Sailing at the sea

v0_masterI am an academic, but not one of the usual ones. Usually academics are in churches, universities or other schools. Working with education and research that is to the good of the society.

Since our societies are on a very downward course, these days it is difficult to be in a university. The academic level is very low, the strings attached is manyfold, and you end up pushing things around and not really making any progress.

I realized this at the beginning of my career, so I chose to be independent.

The good thing about that, is the possibility to go your own ways, and for society, this is extremely vital, because a society needs new ideas to flourish.

But the backside of the coin is the fact, that it has become increasingly difficult for me to relate to all the other academic life. I am kind of a wild thing, living in the woods, an unpolished diamond, that have difficulty when dragged into the halls of academia again.

I realize this, after reflecting on my visit to Oxford. Honestly, it was a thrill, and I did make a good friend, so for that it was ok. But as for acceptance in the academic world, it was a true disaster.

I did everything wrong. I fought too much with my things, instead of just relaxing, I aimed too high, so that noone really understood what I wanted, and I could not relax.

But, hey, this was my first meeting with the university world in ten years or more. The last time I was in a university, if one could call it that, was when I was a lowly assistant, at the very bottom rung of the system. The professors scolded me on that occasion, so much that it is still impossible for me to have an academic career here in Denmark.

I feel like a sailor, coming ashore after a long voyage. All the landlubbers are scribbling away in languages that I do not care for, or understand.

Because out here on the sea, is where we tell yarns and meet the wrath of the sea.

These are the things I write about. The clashes of civilization, the murder of my friends, and the tall waves of cultures pounding each other.

And when I get ashore, I feel like a man out of my real element. I feel lost and do not really know how to behave. Not that I do not like the modern luxuries of the city and the populated life. I am just to rough at the edges to really enjoy it.

If academia wants me to a part of it, not that they should, but if they want, they should basically accept my stupid mannerisms, and my lack of eloquence.

I have wisdom, won in harsh sailing here at the open sea, this I try to give on to others. But I do not understand all the finer ways of academia anymore, so if you want to work with me, understand my predicament and quality.

G-d bless the will of the beautiful light of the academies.

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