Civil liberties alliance

When I first entered the antiislamic campaign. Well, I suppose I was naive. We all are, when we enter the international stage of politics. One of the most naive things of my own attitutede was the belief in the compatriots I chose. I thought, by being idealistic, I could change the world.

Well after many years of fighting. I realize, that what sometimes seem to be your best friend, is your enemy, and what seems to be your enemy is your friend. A good example is my friendship with Mr. Barack Obama. On paper we are supposed to be in two different camps. But in reality, we are friends, and have remained so for some years now.

Friends like the international liberties organization, DDL, EDL, you name them and you hate them. Are not friends. That came through to be with an extreme clarity here in the last organizational meeting, where Lars Hedegaard, got a medal for a trial where he did all he could to blame it on me.

This mountaneous feat, earned him the respect of all of the civil liberties alliance. Would you allow me to stand aside in disgust?

As you may have read before here on Rubicon, Lars Hedegaard used the entire trial to put the blame on me, and that is both wrong and NOT a defense of democracy.

You just lost me guys. Tommy Robinson, Lars Hedegaard, Alain Wagner, Mark Steyn and whoever. You know I made your every corner, you know I gave you a bed to sleep in, and a helping hand when you needed it. I did it, because we are supposed to be friends, guess what, we are not.

Friendship is based on loyalty and honour, this is the exact opposite.

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