Keeping Israel safe

Ok, let’s see if we can untangle the current situation.

And I must underline, that this not about me, but about the danger, that is pretty clear. An Israel without friends at all, is a dangerous place to be.

We are talking about a two state solution. What is really the problem with this, seen from an Israeli perspective?

It is the fact, that a sovereign state, that holds the right to bear arms, is a viable threat to Israel.

In the equivalent for Gaza, the Indian territories in the US, the inhabitants there does not have states, and they are not violent against the rest of the society.

This has lead to a situation, where there is peace between the rest of the US and the few remaining indigenous people. It was a choice that the indigenous people made themselves, they chose not to fight to be able to survive.

In these days, there is a great relationship between the territories and the rest of the US.

But it really comes down to the ability and wish to do violence.

If Hamas and other Palestinians did not want to fight Israel, it would not be a problem.

But they are still in it for the fight, and therefor it is a very palpable threat to Israel.

That is really the problem.

If Hamas and others that wish to harm Israel gets to build a state, and thereby have the means to fight Israel, Israel will not be safe.

So there are, essentially, two choices. Either we do not build a state, and keep Israel safe that way. Or we build a state, that does not have the potential to destroy or harm Israel.

The latter option is what the US is trying to obtain.

It is, essentially, a compromise. It gives Gazans respect, and thereby, hopefully make them become friendlier to Israel.

It is still in its infancy, the whole discussion. So we dont know, if it is possible.

But that is where we are.

G-d bless the will to do an enlightened debate on the Israel/Gaza conflict.

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