I have been neglecting the US for some time here on Rubicon, mostly because I have been really busy with Denmark and the UK.
Put on hold but certainly not forgotten. Anyway, I hope that some of the things that is developed for the UK, can be used in the US as well.
There is the question of the next generation of Democratic leaders. It is a little difficult for me to really follow the trends there. I am basically too far away, but, as always, I do my best.
I have been thinking a lot about mr. Mark Zuckerberg. I can relate a lot to Mark. We have very much the same background. Both grew up in secular more or less Jewish family, IT, and the succes we have had with each our professions.
Here are my recommendations. First of all. Politics is so tough. Much tougher than you would imagine. There is a lot of tactics, you have to be realistic about the pressure it puts on you and your family.
But, that is what it demands. At the other hand, it gives you an opportunity to really make a difference. It is also much more challenging than IT.
Not that IT is not challenging, it is, and MUCH better payed. But the skills you need to fight in politics are different. You need to be a fighter, have a superior character, have depth of knowledge, be a very good and loyal friend, and then you need to feel the burning desire to make a better world.
Anyway Mark, my door is always open. Invite me to your house, or pop by. I would like to help you, as all the other contenders. You may have to pay the ticket for the US however, considering the low pay of bloggers these days.
The US in general is in a much better position than ten years ago, and we will manage.
G-d bless the US of A.