Keeping a clear head

Ok, so we are a week into this horrible conflict. These are my reflections on the ethical base on what we are fighting with and how.

First of all, we should be very careful to fall into the trap of seeing everybody around us as evil.

We have taken a massive hit, but we should be careful not to dig down mentally and start fighting everybody around us. There is a real danger of us going down the “mental rabbit hole”.

It is a very simple mechanism of the mind. You start to fight, and then you just fight everybody around you. This creates so much animosity towards you, so you end up fighting the whole world. That is the mental rabbit hole, you just dig deeper and deeper, in the end, you get destroyed.

That is what an opponent hopes for, when they attack you.

We have to be clear about who attacked us, and not alienate the entire Middle East. Keep the fight minimal and focused on Hamas, and other groups like them, that fight us.

At the same time, continue the diplomatic work we have with the rest of the Middle East, and keep our positive connections with them.

Be sharp, precise and work on two fronts, diplomatically with our friends around us, and militarily with our enemies.

G-d bless the will to fight for a long lasting peace, that should be the ultimate aim of this conflict.

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