Defining the new paradigm of war, we have to understand the mechanics of war as of these days. Harking back to the two main war philosophers von Clausewitz and Sun Tzu. We need to understand, that these philosophers are of another time. Sun Tzu is a bit more eternal than Clausewitz, and many of the basic principles of his philosophy still works; to understand yourself and understand the enemy is still paramount.
Clausewitz was a child of the democratic revolution, he accompanied some armies in the war between Germany and France. At the time, the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, war was a strategic measure of living men on either foot or horses put against each other in an intelligent manner.
Now, we still hold onto some of Clausewitz principles, but we need to fast forward til today. Before the Libyan war the Middle East powers were very succesful in their onslaught against the West. How did they do that? Basically they used our own corruption against us. By making often very elaborate Potempkin theatre, they portrayed Israel and USA as the evil incarnate. This was all lies, both Israel and the US are not perfect, but the slaughter of innocent children and so on, was all just lies.
So, in principle, what they did was to use the physical war as a theater to push their agenda in the media war. The genius of the principle was the fact that they realized that the media war was more important than the physical war. It worked as long as they could manipulate the Western, corrupt media, to their advantage.
Now, the Libyan war was a turning point. Why? because the situation in the world, mediawise, has changed. In the French democratic revolution, where the newspaper was invented as a propaganda tool, the practical reality did not matter much. The buccaneers could trumpet acts of valor, and nobody would know the truth from lies, because the newspaper had a monopoly of mediation.
With the advent of the internet, the mediation of the actual truth has changed dramatically. It is almost impossible to stop the jungle drums, and the media is often falsified by independent bloggers. This has created a situation where the transparency of the events has increased dramatically. What actually happens will become the understanding of the opinion of the world.
This falls back onto war theory. We cannot manipulate the events as we did before, and the Middle East theatre has become void. It does not work anymore. This was the true learning of the Libyan war. So what is the relationship between truth and ethics? It is so, that if a subject is enlightened, the participants are prone to be ethical. Lying, manipulation, evil misconduct will fall back on the perpetrator as bad impressions, and it will limit their political capital.
As an example we saw Gaddafi trying to make the impression that the West slaughtered innocent civilians, it did not work, because it was false.
Now, this principle is, in many ways, both good and very difficult to work with. Why? Because it forces us to be honest, ethical and true. If we fail, it will also fall back on us. The manipulations and evil misconduct we do will be a part of our legacy.
Right now, it works to our advantage. The attack on the hapless jews in Bulgaria will give some serious bad will to all implied. Iran, and now also Sweden that has collaborated with the Islamists for some time, giving them a free berth to infiltrate and spread their poison around the world.
It is the opportunity for both Israel and the US the gain ground in the politics of the world. We should put forth the light of the innocent and pure. Be honest, be courageous, be warm to people around us, and we will, truly reap the benefit of our deeds, because, today, what is done is heard through the grapevines in an instant. An evil thing done, will be a minus on our budget, the true budget we hold onto as individuals and societies, the budget we are judged upon not only in the living world, but also when it concerns our relation with spirit, or G-d if you may.
G-d bless us all