
So, there are only three weeks before election day, and it seems a pretty easy win. 

Let us have a look on why. First of all, because we did have a good support from the Liberal wing, this includes all the traditional supporters, a great part of the academia, a great part of the civil rights organizations, a great part of grassroots supporters. 

Secondly, it was because mr. Trump had no idea about campaigning. He is good on television, but all the intricacies of voter segmentation, going across the aisle, being strategic, was not really a part of his strategy. As the skeletons started emerging out of the cupboard, he did not have the nerve or the cool to meet it with ease, but started ranting. 

I am sorry, I never really disliked Trump all the way, but that is just not a thing to do if you want to be the leader of the free world. You need coolness and strength in your manners. 

On the other side, ms. Clinton has really developed herself under the election, and seems to be moving with the tides. She has a new stance on the free market deals, I do believe that free markets are ok, but this was really not the idea of Bernie, so I understand the move, even though I hope it will not ruin our economy too much. And then she started getting back to her roots, I think that is really the most beautiful part of her development. She started thinking about that rural America, where people struggle to get going. That rapport is really what will win her the election. Because this is where the swing voters are. The ancient blue collar Democrats, who are scared by globalization, but still hold on to a worker identity. These voters are the key voters in this election. 

Now these people are, at least a lot of them, REALLY angry on how things are progressing, and instead of alienating them. We should try and understand them, and help them. As in Detroit. 

Globalization seems to be over, and people are hunkering down in the states they understand and makes sense to them, and we cannot change that. What we can do, is to try and ease that development, so that it does not end in a huge crash. Because they are truly angry, and we need to meet them in order to alleviate some of that pain, be it a right pain or a wrong pain. 

We need to stop vilifying them, and start understanding their difficult situation. 

G-d bless United States of America

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