Well, I have just had the supreme enjoyment of being able to make an interview with one of my American friends, mr. Basil Hilton jr.
Basil is a new generation of young Americans who are searching for what America is supposed to be, and we had this loooong dialogue on where the US is today, why it is where it is, and where we are going.
I have just had this amazing realisation after having read Heraclitus, that as a natural development of a healthy society, any society needs to go through a phase of cleansing by truth, to avoid falling into the trap of moral corruption.
We know this by another name as well, the phase of a renaissance. A rebirth of the ancient ideas, a vigorazation of the ideas of truth of justice.
So what is really going on these days? Well, we are trying to understand these ancient ideas in the face of new media. How do we keep the faith in the ideas of humanism in social media. The whole Twitter debacle, was a step in this process.
CIA seems to be the harbinger of the process, actually shedding light in some very dark corners of our world. Pretty cool, and just so American, taking the lead in the fight against injustice in this world, where injustice is felt be the most vulnerable of our society.
Renaissances may seem full of promise and beautiful, but truly living in one of them is awful, so it may be painful to look some of the hard truths of our world in eyes, but after facing these things, we actually have a more healthy and sound society.
We are going through a phase, just as in the French Revolution; cleaning the the society of corruption, and that is the basis upon where we will change to meet the new challenges ahead.
People are thinking that we are finished, maybe they have underestimated the strength and the advancement of our civilisation.
G-d bless America and Denmark.