May we have peace

There is actually a chance to make a democratic Syria as is.

It can only be done, if the Syrians want it themselves.

This can be done, if the rebels put the state on the path of a democratic constitution.

I know that it is difficult. Yet there has been so much suffering in Syria, and we risk more chaos if this continues.

So my advise is; make it. Put up a comitee of all the powers in Syria, and just make the constitution.

It is simple; one man one vote.

If you wish, make it a more loose structure as in Denmark. Where there are many smaller parties, to reflect the complexity of the society (Israel has modelled its system over the Danish).

The alternative is more conflict and more destruction.

The Danish system is not perfect. I suffer the same darkness as in the old Syria, being imprisoned by the disgusting Danish secret service.

So it’s not perfect. Yet the Democratic part is well done.

If you want I will help you making a new constitution.

G-d bless the will to make a better world. May we have peace in the Middle East. May the Syrian people have peace.

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