Freedom of speech

imageI have two good friends who are both very different, but still, basically try to fight the same fight. The fight for truth.

One of them you all know as the “radical lady” who got someone shot because of a picture of Mohammad in Texas, blessed be him.

But the other one, you probably do not know. He is an unknown writer, even unknown in Denmark.

His name is Ibi-Pipi, but that is only a recent addition to his signature. In fact he was, until recently, called such a mundane thing as Per Erik.

It however changed when he realized that he was a woman. Or, well not really a woman, he feels like a female lesbian, trapped in a male body, … or something. Anyway, because of the sad predicament, he resolutely changed his gender. A new and very politically correct rule has made it possible for said misnomers, who feel abundantly trapped in someone else’s body, to emancipate themselves and change their gender; officially. Truly, officially, on drivers license, in the bank, and most precarious of all, in the swimming pool……

Being a man, or perhaps a woman, of his words, he therefor, as any persecuted minority, crusaded to the local swimming pool. In the most posh and presumptious city called Viborg. A smallish place with great ambition in the field of appearance.

Mustering all his courage, he ventured into the changing room, and started pulling off his clothes, reaching for a fine bathing suit of womanish proportions.

This however turned into a hoolabalooh of fuss, since, at the time of the day he so chose his endeavor, mostly elderly women used the facility. They, obviously, did not understand the inner conflicts of poor Ibi-Pipi, formerly known as Per Erik.

But, to the rescue, came a political correct headmistress of the swimming pool, and saved the day by, at one hand, respecting the feelings of Ibi-pipi, but at the other hand saving the grace of the sensible eyes of the elderly women, by ushering Ibi-pipi into a room usually used when disabled persons had to change in the swimming pool.

But, o woe, o misery. This really hurt Ibi-Pipi, because there he was, in a room usually used for handicapped people. And he felt a bit disabled by the prerogative. This, while he tried to emancipate his inner lesbian!

But, he will have to carry on, finding his inner lady, lesbian, female. Oh whatever! Because, the keen observer will see, that the king did not have in clothes on, islamophobia is a lie, and perhaps Ibi-Pipi IS trying to get a message across to us, we all sitting here in our plush armchairs, having all the right opinions, because, just perhaps, have we gone a little too far in protecting all kinds of minorities, without being reflective on it.

Do not get me wrong, I really like gays. In fact, I love when they do all their glitter and party thing. But, maybe we should look on ourselves from time to time, and be humble.

G-d bless the light of the artists.

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