Well, it has come to this. D – day. Day of reckoning, time of no redemption.
As skilled in diplomacy, I will give another day for the Danish public to reassess before they choose to ignore my complaints and offer of help. I believe in dialogue. Only at the point of no dialogue should one initiate hostility, but this is it. No dialogue, no conversation, so we escalate.
Here is the plan.
Basically what we are confronting is not the usual sneering and self aggrandisement, it is a vile and corrupt system that is prying on the princess.
What do we have? We have a chance to make history in the sense, that we can make peace between the three religions; Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Rakel is the heir to this project. When I am no more in thirty years time, she will be the heir.
If she is ruined, scathed and hurt. She will be an evil and unforgiving person, if she is happy and resourceful, she will be a boon for humanity.
Now, hopefully there will be more kids, but she is the first, and she holds the key to the succession of the royal house that encompasses all three religions.
Therefor, she is, apart from my own humble skin, the most precious we have now. If we want to continue the good progress we have, we should protect here.
Who are her enemies.
It is not just the STASI (PET), it is a collaboration of the control system entities that govern Denmark. That is the STASI, the media, and the literary élite. Add to this some of the politicians as the Trykkefrihedsselskabet and others, and we have our enemies.
Now. We have a situation, where there are many, many supporters of Rakel. Sunni, Shia, Christian, Jewish. All who wish for a better world, and redemption of the holy spirit.
So, basically this the most of the world. America, both South and North. The Middle East. Russia and a great deal of Europe.
So, we need to make a tactic, that will give all a chance to fight the enemies of Rakel.
This is how I propose we do it.
I put up a list of the enemies, with priority and some notes of each enemy, and all are free to engage.
The ones who make a hit, should write about it on their media, something you know I read, and I will post the victor here on rubicon.
Each enemy will have a score number relative to the difficulty of the task, so people who are not so resourceful can fight some of the smaller foes, and the big guys can take on the big targets.
Mind you, Denmark is only five million, so the targets are all small, but fair should be fair.
Since there is, more or less, green light from all major players, all who wish to make a try, can go ahead from tomorrow. I will monitor the development. AND add a scoring list in the right of Rubicon, so that we can all survey the progress and the hopeful completion of each mission.
Needless to say, protection of Rakel is a very high priority for me, and all who help will be a true soldier of light, blessed by the eternal light of spirit.
G-d bless the right to remain true and free.