New moves against Ahmadinejad

We are behind the lead of Ahmadinejad now, because he now has won a respite. The letter he send to the Americans is only a letter send to buy him time. He knows that the Americans are unwilling to engage in an all out destructive war. So he shows the world, that America has no resolve.

We have to keep up the pace with him, show the world, that we are not fooled.

We can do that by actively supporting the enemies of Ahmadinejad. How? support some of the prodemocratic forces in the iranian election. It is called “the green movement”, and it is led by an antagonist of Ahmadinejad called Mir Hossein Mousavi.

We are very close to the election in March in Iran, and we have seen demonstrations and opposition to the mullahs in this occurrence.

Perhaps by showing open support to the green movement, we could step up the pressure on Ahmadinejad, he would be very scared of that move.

The Iranians are a good people, they are still, unconsciously holding on to some of the Zoroastrian philosophy of yore, and that is the beauty of that land. Cyrus and the amazing civilisation Persia used to be.

Perhaps this civilisation could reemerge. I hope so, and by showing a support for a reemergence combined with democracy, we would act in the interest of the iranian people.

G-d bless the dream of international solidarity and brotherhood

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