
Well this is the way it is. The PET sees me, as the main spearhead of the resistance to the multicultural society.

I guess I am. To destroy my ability to function and work. They device all kinds of devious plans to destroy me.

It’s electronic, all of it. So far, I guess.

Now we have been only threatening and not acting so far. They are not in any mood to listen or anything. They are RAMPING up the confrontation.

So either we do something about it, or just accept that they can do whatever they want.

I am not everyone, I am PART of something. Part of the movement that is supposed to move the world to a better place.

I can’t do that, if PET is having free reins to harass me.

THEY NEED TO PAY FOR THE 7’October. Right now they are laughing at us, for being such show offs and pretenders.

Either we do this, or we don’t. Time has run from empty promises to real action.

G-d bless the will to do as we say.

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