All right, so we are in the opening session of mr. Trumps presidentship. Usually the trajectory of the presidentship is made BEFORE the presidentship. The preparations and so on.
Already things are moving with a surprising speed. That is impressive.
So, we will push these agendas that are present; China, peace in the Middle East, the end of the Ukraine war, the border control, migration of illegals and criminals, but one agenda that seems to be in its infancy is the civil servant agenda. How do make sure, that the state is in shipshape.
So, this is an area, that I will focus on. It’s quite interesting, and it really needs to be dealt with. Our states are ethically in a very difficult position.
Civil servants are not only the police and state prosecutor. It is also schools, the bureaucrats, media and the military.
The military still seems to be in good condition. But we need to focus on getting the rest of the state in a good shape, stop the quangoism and actually make the state do what it is supposed to do; bring justice, enlighten our societies and SERVE the people, not the other way around.
This is about putting up true ideals of civil service. Ideally if our states are working, they bring happiness and joy. With the persecution of conservatives they are currently doing, they are far from that ideal.
Media is an issue. Off cause social media is getting better, due to mr. Musk. But normal media is still very biased, and not anchored in the tradition virtues of enlightenment and truth.
So, this is a potential area. It will not change peacefully, but if we want to get rid of the corruption of our societies, we need address it.
Hopefully we can do it with dialogue. But new ideals have to be put up.
To enlighten is to shed the truth according to its basic tenants.
G-d bless the will to serve the good of society.