
You know, I know a lot about humility. Through my life, I have been a hotshot. First I was one of the greatest stars of Copenhagen in my dancing days.

Then I started in communication, and instantly became a hot shot in that. Over and over, until now, a hotshot in philosophy.

My experience is, essentially all the glamour is not what builds your character. What builds your character is adversity. Problems.

The last ten fifteen years, after I started in politics, I have had to fight my way through. With terrible opponents.

I believe, that this has built my character. I have become a wiser, deeper and less haughty person. I know my own limits, and I am much less prone to think of myself as a winner.

I know, that to get to that point, where I actually win in the greater games, I will have to make countless sacrifices. What I respect in a winner is not that they have won, but I know the countless sacrifices that was underway.

My point is, in regard to the current problems we have in the US. Humility is the first true thing we need to get to. Because winning will require us to have a sound look at ourselves, and see our strengths and weaknesses.

Humility is the basic strength, it will teach us a way out of the problems we are in.

Sometimes looking at our own shortcomings can be difficult, but to learn about a new path and new way to do things, we need to be able to look honestly on ourselves.

Maybe that is what the frontier ideology is about; the struggle to polish our character. That is why it is so important, we need to have the opportunity to really struggle.

Anyway, being a good and honest person, has never been a bad thing, it is what we need now. To climb down from the trees, and see the things we share and nurture that soul of the people.

G-d bless the folk of the United States of America.

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