
Well this is how the Danish system treat someone who are directing the gaze away from all the excuses and political correct answers and try to enlighten a simple question. Is there a correlation between the fight we fight in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and elsewhere against Al-Queda and the problems we have in Denmark and Europe at large. I mean, these people are actively trying to change our democracies into something else.

It is not racism, it is not a rejection of all Islam. It is the rejection of the imperialist and honestly the enemies of the West and the East.

The Danish system has tried to change my course through vilification, exclusion, public trial, torture of my daughter and now an outright attempt on my life.

Just because I support our American friends in their attempt on solving the problems. Again not an attempt based on racism or hate, but on the virtues of our democracy.

Do you feel elated, because you have the power over me? Do you feel strong because you can try and direct my writing away from your tacit support to Al-Queda?

Well, I suppose murder is not too little, and honestly I do worry what your next move will be. Will you murder Rakel. Will you torture Maria? Will you do something else in your arsenal of corrupt methods?

I fight for freedom, and I do it to ensure that we find peace, and I suppose this is too much of a provocation for you. That someone tries to make the world better, while as you have had the chance to make it worse.

G-d bless the will to make a better world.

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