
Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category


January 25th, 2012 2 comments

When you try plan for the future, you have to look upon the present, the relationship between the power players of the world, the resources you loose, and the resources you gain. I am not to tell exactly, but we are not loosing right now, we are gaining a little, but we need to keep […]

Categories: America, Democracy, Libya, Love Tags:

Never surrender

January 22nd, 2012 3 comments

The cards are stacking up in the ongoing conflict with the extreme muslims of Northern Europe. The muslims do not understand us, the descendants of the northern tribe that settled in the cold marshes and wild woods of Scandinavia, England, Northern Germany and beyond. It is a sleeping fighter, it sleeps as long as there […]

Categories: Democracy, Denmark, England, Europe Tags:

Syrian challenges

January 21st, 2012 No comments

The next step in the ongoing conflict with Ahmadinejad is at very difficult one, we need to be extremely careful; Syria. Syria is extremely difficult because of all the different parties involved in the conflict; one little step in the wrong direction, and things will topple. We however have to do something, otherwise the Syrian […]

Categories: America, Democracy, Iran, Israel, Law, Liberalism, Russia Tags:


January 19th, 2012 No comments

It is quite difficult to know who my readers are, it seems to me, that my ideas are widely accepted, and I know off cause that the beginning of my political work was within the liberation movement of Northern Europe. A lot of the consequent public movements as DDL and EDL are perhaps reading my […]

Categories: Democracy Tags:


January 18th, 2012 No comments

Brandishing your enemy is a game of the past, today, we are, if we are the lightgivers and bringers, apt to remedy the conflicts we have had, and bring peace. We are not heading for a world of conflict, but should prefer a world of peace. This cannot be done if we do not realize […]


January 17th, 2012 No comments

It is not good, that the american/israeli relationship is in disarray, we need to mend the gap. I propose a solution: A common goal. What would a common goal be like? Well it depends on the strategical situation, the involved armament, and most of all; the ideals we strive to uphold. What are they? Seen […]

Categories: America, Democracy, Europe, Iran, Israel Tags:

Bird Phoenix

February 24th, 2011 1 comment

The world turns at its hinges once again, old allies are deftly reverting from friend to foe. We see the final chapter of European colonialism unfolding in front of our very eyes. European civilization, once the leader of the world, projected and unfurled from the blasting ovens of England, from the chambers of royal Spain, […]

Categories: Democracy, Politics Tags:


January 15th, 2010 4 comments

According to Plato and the hellenic historian Thycudides, the backside of that beautiful coin called democracy is corruption. This weakness of democracy was well known in the ancient Hellas. Democracy was the main organizational method of most of the hellenic city states. There was off cause Sparta that had a more aristocratic way of doing […]

Categories: Democracy Tags:

Athens, Rome and today

October 20th, 2009 18 comments

The current threat of Islam is much more dangerous than we think. Two different trends are at work at once. Firstly the threat of Islam itself, a very cunning enemy. But it coincides with another megatrend that is yet to be even realized. We have seen it twice in the history of western civilization. Firstly […]

Categories: Democracy, Politics Tags:

Grundtvig and Marx

October 15th, 2009 No comments

To build a society with harmony between nature and man, you have to be a master architect, yes you may even have to be a philosopher. There is an aura of respect surrounding the philosophers of history, we remember them; Plato, Rousseau, Marcus Aurelius, Kirkegaard. Why, because they studied the intricate design of human beings […]

Categories: Democracy Tags: