The courtcase against Mr. Hedegaard

In the court case against Mr. Lars Hedegaard, I had the honour, or some would say, the dishonour to coincidentally have propelled him into a serious case.

One could discuss the case itself, but, let it rest. We need to move on to other fights, and leave the fights with no real content.

The real fight, the fight we should have fought was the fight against the oppression of the state as it is represented in the paragraph; 266 B. According to this paragraph it is not allowed for a citizen to harm minorities in a verbal assault.

The paragraph has been used by the state to harras and dishonour the politicians and leading intellectuals, when they have criticized Islam. Since Islam, somehow, has been deemed a minority by the state, it has earned the protection of the public system.

That Islam is a minority is, in itself false. Islam is a worldspanning religion/political system with an ever-growing memberpool. So, globally Islam is not a minority, it is a part of the majority. Now, I suppose, the system only targets the Danish muslim minority, and that goes hand in hand with most theory in democracy.

The question is, are we talking about a minority in Denmark? First of all, the precise number of muslims in Denmark is more or less a secret. The state is well aware of the number, but it is deemed unfit for the public to know exactly the number of muslims in the country, the number of muslims with citizenship, and the exact location of their living. But there is no doubt muslims are, all in all, a minority in Denmark.

However, looking at the demographic concentration of muslims, another picture emerges. Muslims are, in general, concentrated in specific areas. Like Nørrebro, where they, often, persecute other religions and people with other skin colour. This is done by harassment, even rapes and other types of semi warlike conduct. According to the media, there are places where the muslims try to force the state itself by calling for sharia zones, that is a replica of the caliphate. This is an open attack on democracy itself.

So, the discussion of whether the muslims are a minority is much more complicated that just the counting of citizens in the country with either a muslim background or a secular or christian/jewish background.

Taking the case a step further, the main discussion of the case is evident. It is the discussion the case should have revolved around.

The confrontation lies with two opposing principles. One, the protection of minorities. Two, freedom of speech. Protection of minorities is supported by paragraph 266B. Freedom of speech is protected by the constitution in paragraph 77.

Now, the case should have revolved around the two opposing paragraphs, and the question is; which paragraph is the strongest, or trumps the other in this case?

There is no doubt, that Mr. Hedegaard should be evicted if he is accused and held accountable under the paragraph 266B, so is there a motivation for letting him off the hook, in the other paragraph?

Well paragraph 77 is quite clear; you are free to say whatever you wish unless you violate another law. Since Hedegaard did violate the law in paragraph 266B there is no discussion, he is guilty.

However, one could argue, that what he said, was said in a frame where freedom of speech was the main issue of the situation. Mr. Hedegaard is the chairman of the Free speech society, I am a socratic philosopher. So clearly the interview was in the interest of free speech.

That would have been the serious and correct defense. If Hedegaard lost, then it would have been free speech that had lost to paragraph 266B that is against the spirit of a democracy.

As Voltaire said; I may hate you for saying a thing, but I would defend you to my death to protect your right to say it.

Well, we should have taken that true fight, and the respect and honour of both Hedegaard and Denmark at large would have been greater.

At least we can say that the Socratic philosopher did not suffer the inconsequent defense of Mr. Hedegaard, and therefore some honour of Denmark was not lost. But in the long run, I think it is time to basically take away the label “minority” from the muslims. Why? Because they not are really a minority anymore, they abuse their minority status, and they should play by the same rules as everybody else.

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