
In the ancient time, Zoroaster preached, that good deeds should follow good thoughts, that again should follow good ideas.

We believe that when we are met with beautiful thoughts and ideas, beauty will result from the encounter.

Now, the wise priests of Persia have come to us, with arms outstretched. They have good thoughts, and we must meet them with good deeds.

They are not naive, and they do realize, that there is still an opportunity for ill will, but they hope for good will.

The wisdom lies in the attempt to bridge the differences.

Let us be serious about the outcome of a pact on peace. Will that be a good thing for the world, or a bad thing?

When people fight, what is the end result for the little ones? What is the price the weak pay? They pay with suffering.

The good in this situation, is to try to stop the suffering, especially when it has lasted for so long.

The first step would be to welcome a truce, the second step would be to stop the fighting.

In the interest of peace in the face of war. I wholeheartedly support the first.

G-d bless the descendants of Zoroaster.

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