Democratic Gaza?

Ok, this is the situation in all its grimness.

There seems to be no appetite for a war, where we dismantle the infrastructure of Hamas, and put them underground.

The result of this, is a slow moving war, that will end up in a stalemate.

The Gaza press is moving the world around slowly.

It will be around two to three weeks.

After that, we will begin discussing the peace, the Americans cannot accept an islamist government, it will gun for a Martin Luther King like state, where the citizens of Gaza will be protected by civil rights, just as everywhere else in the Middle East in the Arab spring.

BUT, and this is important, we need security affirmations. We need to know, that we will be safe, so we should put ALL our interests into making that sure.

So, it will be some kind of democratic institution.

It can work, it works here in Denmark, it has worked in Tunisia, but safe to say, the islamists, and Hamas are islamists, prefer a califate.

So the whole democratic/islamist discussion will revolve around that.

We should be realistic about this, and plan accordingly.

G-d bless the will to be sincere and aim for as stable arrangement as possible. G-d bless Israel.

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