
The amazing thing about a renaissance, is the fact, that all you thought you knew about the world is changed, and all, from spirituality to economics to political theory is turned upside down.

In the process we often see a lot of violence. When the reformation was started, it went through many phases, ending up with a hundred years of war.

Today we are at the same, a reformation of our societies, and as usual, the philosophers are at the forefront of this development.

Being one of those, who are making some of the ideas in a turbulent world, my greatest worry is all the violence that is constantly threatening.

Then there is all the terror, the downfall of the EU, streams of migration, IS so on and so forth.

These are all things that are ingredients in a cocktail of explosive things to come.

So renaissance philosophy is not anti violent, it has always led to a lot of violence, simply because Change is always the handmaiden of violence.

So how do we try to Change without violence. We do it by understanding the threats, honestly and seriously, and tackle them without prejudice and effectively.

We can still stop Sweden from blowing up, but we need to understand the threat Sweden is in, and all the Western European countries.

We can put a veil on, and stop thinking about it, but that will, almost surely lead to catastrophic waves of violence.

Only through a serious, honest debate about the problems of Europe, can we stop them with a minimal amount of bloodshed.

This is all I have tried to do, create paths that are as humane as possible in a middle of a renaissance.

It is not perfect, and it will not be hundred percent successful, but it is an honest attempt.

G-d bless the will to do good.


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