Happy Yom Kippur

It is now the last day of the new year, tomorrow a new year with all its potential will start.

As always, looking back is good, and looking forward is equally good.

First of all, the last year has had its tough challenges. Antisemitism, or the vilification of Jews is on the rise internationally, secondly, the situation around us is volatile as always.

In this dire situation, not defending Israel is total madness.

At the other hand, the fortunes of Israel has never been better in terms of allies and friends. The US has chipped in full throathed, the Arabs have become friends. And even Iran has refrained from attacking us as hard as we have been attacking them.

This is due to the good will of spirit towards Israel.

Why has this happened?

Really it is a reflection of the Jewish character. A warm friend and a fierce enemy.

If you support us and work with us, we will be the best friend you can have. If you fight us, we will be the worst enemy you can get.

In a sense, Israel is slowly realizing the Jewish spirit.

Because peace is only won if you fight with justice, and help with mercy.

This is the example I hope the rest of the world sees. That we are not fighting for our own benefit in terms of money or privilege. But to have our place we can call home.

Somewhere where we are safe and secure.

The rest of the world hates the Jews for their own descipable reasons, so we need a place to call home, where we can be safe.

That is Israel. The home of the Jews.

With this wonderful realization, I hope that all Jews see their home for what it is, and are ready to defend it with all costs.

Not to subdue or bring harm, but to defend and protect those we love and cherish.

Happy Yom Kippur, and G-d bless Israel.

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