
Well, as I said from the beginning, the ground attack has spurred all the wrong things. Rising casualties, condemnation of the world, growing disparity between what the Israeli public wishes, and what is really attainable. Now the high command are fighting over who to blame, a true crisis sign.

First of all, why not do as I say? Obviously the Palestinians are really afraid of my skills, the obviously read what I write. So when the enemy realizes the true threat, that is the skill of the chosen one. Why not use it?

Secondly, why not let me in? I have a lot of knowledge of warfare, and have read all the classics of strategy. But the day to day choises of the mechanized war machine I have very little knowledge. To truly lead the IDF and shin bet, I need to know what they are thinking, and get the newest info. Right now I can only sipher so much from the media.

Thirdly, this is what I would do in this situation, based on the intel I do have. I would rap up the secret service infiltration of Gaza. Use only the IAF. Redraw the ground troops to behind the wall. Start finding the tunnels that are running under the wall from behind our own wall.

On one hand we need to satisfy the UN and mr. Barack Obama. We do that by minimizing the causalities done by ground troops. Secondly we need to satisfy the Israeli public and their demand for security. We do that by finding the tunnels that are actually a threat, and then taking out the rockets by drones or the IAF.

There is off cause the international game we do not know much about, and there is a risk of a folding on the Israeli side. But we would have to see how the international scene would react on these actions.

G-d bless Israel.

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