The security of Europe is so damned and haphazard. I will give you an example. If you read a few years ago, you may have followed my harsh criticism of the Danish state in their outright persecution of my little jewish daughter. This was planned and executed by the PM of that time Helle Thorning-Schmidt the now chairman of children’s rights, talk about a turn around there!
Anyway the childtorturer had a henchman called Jacob Scharff. He was the head of the Danish security system called PET. The equivalent of FBI.
Anyway, this man, who has gone beyond all measures of civilised behaviour, tortured a little Jewish girl, to shut me up, is now, guess what, talking about more rehab for Islamists.
I mean, it is not that he does not have it in him to use ALL tools in the toolbox, a person who would make Donald Trump look like Santa Claus when it comes to the use torture. But when it comes to terrorists, he is all for a warm embrace, more cuddling, a new toy and luxury tour to Ibiza all at the expense os the Danish state.
That is ridiculous.
What we need to do, is to hammer down on the mosques that are producing the jihadis that go and rape Danes, Syrians, Yazidi and who else who are not in line with their fascists views. We need to take this serious.
Now, the PET have proved, on my little daughter, that they know how to persecute and bring the pain to someone. I believe I am the wrong target, and I believe, that we have some human rights in this country. So torture and persecution is not within the bounds of a serious state, remember, we are supposed to be a good example!
What we need, is for the system, to take the threats serious. Move within the laws, and put to jail, repatriate and in other ways move the terrorist to where they belong; out of the reach of bombs and weapons of mass destruction.
Grow some balls. I am sorry, if you do not take this serious, the state will fall. If that is not a serious consequence, what is?
G-d bless the peace we will eventually find.