Red lines

We are talking a lot about red lines these days. Problem is, we need to qualify the idea a bit to really understand the discussion as such.

I fact in the book “Courage, wisdom and justice” you can see in the right column, I discussed the principle with Mr. Herbert Pundik the former editor of the daily Politiken and a veteran peacemaker. According to his idea, in politics you always have to listen to the “red line” of a opponents discussion. If you do not understand where his red line is, he will go to war and start attacking you. On the other hand, it is also very important to be clear about your own red line, so that the opponent will know when you are ready to fight physically with your opponent.

This is why Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu is talking so much about red lines, he is trying to convey the feeling of “this is the limit we are willing to go to”, and the message is clear, Israel will not accept a nuclear armed Iran, because it is too dangerous for Israel.

Now, seen from a Israelian point of view, it is frustrating that people, and especially America do not seem to listen. Well, i believe America do listen. The problem is simply, that there are other red lines to take into consideration. The most important red line, is the red line of Russia. Russia cannot allow themselves to be within such a small distance from a US based and friendly country, as it would be if Iran changed allegiance to the US. So this is a red line to consider as well.

Therefor my plan, and hopefully the plan of at least some of Israel, has been to make peace between Russia and America, and then tackle the Iranian threat afterwards. It is of cause not only because of Israel I try to build bridges, Russia and America are descendants of Denmark, so I feel a special responsibility for them as well. But, the entire equation is a peaceful and strong relationship between the US and Russia, giving the opportunity to give Iran a free democratic constitution, backed by both Russia and America.

If this can be done, much of the conflicts would slowly diminish, and a true peace could be given to the Middle East.

At least, this is the aim; peace.

We are all descendants of the wise Abraham. He told us that spirit had commanded os to be the light upon the nations. This goes for all, and the aim is to make a world in love.

G-d bless the peace and the love we are entitled to reach if we are faithful.

Categories: America, Israel, Peace, Russia Tags:
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