Make America have a comeback!

This is just kind of an explanation to mr. Trump.

Just to be clear, I am not trying to take any of your success from you. You have, hands down, really done it. So it is more kind of a service, so you may see the ideas in its entirety. To support your efforts to make a comeback for the US.

My whole journey started in university. I have a majors in history and communication.

So, we were reading this amazing book by Paul Kennedy; the rise and fall of the great powers. It is around thirty years ago I was at university, so it’s a long time ago.

But this book was really interesting. It analyzed the relationship between being a big power and why the these rose and fell.

It is a thorough analysis, and the conclusion was, that there is a very direct relationship between economy and power status.

It was quite clear; China will overtake us all.

Remember this is thirty years ago, so at that time China had just begun.

So I decided to fight for our cause. It began with Barack’s fight against Mitt Romney, who had been a outsourcerer. So that kind of made a whole new direction of American foreign policy. The old fight against Soviet communism was over and it tilted over to focusing on China. And to follow the argument of Kennedy; focus on economical growth.

It has tilted the balance quite a lot, the US is now competing, toe to toe with China, really good economical growth and so on.

Hopefully we will win in your term. Breaking the development of China.

The loan market in China is tanking, and may just crash, as in Japan. This will stop the rapid growth, that has been state sponsored, and put us back at the helm.

Especially EVs are these days flooding the international market, state sponsored and so on.

So it’s about making things is the West. Competing on a plain and level economic field.

So we are close, and of cause the theory behind it is much more advanced. But these are the basic arguments.

It is an ECONOMIC warfare, it may spill out into a physical war.

The Chinese are really great hackers, but terrible fighters. So if an actual fight over Taiwan commences, our chances are pretty good.

So these are my motives and arguments. It has worked very good so far. And probably we will see us victorious in your next term.

So, let’s focus and get this done.

G-d bless the United States of America.

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