Middle East and diplomacy

It is with great joy, that I see, that Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump has finally had an opportunity to talk to each other. It is good, because that will, hopefully, put a break on some of the escalation of the different conflicts in the world. 

If the two great powers do not speak to each other, conflict will ensure. 

Donald, you need a strategy in the Middle East as well. Talking to Mr Putin is a good thing, it may end the Syrian conflict, and that will be a great foreign policy victory. 

But from there on, there is the entire Middle East discussion and especially the Israel discussion. 

I happen to believe, that working with proxies, does not make much sense. Now it seems that Hamas is severing its ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. But then who are the new supporter of Hamas?

Middle East politics is extremely complicated, and in itself a work. Barack and I had a lot a success with it in the first term, a work that led to the Iran peace deal. But it takes a lot of energy to work with. 

You can outsource it to Jared Kushner. But he needs to seriously up his game if he is to be taken serious. 

If he does not want to speak with me, I cant see how that will happen, but that is up to him. 

All in all, you need to either give it a lot of thought yourself, or find a good man to do all the ground work. 

I will help whoever you chose to do the work. 

But, again, good job with Putin, that is something you both deserve. And by the way. You will find, that Vladimir Putin is a good friend. You can trust him, he is on the top of his game in Russia, which is a lonely place. But he is a man you would bring to battle, because he will have your six.

G-d bless the will to find peace.

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