To make an interview with a person of a jewish background on the situation of the jews, in Denmark, right now, is very depressing. Not only because the development of the society runs on lines that will ultimately end in another Holocuast, but also because of the immense betrayal of the media elite and the cultural elite against the jews and the danes.
These issues, and other, are discussed with Mr. Geoffrey Cain, and can be heard by pressing the interview in the radiobox in the top right corner of the internetpage. Mr. Geoffrey Cain is a both an active debater and a very knowledged person when it comes to the discussion concerning jews, danes and muslims in Denmark. Cain has written quite a few books, one on the defaming of the leader of the party “Dansk Folkeparti”, “Danish Peoples Party” in english, an other intellectual works.
It is quite enligthning to listen to the words of Geoffrey, few are as courageos and stubborn as he is, always trying to get the truth out.