
I keep thinking about Oxford. It kind of drags me towards it. Not the surface, not the jolly pubs in and around Oxford, but something deeper.

When I was in Oxford. I was so fortunate to join a symposium in the church of saint Marys. A beautiful little church at the heart of Oxford.

I believe it taught me something vital about Oxford. That Oxford, at the heart, is a tiny, beautiful, peaceful little church, with the humility of a country side parish.

This is truly amazing. I think. When I compare to my own school; Vallekilde. Vallekilde is forged as the hammer of Thor. That is the secret of my school. The secret of Oxford is the parish church.

But just besides the smallish church lies huge and impressive buildings. Buildings like the Camera and the bridge of sighs.

In these buildings, the feeling is not of simplicity and life, it is of grandioseness and emptiness.

This is the problem. The heart of Oxford is not the problem. It is indeed sound and alive. However, the larger structure, the structure of metaphysics is abandoned.

That is, the theoretical foundation under the great structures has been shut down, and no one is living in them anymore.

This is what I am trying to say, and I know that Oxford is trying to say as well. The heart is still living, but the buildings around it, need reform.

As in Cambridge, where mr. Hawkins is king. We in Oxford need to be leading some other intellectual area. That is metaphysics.

Yes, I know people will tell you, that is not possible, and metaphysics is dead and so on. Oxford will disagree. It lives, and with the resurrection of metaphysics, not ot only the Anglican church will have a rebirth, all religion will with it.

This is the scale, and the potential. And this is exactly why I so insistent on urging the intellectuals of Oxford to stay in the fight, and put some life in the greater structures of not only Oxford, but faith itself.

G-d bless the will of the believers.

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