
IMG_2438When you make your own family, new challenges arrive, new difficulties, and yet new options and new joys.

Having a family means that you are helplessly trapped in matter. You simply have to create a home for your wife and children, you have to make a living, you have to share yourself not only with your wife, but also with your children.

True idealism really is confronted the minute you are married, and especially when you have children.

This challenge basically gives you a situation when you constantly have to sacrifice yourself. You are helplessly dependent on your wife and you cannot just follow your heart at any given time. Some would argue that family really is a prison, some would argue it is a place to find love. It is both. In this sense family gives a lot, but it also takes a lot.

Løgstrup, the Danish philosopher has this really beautiful little maxim, that I like. He says, that you carry you loved ones in your arms. Because what you do will determine their life.

Buber, the Jewish philosopher found G-d in the connection he had to his wife. The intimate discussion they had, led him to analyze the intimacy between ich und du.

But basically, I believe that you really understand what love is, when you get children. Yesterday Rakel was really happy. She had a nice day, and she always dances when she is happy. She danced to all her favorite children’s songs, and then she sat on my lap, to watch a movie.

After a while she just sat there, and held my hand. She looked in my eyes, unblinkingly, as only children can do it. And she was absolutely open to what I had to say.

This true connection, and true love, is the work of G-d I think.

The place for joy and refreshment, the place for hard work and sacrifice, the place for deep integrated love, is really when we are in our midst of our family.

G-d bless the will to find rest with your loved ones.

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