
mk7-drouaisThe current archbishop of Cantebury, his excellency Welby is a radicalist. At least this is his own words. In his opinion, radicalism is at the heart of what it is to be Christian.

I have pondered a bit about it, and actually I must say that I agree. To be Christian is to be radical.


Well, when Jesus Christ was condemned to the cross, he did it because he was radical! The exact occasion was a sunday when he was, by the pharisees, told not to heal a person, because at that day it is not allowed.

Being a radical, he refused to obey, and went along healing anyway.

In the monastery that Jesus Christ is supposedly a student, the monastic order of the Essenes, they do not seem that benign either. The story about the warriors of light against the sons of darkness. Bright young men standing there with the emblazoned and gilded weapons waiting for the cry of the horn of Michael. That is not a benign story, but a radical story.

But if we look a little deeper into the matter, we see, again and again, that the matter where Jesus Christ took a stand, was ethical matters in opposition to orthodoxy. So it is not just being radical because of that, it is because radicalism leads to a better and more just world.

Perhaps this can be to some use in the campaigning for England; make it a just cause.

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