in my experience they are very much into the combination of physics and metaphysics, Niels Bohr himself was, so it is a good and long tradition.
These are just ideas and possible roads to choose in the advent of a true Middle East, and a Middle East in remembrance and realization of its true glory.
G-d bless Akhentaten, the first monotheist ruler.