When we discuss the path of the Middle East, we need to understand what basis we are discussing on.
My outset was a sharp turn away from Nietzsche and Karl Marx. I recognize the qualities of both. I get it, Nietzsche was a brilliant thinker, as was Marx.
What I do think they were wrong in was essentially their connection to spirit. Nietzsche held the belief, that there is no G-d, and then purport the idea, that we as men should follow nature in the sense, that we should realize our will.
This comes to me, as an empty purpose of man. Just to wield one’s own will. It also showed with Nietzsche himself, he ended up lonely.
Now I believe, that g-d is alive, and we have to reinvent metaphysics that is the science of spirituality.
Now what will this intend and mean for the Middle East?
Since the Middle East is the birth cradle of religion, it means a whole lot.
The revelations, the principles are a fund of knowledge, that all monotheistic religions drink from, and they are, for the most part, made in the Middle East.
I then believe, that Nietzsche and Schopenhauer were right in the will part. We live with our will. Yet, the goal should be good or rather what the angles and G-d want.
So if we are to reflect on the war and where we want to go. We should go somewhere positive. A place where we are driving in the right direction.
This is really the ethical part. How do we see this world we want to make?
It is an Eden, a paradise as first made in Eridu, the Iraqi city. The first city.
With this spiritual aim in sight, we know that what we need to do, is to improve as men and women. Be better, not be sucked into the material realm and loose out perspective.
If we all think about that improved world, we will eventually all be on the same page.
G-d bless the will to find closure in this conflict, and may the Middle East be as illustrious as it has been.