
Now, the downfall of the European Union should not stop the peace process in the Middle East. I know that these two things are interconnected, but, a major war for a caliphate by Islamic State in Europe, is not exactly the best PR stunt for Islam.

Islam is, as any other religion prone to go berserk or find peace. It is like that. You can choose what you want to do yourself.

I have tried to support the downfall of IS, while I have tried to put up the framework for a cooperation between all three monotheistic religions.

We must do both, and I know this will seem difficult right now, but if the situation is controlled in Europe, hopefully the conflict will be limited.

But for now, I hope we can find as much peace as possible, for the wellbeing of man. And always remember, the Jew, gentile, Christian, Muslim or atheist, we are all people, created in the vision of spirit.

we can choose to go down in hail of flame as the IS supporters, or we can choose to serve mankind.

G-d bless the will to be peaceful in the face of overwhelming odds.

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