Seriously New York Times, firing a journalist, because she did not conform with Black Lives Matter identity politics. Here in Denmark we are still in chock over the act.
Listen, New York Times is supposed to be, like my own family’s conservative newspaper Berlingske Tidende, a beacon of light.
What is that, and how are we supposed to interpret that.
Let us have an honest look at it.
Brandes a strong humanist and the founder of Politiken, the leading humanist newspaper of Denmark, called Politiken; an organ of the highest enlightenment.
Enlightenment being the keyword here.
What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment is, ideally, to spread truth, wherever truth is supposed to be. Thereby fighting darkness, or lies and deceit.
Since lies and deceit are the basis of evil. Being a lightbringer is a fight for a better world.
There it is. That is the basic point of the Statue of Liberty, that all the masses of poor people met when they came to Ellis Island.
You are a reflection of that.
So, off cause this is your own choice, but seen from the outside, as a humanist, leaving that mission, is a very sad thing.
It is the core of a humanistic, Democratic state.
G-d bless the will to continue the fight for the light against the darkness.