
Well, there is a whole lot of discussion on the waning American economy. I have, as one of the things, that I have tried to help the Americans with, given the US a new idea on how to make America actually wealthy.

It is really quite simple, when you understand the mechanics of economy.

What is economy really? Economy is a Greek word, and it means household. The idea being, that the fiscal matters of a polis (in the time of the Ancient Greek, they did not have nations, but city states, Athens, Sparta and so on) were like the workings of a house.

Hence economy meaning, household.

If you look at it from that perspective, it gets a bit more easy to understand. Because as in any household, you need to figure out, how to make ends meet.

This comes down to production, because if pops brings home a few dollars, then we can actually buy things at the market. So we need to get pops a job.

How do we do that? We do it by building factories, that produces things, like stools, food, jewellery and so on.

But, and this is where it gets a little difficult, you can borrow money, if you are not able to make ends meet. This is, what we have been doing for some time, to make the military run.

The military is, by far, the most expensive part of any nation. So you need to make ends meet, by not borrowing money, and make money instead, yourself.

The problem for the US right now is, that we have outsourced so much of our production, that we are getting really poor. There is the influence, the US has around the world, but that rests on a strong military.

See the catch? If we do not have a strong military, then we cannot protect the people, that essentially pays for the power play we are playing.

So, at the end of the day, making America great again, is all about the money. The safest way to make things in terms of money, is by securing the production in your own backyard.

That is what we have been fighting for, the last ten years, and it is actually working. Just imagine, if we have had the current economical crisis, and all our things were made in China?

This would have been the end of the might of the US. But as it is, we are in danger, but not so much, that we will actually loose everything. It is still very much within the range of changing things around. China is actually showing signs of fatigue, and our pressure is showing.

If we enter into a fight around Taiwan, things may actually end up in our side. We will win, if we play our cards right. Chinas production capacity is concentrated in a few areas, and some well placed bombs, will end the dominion of China. It is as simple as that.

Ramping up the fight is difficult for China, but they are in it, and they know it may end up in a real fight.

Ukraine is still not really decided, but Russians are a different ball game that China, they are incredibly tough, China is, traditionally not tough. But we will have to see, where it ends.

But bringing back the production to the US, has been an astounding success.

It will all play out in the next few years. And I guess, that that new production power, will be the beginning of a another round of investment in ammunition.

G-d bless the will to do good in the realm of economy.

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