
I have tried to understand America for some time. The idea of Israel being the promised land, and how it fueled the first pilgrims. The lost American dream, that is not lost, if you understand what it is.

And then lately this whole frontier ideology.

Alaska is the last frontier, space is the new frontier and all that.

It is af if America can only work, if it has a frontier to fight on.

This is true in the sense, that the US needs a fight to survive. Everybody needs a fight to survive. If you are idle, nothing will happen and you will end up not surviving.

So that is what the frontier movement is about; achieving, overcoming difficulties in the face of nature and unforeseen obstacles. Fighting on with one eye, in a winter that is coming.

That is what America is about in the core of its being.

The DIRECTION of the frontier endeavor is what changes.

NASA and the ideas of John F. Kennedy as space is a new frontier, shows that the idea can change and find new traction. This is why I think NASA is obviously extremely valuable. Not to mention the whole drama and mystery around alien life and all that.

But one of the issues with the American dream is, that people have not found a frontier to fight on.

So, we need to find that frontier. Where is the modern frontier of today, what is it.

This is a very important question.

G-d bless the American dream, and may we kindle the light of that dream.

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