Working for a better country

Well, things are slowly shaping up in the election. It seems, that people have realised that what mr. Biden is doing, is giving people a shot at having a better living. So that is a good thing.

I know, that it is not said out loud, but the feeling voters get, is that the president is actually caring about their lives, and how they fare, and it is working. The economy is abundant, and there is a rebounding economy going around.

You could say, that this is not in the realm of amazing dreams. But most Americans right now do not need unrealistic dreams, they need something to eat, and at the end of day, that is what the dream is all about. Having a life, that is working, being able to pay the bills, and maybe even saving a penny for a rainy day.

Adressing the economy, and making it work, is the key to this development. When people have opportunities, you give them a ticket. That ticket is all that is really asked for. Most people do not like to be controlled, they like to be able to provide for themselves, and being proud of the life they have made themselves.

There are those, who are not into the hard work of an average American, and there are people who thrive on unhealthy things like stealing and so on. But the average American is a hardworking, healthy individual, who is proud of what they THEMSELVES have accomplished.

So that is what serving is about, it is about giving people the opportunity, to carve out a life for themselves.

It may sound a little boring, but most people really like boring, they like the stability of life, being able to plan for a better tomorrow.

So the focus on the basics and making the economy work, is really what is making things work. Make the manufacture work, and then the country works as a whole. And here I mean all manufacture, not just big scale. Fishing, farming, production of all kind is really important.

G-d bless the will to make a better United States of America.

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