The Right Sector is a neo national organization, that has ties with the National Socialists, and used to be anti semitic. Well, things can evolve, and it seems to me, that the Right Sector is on a new path. In the conservative grass-roots political development, things have changed rapidly over the last four – five years, and a lot of new ways have been projected. I know this from my work at SIAD.
If the Right Sector really wants to contribute constructively to the progress of Ukraine, a new set of ideas have to be implemented. But it is extremely difficult, because this would involve changing one self. Changing a systems starts with your own development as a person.
What is really the problem about Ukraine these days? It is the corruption of the current elite. They just want to enrich themselves, and are not willing to sacrifice their prowess to the people of Ukraine. Basically it is an ethical problem. They are godless and egoistic.
So, how do we change that? By implementing new ways. What are these ways seen from a Scandinavian perspective?
Well there are actually two, intertwined. First there are the ancient traditions of our forefathers, and then there is the principle of law.
In the time before we were civilized we had what we called a Freestate. In a Freestate, each man had a vote, and each man could devote that vote to another man or a specific cause. That was why they were free.
But the freedom was balanced off by another very important institution, the institution of the Law stone. When at tinge, you could swear on a specific deal or contract, and that deal was then made holy. Breaking a deal made at the lawstone was a sin to the gods. You simply did not do that. There was a spiritual connection between a man and his word. Word given was word held. In modern terms, you could say, that the honor of a man rests on his word.
This is important to get back to the descendants of that system, that a man is defined by his honesty, and you can rest assured that if he promises something, he will also do it.
This ethical institution spills into a modern concept called law. It is the same. An honest man obeys and defends the law. Because the law is also about principles and honesty.
So this is about giving a fresh start to Ukraine, not just an external defense, but also an internal defense of mans word and the importance of law as guiding principle of man.
G-d bless the mighty warriors of yore.
Јe n’aipas eu le temps dе termineг de reɡarɗer mais je passerai après
Well, we are also in discussion, but we will find a solution.