
250px-Moses_Pleading_with_Israel_(crop)These days a miracle i happening in the Middle East, a place on earth that has witnessed warfare since the days of the Babylon Kings and the Egyptian Pharoes. Now a strange settlement i descending on the Middle East, and this is because of why? Because the Middle East have a sense of a chance in the world of politics. When the Ottomans where there, they just seized what they wanted, when the Romans were there, they just seized what they wanted, when the colonial powers were there, they basically did not care anymore. There was a distant respect for Egypt, but no-one cared really about the ancient homeland of civilization.

This a huge blow to all who come from the Middle East, there is a sense, that people around the world should respect what the Assyrians, Jews, Arabs, Persians, Egyptians and many more people, what they gave to the world. As the political system we call the Republic, as mathematics, latin letters, psychology, religion, science, philosophy and all these things that has been developed in the Middle East.

Now, there is a chance to have a come back. It is real, it rides on the conscience and the skill of the Middle East, and it needs only another king i Jerusalem.

If we stop the warmongering, if we begin working together. We can rebuild the Middle East to what it was. Dust of the old beautiful gardens, put up new universities, engage with skill in what we made originally.

It will not be easy, but it is possible.

This is what we are working on, as a side project to the rebirth of the G-d of Moses.

G-d bless the will to rebirth.

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